Rwot David Onen Acana is missing among the delegate to meet president Museveni today
Rwot Ojigi of Alokolum chiefdom, defiled Rwot David Onen Acana 11, and Rwot Otto Yai Otinga is playing allegiance to Rwot Richard Santo Apire, the Interim paramount chief of Acholi
GULU CITY- Wed. October 18, 2023.
Rwot Otinga Otto Yai of Lamogi and Rwot Ojigi of Alokolum they are crying foul as Rwot David Onen Acana 11, the former Acholi Paramount chief received statehouse fund three week ago, the funds later never reach other 17 chiefs who paid allegiance to Rwot Acana 11 camp, impeccable source from statehouse on anonymous intimated to Oyeng Yeng news desk.
Rwot John Ogenga disclosed that the former Acholi paramount chief, Rwot David Onen Acana11 never shared the statehouse funds with Rwot Otinga, therefore Rwot Otinga refuse to travel for Independence day, Rwot Acana has to persuade him to accompany him Rwot Acana 11 to go to Kitgum during President Museveni visits, on the ground that it would look bad when he did not show up.
However, Rwot Ojigi of Alokolum stayed put, source mooted that he demanded for his share of state house funds before boarding Rwot Acana 11 post car to go to meet President Museveni during 61th Uganda Independent celebration which took place in Kitgum district.
“Now we have been receiving Rwot Otinga of Lamogi phone calls every day, he ringing Richard Santo Apire on a daily basis, just because they are having misunderstanding with Rwot Onen Acana 11, I understand that the former paramount chief has received Oduk money from Omona, president Museveni personal assistance.” Rwot John Ogenga commented.
Rwot David Onen Acana is missing among the delegate to meet president Museveni today, in Kampala on Balaalo eviction
Gilbert Olanya, the Kilak South MP warns on back last should Balaalo eviction fail
Source from Acholi rise up
Timeline Balaalo extension, is president Museveni have ballgame of foolery and trickery on Balaalo extension of deadline to re-stock Balaalo into northern Uganda, Gilbert Olanya, the Kilak South MP in the 11th parliament of Uganda questioned the motive of Balaalo present in Acholi land.
Timeline extended dateline to evict Balaalo from Acholi Sub Region, on October 24, 2027, president Museveni gave order to Uganda Army Commander, Defense Minister and Minister of Land to evict all the Balaalo to leave Acholi land, President Museveni extended the date line to January 2018 the matter went silent.
In October 2021, president Museveni gave the order to the Balaalo to evacuate the Acholi land, we don’t know what happened, the issues went silent.
In May 2023, when we went we went to Otuke District, Baralego state lodge, we raised the issues of the Balaalo, Charcoal businesses and Karamojong cattle rustling in East Acholi, in the district of Agago and Kitgum to President Museveni, President Museveni reacted by issuing president Executive Order 3, on 28, June 2023.
Later President Museveni gave the deadline to evict Balaalo from Acholi land. The dateline for the Balaalo to leave Acholi land was on August 30, 2023. But President Museveni extended the deadline to September 30, the issue went silent.
On September 30, 2023, the president extended the deadline to the Balaalo to leave Acholi land on October 20.
My brothers and sister who are coming from Acholi land, I greet you all, today we have to take important concerns as we need to take note as members of Acholi people.
You remember the president gave the order to the minister of Defense and land to move to Acholi land, we don’t know what happened.
And also in 2021, the president gave order to Balaalo to leave Acholi land, the issue went silent. And when I met president Museveni in Baralego, he gave the order to Balaalo to evacuate Acholi land.
Also when we met President Museveni in May, 2023, his Excellency gave the order that all Balaalo must leave Acholi land, he said this will be the last date, but later through the minister of Northern Uganda he extended the eviction dateline to October 20, 203 we don’t know what happened.
My brother and sister You aware that those Balaalo majority are come from Busenyi district, Kyamkwazi district Western Uganda, Busenyi, Luwero, Nakasongola, in the process extending and stopping eviction of Balaalo, the Balaalo are using this time to coming in big numbers in Lamwo district local government have the largest number of Balaalo, follow by Gulu, Amuru and Nwoya districts.
Here you can now see whether President Museveni is interested in evicting Balaalo, or whether there is the same game to be played. Lady and gentlemen I think we should not be fool, you can fool people one or two time
And in the process of extending a calculated move to grab the Acholi land and hand the land over to Balaalo. dateline, Balaalo is using this particular time to come in large number to come in the districts of Acholi,
And as of now Lamwo district is having the largest numbers of Balaalo followed by Gulu district. Here you can now see whether president of Uganda President is really Museveni his interest in a evicting Balaalo, or there some game being play, lady and gentlemen, I think we should not allow to be fool for long, you can fool some body, but that doesn’t not meant that we are stupid.
What is now going on is intended to calculate a move to grab the Acholi land and hand over the land to Balaalo who comes from another part of the country. Intently, the government is not interested in evicting the Balaalo from Acholi land.
{What they are doing is just playing hide and seek, they are playing minds of the people of Acholi, right now you see what Gen Salim Saleh is doing in Acholi land meeting various people, conniving with some leaders from Acholi sub region, coming up with fake, the report indicate Balaalo should stay should fence their land, all this Acholi leaders, report is saying the that Balaalo should stay and fence their land. all those are calculated moves to Grab the Acholi land dying the land right to Acholi land. To allow them and let them be poor the way they are.}
Unfortunately, some of us are so blind, unfortunately the little money being given to some of our leaders has made us useless, making us foolish and stupid.
All this is.
Lady and gentlemen, we should not allow ourselves to be fools. You can fool people one or two times, but we should prove that we are very stupid, what is going on this time is the intended move to grab the land. The president is using trickery to grab the Acholi land.
My brothers and sisters from Acholi Sub-Region allow Balaalo to park their animals and leave the land. My message to Balaalo to use this five day to leave the Acholi land, my brothers and sisters, we are going to swing into action.
My advices to President Museveni used the army officer to leave Acholi land, let your officers help us with the guns