Global Politics
Breaking News (Omoro District Isolation COVID-19 Center without medical facilities, suspected cases has no bed )
A total of 47 patients have been isolated in Omoro District presenting with signs and symptoms of the world deadly viral infection of covid 19.
The patients were identified from Lakwan health Centre III on Monday morning after they have gone for treatment.
Damascus Odongo, the Speaker Omoro District Local Government told media on Tuesday morning that the 47 are currently locked up in Opit Senior Secondary School.
Odongo explained that a team of police enforcement officers responded and rounded the health facility by 11:00AM ON Monday before the suspects were isolated.
He however noted that the patients were dumped at the school since starving yet some of them were in bad medical condition.
“We hoped they would be tested or treated after the isolation but to our surprise, the 47 aren’t left even without food and yet some of them are suffering with malaria” Odongo explains.
“When 47 people were taken to Opit with the hope that they will get tested or treatment, but to their surprise they were left even without food stuff. And yet some of them are suffering with malaria.”
The suspects according to him include 17 children whose conditions have gone to worse at the isolation centre.
However, as the situation complicated from disease to hanger at the facility, Odongo revealed that the Woman Member of Parliament for Omoro Catherine Lamwaka rushed in this morning with food supply to the suspects.
He blamed the health department in the District for slow response in such situation at the time the country is concentrating to containing the mass spread of the virus.
“I have tried to contact the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah who is still at Lalogi but he says he will try to communicate to the DHO.” Odongo added
The attempt to reach the DHO of Omoro Dr. Ongom Robert though his known phone number was futile by press time as he could not answer the repeated calls.
However, on yet another address to the nation on Monday evening, President Museveni has banned politicians from any form of donation in the country directly to the locals to contain the possible outburst of covid 19 in the general population.
The President maintained that such practice will increasingly promote social gathering against the guiding principle of social distancing and ordered police to arrest anybody found culpable and charged with attempted murder as offence.