Global Politics
COVID-19 The USA HITS MOST, Global warming cut down by 50 percent
Narendra Damodardas Modi, the Prime Minister of India ordered total curfew that all the citizens remain in door until March 31st 2020. To avoid Coronavirus COVID-19 wreck world havoc.
Coronavirus COVID-19 threatens cultural lockdown, Acholi communities in rural areas are threaten to mob justice any strangers.
The world is wondering that is the purpose of the media campaign to settle the trade war between China and the USA or introduce financial markets to prepare the stage of financial markets for mergers and acquisition.
But even if the USA and the China trade war, if the USA has a hand in China woe, it is down of the USA economy too.
If Ebola Epidemic had happened in China as it have happened in Northern Uganda in 2000, with the death tolls of 67 percents death rates, the world would have run amock.
According to the University of Hamburg data, the number of death in the first two month of 2020, 14,703 Corona Virus, 69,602 common cold, 140, 584 Malaria, 153,696 Suicide, 193,479 road accidents 240,950 HIV loss, 358,471, alcohol, 716,498 smoking and 1, 177,141 cancer.
KAMPALA-UGANDA: Fred Opio Gulu District Health Inspector says Coronavirus CODIV-19 started in one of the market from China, from the sea meat that has conronavirus, Gulu Scientist urged.
“Although many school of thought attributed sources from the myths, but it originated from China market.” Opio argued.
President Museveni for the first time spokes candid to declare that Coronavrius covid-19 is dangerous to humanity and ordered close down of all private and state owned learning institutions in the country on Friday 18, March 2020.
Private schools both primary and post secondary schools officially close their door to pupils and students just on Thursday March 19 while the government headed schools shut down on Friday 20th 2020, education sending 15 million learners home.
“The government cannot allow coronavirus to infect our children in schools, because we have about 15 million students who are in primary education, secondary education and Universities education. Uganda has not yet registering any conronavirus, but when we have register any person with the virus we are going to take more measure.”President Museveni says on Wed. during state of the nation address in Kampala, but one person from Dubai the following day .
The latest number of COVID-19 affected 341, 526 people and the death tolls is at 14,703. Italy top up in death tools with 5,476 follow by China with death tolls of 3,270, Spain death tolls is at 1,813 and Iran death tolls stand at 1,605 by press time.
President Museveni called for national prayer at Entebbe state lodge inviting all religious demonination, head of government civic, Members of Parliament and Ministries.
The services was led by Arch Bishop Stephen Kazinga Mugalu says President Museveni calls for national prayer is a direct appeals to the God.
“When pestilent epidemic occur, it was King who pray to Gog as it happened, we now agreed that our President Museveni did the right things to call for prayer.”
Although Ugandans clerics cried to God in all summon, but the most convenient words would be the words of Abraham God appeared to him before the destruction of Gomora and Sodome.
“Our father Abraham asked God that if there were any one faithfully person found in Gomora, had beged God to spare them, now….”
The world awash with night mere
Narendra Damondardas Modi the India Prime Minister ordered for a week long, Indians to remain in door. While United Kingdom streets remain empty, the USA, the whole Europeans Countries closed their Airports and boarder entry.
Iran has released 8,000 prisoners from the prison industries. What shock the world is silent of guns in the Middle East.
By yesterday Arab Emirates Republic shut down their airport ordered 3600 planes, and New York City one of the biggest world city a week ago closed their airport
The food stuff and cultural attitudes
There is a total breakdown in Gulu City currently were there is fear in every homestead , and the information circulating is that those people who are coming from Kampala are not being welcomed in any homestead.
The fear have gone viral that even inter district movement has been banned, no person coming or going out of Gulu to Kitgum, as well those who are going to Pader districts.
This prompted the prices of other commodities like salt to rise up from UGX 700 half a packet to UGX 2,000, 1KG of bean from UGX 3500 to UGX 4000.
The Uganda People Defense Forces UPDF and Uganda Police Forces together with Conornavirus COVID-19 Task Force team in Gulu district rounded and closed down all the bars and arresting some sex workers in the crackdown Operation.
Only Peyero bar belonging to Gen. Salim Sale concubine Harriet Aber was not close, all shops have been close.
My heart is bleeds
George Lapir Aligaz says in Omoro Development forum that Rebecca Kadaga scientific expert said that their cure for COVID-19 will kill all virus including bacteria, there is no needs to investigate the credentials of any doctor who thinks bacteria are various.
It is a tragedy that any country is run in a haphazard manner like this, why is the president (a parliament (a lawyer discussing , a cutting edge) medicinal product without real experts standing next to them. Do those people care about science, do they care about evidence.
How does the president endorse? A product without due diligence? May we please see the published researched in peer reviewed journal?
My heart bleeds, Uganda, the hand that produced, in no particular order Dr.Lukwiya, Dr. Geoffrey Mukasa Mukwaya (a real expert in internal medicine). Dr. Nanli Kangereazi ( a distinguished pediatrician and expert in HIV/AIDS and so many others that are just happened call away.
Adong Christine a vendor in Gulu City decried that the on going operation Gulu District Police Commander is misleading UPDF who are in the operation; they just close shops and eating joint.
The latest, Uganda Police Forces has arrested Principal of Mother Ludiya Private School in Gulu for defying President Museveni order that no public gathering, and the Uganda Refugee Law Project Otim Patrick who was holding workshop in Gulu, Okema Jimmy Patrick Okema the PRO for Aswah Northern Regional Police
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