Global Politics
The British Legislators have frustrated and blocked Brexit move to leave the European Union as Boris Johnson the British Prime Minister looks on.
KAMPALA-UGANDA: The Citizens of the United Kingdom are crying foul and they been made hopelessness in their move to push for brexit, even the British Prime Minister Booris Johnson has been cough up in his own political gimmick, the political observer intimates.
Mr. John Mwaka a Ugandan born British Citizen says the citizens of UK want to move out of European Union, but the question of Brexit is failing them, however much as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s effort has hit deadlock.
Mr. Mwaka says the failure of Brexit is based on the fact that the British Legislators don’t want Britain to move out of European Union against the demands of the referendum voted in support of Brexit a year ago under the administration of May the former British Premier Mr. Mwaka reasoned.
“To counter the deadlock, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson now has a plan to call for snap election so that the citizens can vote the members of the House of Commons opposed to the move out of the British Parlaliment reasoning that the new MP could support to pass the motion in support of Brexit.” Mwaka noted.
Mwaka adds that the Britons have learnt that most of the immigrants who entered into the UK, from Eastern Europe, some of them pretending to be baggers, while actually they are not but extremely rich back in their countries of origin because the money they work for is not meant to develop the UK but is sent back for development at home. These findings had shocked many of the Britons to the point of majority supporting the idea of Brexit.
Why then brexit now?
According to political pundits, the British Citizens reason to move out of European Union was compounded by many issues, first and foremost, the British Citizens want all the immigrants from other EU member countries to leave their country after the UK move out, because this could be the only way they would protect their jobs.
The political analysts for Oyengyeng News, have learnt that most of the immigrants to the UK were from Eastern Europe, including counties like Moldova with the nominal GDP of $2560 million, Ukraine with the nominal GDP of $3560 million. Kosovo with the nominal DGP of $3190 million, Albania with the nominal GDP of $4450 million, Bosnia Herzegovina with the nominal GDP of $4780 million, Republic of Serbia nominal with the GDP of $5820 million, Montenegro with the nominal GDP of $5150 million, Bulgaria with the nominal GDP of $7320 million, and Romania with the nominal GDP $1520 million
These are all poor countries lying in the Eastern side of Europe that their citizens as immigrants entered UK illegally from their countries to exploit their wealth.
It is reported that when immigrants from Eastern Europe enter Britain, they take up low jobs like sweeping, working in gardens attending to flowers and take low industry jobs, while others remain as beggars but back home they have built mansions, the findings reveal.
This findings were a beater pill for the Britons to swallow since they have now realized that the UK under the Europeans Union was increasingly becoming an under dog with the nominal GDP of $2.83 trillion as of November 2019 as compared to other countries like Germany which has a nominal GPD of $4 trillion.
It should be bone in mind that the top 20 countries in the world now are; USA with a normal GDP of $20.47 trillion, China with a nominal GDP of $13.341 trillion, Japan with a nominal GDP of 4.97 trillion , Germany with a nominal GDP of $4 trillion, UK with a nominal GDP of $2.83 trillion, France with a nominal GDP of $2.78 trillion, India with a nominal GDP of $2.72 trillion, Italy with a nominal DGP of $2.07 trillion, Brazil nominal GDP $1.87 trillion, Canada nominal GDP $1.71 trillion, Russian nominal GPD, $1.63 trillion, South Korea nominal DGP $1.62, Spain nominal GDP $1.43, Australia nominal GDP $1.42 trillion, Mexico nominal GDP $1.22 trillion, Netherland nominal GDP $912.90 billion, Saudi Arabia nominal GDP $782.48 billion, turkey $7855.43 billion and Swaziland with a nominal GDP of $703.5 billion.
Thus, The United Kingdom move to quit the EU is just because they have realized that their economy has come down based of the fact that England for long has been the dominant and the conqueror of the world order.
Thus, now that their dominance has come under threat from the likes of Germany whose nominal GDP now stands to double the United Kingdom nominal GDP, as per November 2019 GDP ratings released, there was need to act now and Brexit is seen as a step forward to revamp their ailing economy and protect their people.
According to political Panduit and a renounced critic of the United Kingdom administration, the Brexit happened because the United Kingdom Citizens have realized that the immigrants from Eastern Europe have taken up their jobs because being under Europeans Union had opened their borders to all populations of the member states of European Union, arising from the fact that all countries that subscribe to the European Union have their citizens free to seek jobs or entering in any member states of the UE.
What next if the brexit succeeded
The United Kingdom is in the move for the new colonial conquest, the UK sees that they have one of the biggest world markets under the Commonwealth Countries, thus by quitting UE; they still have the belief that they will trade with their former colonies and become economically and politically a strong balancing power. Political observer notes.
They also view that the personnel they have trained under their Common Wealth Umbrella are competent enough to help them to overcome the current economic bottlenecks they are facing and they also have a strong belief that they can still exert control and influence over the majority of the poor countries in Africa and eastern Asia especially under their common wealth umbrella.
This does not sound like a political conquest but economic conquest and search that are currently taking shape all over the world particularly over the control of oil deposits and fresh water bodies which are the ground flesh water bodies found in eastern Uganda and also between Darfur and Chad.
They also want to take on the agro based industries found in northern Uganda and south Sudan. Britain is also looking for a new home in Africa just like the Dutch have a home in South Africa.
Challenges they are likely to face
One challenge they are likely to face is that how much they are prepared to deal with the issue of white color jobs they left 50 years ago.
The issue of the growing scarcity of land due to high population explosion facing African continent, how much are they prepared to contain this young African population that are in need of employment.
How much are they prepared technologically to counter the African economies that are now more and more bending on trading with Asian countries such as china, India, Korea, Japan and others
Indeed, without critical examination of these potential obstacles taken into perspective, then the Brexit may remain a nightmare than a reality.