Agago and Lamwo community faced famine following disarmament of cattle rustlers
Disarmament in Karamoja has resulted in to famine outbreak in Acholi sub region
East Acholi – Uganda Public policy usually addresses real or sensed problems, and a great deal of public policy analysis is therefore devoted to defining or clarifying problems and assessing needs.
By Christopher Nyeko
LAMWO-UGANDA: The Legislator’s role according to social public policy analysis should usually address real, or sensed problems and a great deal of public policy analysis is therefore devoted to defining and clarifying problems and assessing needs of populations. But for the cases of Foreign Minister Oryem Okello and Hon Moses. On the contrary, over three hundred are facing femine.
The worst case scenario taking tool on the population in the areas bordering Karamoja region are the malnutrition in Agago and Lamwo districts that are attributable to food insecurity, poor standards of child care, a poor public health environment and inadequate access to health care.
The assessment from Oyeng Yeng News teams also found that women lacked sufficient time to learn about nutrition and health, or to properly wean and take care of children.
Over three thousand people in the sub counties of Orom in Kitgum District and Lapono, Paimol and Omiya Pacua all in Agago district are reportedly facing hunger as a result of Karamojong disarmament.
The Councilor III of Orom Sub County, Kitgum district says in the past the Karamojong rustlers although their action was also catastrophic on humans, they were the barber zone in pores border stopping elephants from destroying food crops.
Calls to disarms the Karamojong – a pastoralist community in the northeastern districts of Moroto and Kotido, accused for years of carrying out armed cattle raids against neighboring districts – became louder early last year, with some local authorities in neighboring districts carrying out disarmament on a small scale.
However, comprehensive disarmament did not start until December, when President Yoweri Museveni travelled to the region to launch the program. Between 2 December, when it began, and 29 December, the Karamojong had voluntarily handed in 7,000 illegal firearms, Museveni stated in his New Year address to the Ugandan people.
The Ugandan government has described this response as “excellent”, and attributed the program’s success mainly to Museveni’s personal involvement in touring Karamoja to support the exercise and appealing for donor funds to help develop the drought-prone region.
Qurino Olum, the Chairman Local Council III for Orom sub says since the disarmament started the wild animal from Kidepo valley National Game Park has been reportedly escaping from the park and continuing to destroy crops from the farms, the beasts even attacking people which has resulted into many lost of lives.
Olum says over 20 people have been killed by elephants since the disarmament took place to invade their villages and destroy huts since 2018.
He blames Uganda wild life Authority for failing to control the animal from moving to ungazetted areas.
Olum explained that when the Karamojong were with guns, they used to practice grazing of their cattle along the animal’s corridor that were allocated by Uganda wildlife authority UWA.
He adds that the presence of guns by the Karamojong used to help farmers to carry out agriculture and permanent settlement since the animal was confined and controlled by the rustlers.
Olum decried the disarmament lamenting that, “now that the government has disarmed the Karamojong, we don’t have means to stop animals from the park from destroying our crops,
According to the report from Secretary Production Orom Sub county,it indicates that over 25,000 acres of crops has been eaten off by elephant and warthogs in a decade,
In 2020, over 500 acres of gardens of local farmers were destroyed by elephants and warthogs. The most affected crops are sorghum, maize, potatoes and cassava
The most affected area in Orom sub coutyare Lutor village, Toboi, Agoromin, Akurumo, Lunganyura , Ojorongoleand Wilyec. While the affected area in Agago district include Lapono, Omiya pacua and Paimol Sub county
Ojok Leonard chairperson local council five of Agago district acknowledged that over 400 acres of crops have been destroyed in the village of Layita, Omoro, Lujim in Omiya Pacua by elephant.
Peter Luwari chairperson local council one of Lutor village Gule parish Orom sub county while on an interview with reporter of Uganda Radio Network revealed that before the karamojong disarmament, his subject used to produce much cassava, maize and sorghum for food security
Luwari continued that his people were the supplier of the food produce such as maize sorghum to Kotido, Karenga and Kabong district but now now they are dependent and have resorted to look for food from their neighborsNamokora Sub County which is not hits by elephant
Josephine Akelloa secretary women affair says since their crops wasdestroyed; the demand for foods has become rampant whichhas resulted into increase in domestic violence, school dropout and early child marriage
Akello revealed that young girls aged of between 13 to 17 are being forced by their parent from the village to go seek for casual work in the neighboring sub county of Namokora, Omiya Anyima, Mucwini and Kitgum Municipality in order to get food for family sustainability
Odera John Bosco aged 49 a resident of Layita village Omiya pacua sub county Agago district confirmed that his ten acre of sorghum was being destroyed and has caused food insecurity in his family .He lamented he cannot afford to pay for the school fees of his children
Olum urged the elected Members of the parliament in the 11th parliament to move to the Bill so that the wild animal act can be amended in the manner that allowed the issues of compensation.