

Patrick Lumumba, Gulu City Mayor Nardege-Layibi really support behind Gen Charles Otema Awany



Twenty years ago during the northern Uganda conflict, this place was full of witch doctors, Uganda People Defense Forces UPDF, used to come and consult divine power from this place. I am happy that you have turned it for worship.




Sunday 15, April, 2024. By midday was pomp giggle and marry fugefoody for the Christians at small Gate opposition Gulu Airport to be as Lt. General Charles Otema Awany sit pensive watchfully listen to Adong Lilly Local Council 1 of Bardege ward.

Ms. Adong was vehemently pondering her message to congregations sitting attentively eager to hear her message as she dodge the congregation left and right in a Hollywood episode, which was the welcome speech.


Turning to address Gen Otema Awany directly, we welcome you here in Bardege ward, I am an elected leader who is focused, I have chased away many people who paid visit to us here, some of the leaders who are devil worshipers.

My work is to monitor my people who do not go to work on a daily basis need, we need to empower the local community with hand hoes, about seven hundred hoes is needed her, disclosing that Bardege ward need uniform for at list 40 boda boda motorcycle  that have their stage

We are on a fund raising drive today, we are raising funds to buy church land, she concluded.


Pastor Akello Agnes of the Pentecostal church says she wants to give back to God, we want to thank Gen. Otema for fellowshipping with them.


This Church is five years old, we have many groups of community participation, we have Pentecostal boxing clubs, the learning programs for adult education, and vulnerable children orphanages who are suffering, but we have got small funds to look after them. At St Jude


The word of God according to Hagar 1:1-2


Patrick Lumumba, the Gulu City Mayor for Bardege-Layibi Division says, I am happy to be here, the Kanyagoga Bardege ward which was infested of high crimes; we supported the construction of many road in Bardege-Layibi Division with over UGX 1 billion.

The local government has your support, we don’t eat party Acholi need able leaders, we don’t want leaders who today in opposition party, but in the night he is with the National Resistance Movement big sorts visiting statehouse.


Am emphasizing double production, why can Acholi Sub Region import all the vegetable product from Central and Eastern Uganda.


For example, Onions, Tomatoes cabbages are being imported from Central and Eastern regions, and yet Acholi Sub Region is the most agricultural area than any part of the country.


Leave gossiping, and borrow western culture, bleaching for what when God gave you natural skins in the past our women carried big carrying pots to fetch water from the river or stream, lucky are those one who are born during civilization.

Today we have tap water right in our bathroom, Gen. Otema is a hardworking farmer, and every Saturday he works on his farm. We have to thank him, because Gen. is giving money to promote development in the region. But, other politicians have kept their money in the bank in billions; they don’t care about vulnerable poverty stricken communities.



If you want changes to happen in our life, we must work hard not to keep on begging, spending most of your time betting, or playing pool and cards in town or developing centers. How can Acholi Sub Region be number two in poverty, following Karamja Sub Region and third in Poverty National Development Poverty Index?


We have lost Gen. Paul Lokech, Jacob Oulanyah, the speaker of 11th Uganda Parliament, now when we have Gen. Otema amidst us is that one not better?

Gen Charles Otema Awany says, his stand is the issue of poverty, but, poverty in your head, that is mind set, I am happy that today I have been in Kati Kati Lacor village, where I gave UGX 15 million to the SACCO.


Being General is more difficult than being Member of Parliament, if I have been general which is more demanding then what? I want to bring change in Acholi land, in the past we have been electing political leaders who do not view Uganda’s political dimension in the scope or world changing political geo-politics.


We need social protection of individuals, social security of the people, without development of region, and socio-economic balancing we shall never achieve our objectives of being a freeman from the bandage of western neo-colonization of capitalism.








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