Col. Benard Kashemeza Robaine the Bridge Commander 501 is remanded to Makindi updf MILITARY Barrack, The hunter is now being haunted
The hunter is being haunted, the former UPDF Bridge Commander 501, Brig. Bridge Commander 501 Col. Benard Kashemeza Robaine is arrested following President Museveni UPDF commander-in-chief, transported to UPDF military Headquarter, now facing Army military court Martial.
Grace Freedom Kwecwiny, the state minister for Northern Uganda, on Thursday, December 14, 2023. became vocal to remind, the perpetrators, “Scavenger” destruction of the environment in Apaa enclaved to face the law.
Speaking to Northern Uganda Media Club, in Gulu City at the Office of the Prime Minister, Kwecwiny appeared charged to dispel her duty.
“The person who has brought eighty thousand migrants to Apaa, cutting down trees in Joka government forest, and Uganda Wildlife Game Reserved must be brought to book.” Grace Freedom Kwecwiny warns.
The state minister for Northern Uganda, reasoned that whereas, Acholi and Madi communities, both are the residence of Amuru and Adjumani districts respectively, they never tempted to destroy Joke Forest, the biggest forest inhabitat in Northern Uganda which is a rennouced forest home to Epenpants birthplace.
As you are aware, the Executive Order banned commercial charcoal burning and trade. However, we continue to impound truckloads of charcoal, the most recent being in Amuru where trailers had loaded 1,100 bags of charcoal heading to markets.
This must stop. As instructed before, we are implementing the executive order no. 3 of 2023.
“Please report any matter that requires our attention to our officers at this desk.” Kweceiny warns.
Apaa eviction.
Apaa eviction that is commission started way back between. I don’t know who started the burning of 800 grass thatch that hurts the Acholi community who have been living in Apaa when God created the world.
I am happy that UPDF 4th Division Commander Brig. General Mekeul Kabango went there, and he found 80,000 the people who came from Luwero, Nakasongola, Bugiri, Masaka, districts in Central Uganda, other are from Bunyoro, Masindi, Kiryadongo, Hoima, Kabale, Kasesse, Mbarara, Rukungiri, Busenyi in South of Uganda.
Tororo, Busia, Bugisu, Soroti, Lira, people form North-Eastern Region, while there are people who have come from Rwanda, Tanzania, DR.Congo, Kenya and Burundi they have been evicted.
When they were chased, they came to my office, it is not anybody’s business to keep them here for excitement, they should go to their respectives places they have come from, i regretted that inccidance 80 percent who were found there were not from Acholi or Adjumani. they were found in the government land and contested land; the people who brought them should be brought to bool.
According to Environmental experts in the region the Minister is following the law and as such she was aware that the law has been passed. That decision is based on the band, the minister is fulfilling her obligation of implementing Presidential executive order Number 3, banned of charcoal business in North-Eastern Uganda.
The action of the minister of state in Northern Uganda will help to improve environmental trees growing in Northern Uganda to help degeneration of fauna and fora in the region.
Environmental conditions are another thing experts warn.
One the band on charcoal and trees cutting will regulate cutting of trees, it helps recover environmental growth.
Two, it will improve the environment in the region, all those will be done according to Uganda Constitutions that provide that the citizens of Uganda must live in the clean environment, cutting of trees intervenes in the law.
“Once you live well in a good environment that the law provides the citizens to live in a clean environment, the work of the minister works in accordance with the constitutions of Uganda. aware that the band has been put, third, that the law must be regulated to everybody to follow the law.”
We are not saying stopping or impounding trailers loaded with 1,100 charcoal is the only remedy to stop trees cutting, but what will protect environmental degradation is the band reinforcing the band.
Because the trailer trucks still will find their way to Kampala, as the clear fees from all the relevant authorities, the charcoal will be there.
For over years, 80,000 migrants based in Joka Forest, Apaa enclaved have been transporting 100 trailers trucks to Kampala. the person behind who called those 80,000 migrants to Joke government forest and Apaa disputed areas. Is now behind the bar. Col. Benard Kashemeza Robaine has left 400 acres of Maize plantation in Apaa which is ready for harvesting.
The hunter is now being haunted.