

Member of Northern Uganda Journalist assaulted during melee


Gulu City agent beat up Pressman, a member of Northern Uganda Media Club during sit down strike call  by Local Councilors Layibi-Bardege Division on Monday October, 21, 2024. Amidst counter accusation by top Gulu City bosses, the word of mouth, castigation and black mail ranges on in Gulu City Authority.


Alfred Okwanga, Gulu City Mayor addressing press in his office, warn the public services who play and abuses government work will meet the full force

Gulu City Mayor on Monday October 22, 2024, was rock by chaos as  one member of Northern Uganda Media Club (NUMC), was beaten by Gulu City agent at Layibi-Bardege Gulu City west Division.

Alfred Okwanga reputed allegation by Patrick Lumumba, Deputy Mayor for Gulu West City Division asks NUMEC member to disregard the alleged political standoff between him and his Deputy Mayor. He made the statement during press briefing in his office, when asked if he has hand in the chaos and failure to pay Local Councilors 1 and 11 who are demanding over 2.6 million shilling which was not paid for them over the period of five years.

Okot Lil Romeo, journalist working with Favor FM radio station was beaten by Gulu City Town Agent, in the morning hour on Monday, October 21, 2024, tearing his shirt

He says no any directive given to any official to cause chaos, but whoever abuses his public office he can order the public to arrest any of the corrupt civil servants who are involved in corruption to be booted from his office.

Gulu City Mayor says he directed Patrick Oola Lumumba, Duty Mayor for Layibi-Bardege City Division to either pay the Local Councilors 1, and 2 for their money worth 2.6 million shillings pending for 5 years; or all of them the accounting officers responsible and pay the local lower councilors their due amount, or the face the law, this is not a time for politicking. Mayor Okwanga says.

“I warn the City Agent Owachgiu David who assaulted Okot Lil Romeo, a journalist from Favor of God FM to be committed to be booked is and account for the crimes he has committed, Alfred Okwanga warned.

If Patrick Lumumba is black mailing me because I am demanding him to pay 160 million shillings which the Local Government Act says 25% should be remitted to Local Councilors 1& 11, let him pay them, does it means when services delivery are being demanded he should pay politics, the Local Councilors are demanding 2.6 million shillings to be paid to them, he should stop abusing his office the way he want.”

Okwanga, insisted and giving the financial  report from financial years 2021/2022 Gulu City has collected 2.7 million shillings, we remitted 50% of the funds collected, remitted 438,500 million to LC I and 167,571 LC 11.

In the financial year 2022/2023 we remitted 1.6 billion shillings to LC 1, and remitted 1.1 billion to LC 11, years 2023.2024 we collected 4.4 billion shillings, and remitted 752 million to lower councilors.

In the  financial years 2024.2025 his office and the Gulu City Town Clerk in the month of  July and August we collected  and remitted 19 million to LC 1 and LC 11 7 million, the money was sent in black and white, Local Government Act provided that 25% of the funds collected be remitted to Local Councils.

He warns that the office of Bar dege-Layibi City Division Mayor who is accounting officers must be accounted for, on Monday October 21, 2024.

The meeting with Deputy Town Clerk Bardege-Layibi, and Deputy Residence City Commissioner Akamba Amiri including Deputy Mayor Patrick Lumumba. But, before we arrived, Deputy Mayor Lumumba went away inciting LCs 1 & 11 and they closed their office. .

They should follow the law and with approved plans for the local wards within the City authority, why should Deputy Mayor Patrick Oola deny to give services delivery to his people.

Patrick  Oola Lumumba, Deputy Mayor for Bardege-Layibi accused Alfred Okwanga, Gulu City Mayor for inciting Councilors for lower local government to lock up his office based on politicking, according to him, some media house within Gulu City has reported that he want to stand for Gulu City mayorship in the forth coming election in 2026.

“Alfred Okwanga has got what he want, as my office is being lock, it politics, I cannot allow my repetition goes down to the drainages, we are going to sort it out in the next election.” Oola Lumumba roared.

Member of Northern Uganda Journalist assaulted during melee  

Okot Lil Romeo, produced police Reference number SD 11/21/10,2024, narrated that while he was photographing scenes of crimes of Local Councils who had taken cover in one of the rooms, he was assaulted by David Owahgiu, who tore his shirt.

“I was normally doing my work as a journalist, I was grabbed by David Owachgiu, who pulled me from the corridor and tore my shirt.”

Innocent Aminilibwe, Gulu City Town Clerk acknowledged that this was a breach of pace in Bardege Layibi Division, early on the Deputy Town Clerk of Bardege-Layibi Division. Whoever is involved in fighting journalists must stand and account for his crimes.

“I am waiting for the case to reach court and I will let the city Agent face the law.” Gulu city town clerk argued.





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