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My posting in Amuru District is a blessing in disgest
We need joint security meeting with Adjumani District officials to handle porous boarder between Uganda-Sudan, most of the people entering illegally in Uganda pass through Adjumani district.
We have to hike the level of surveillance in Amuru district in order to put an end to COVID-19 pandemic.
AMURU-UGANDA: The newly appointed Amuru Residence District Commissioner (RDC)Ocheng Hosborn Robinson today appeared on Radio Mega FM, talk candid, pure venon on porous boarder and the sex workers at Elegu boarder along Uganda-Sudan.
Here below his verbatim by James Obola Radio MEGA FM talk show host says you are welcome, tell us how is the situation in Amuru District since you have been appointed one month ago about the COVID-19 pandemic.
First of all, I thank Radio Mega FM and the management, I also want to thank the President of uganda Museveni for sending me to Amuru district my own district to oversee Amuru district.
I am thankful to the fourth Estate, my appointment to the RDC has been because of Radio Mega FM, the security of Amuru district was relatively clamed. But the land conflict is very rampant because of lockdown.
The community has resulted to crimes issues and the domestic violent is also very high, also within the village especially in the forested areas there are some ordnances that remain an exploded in most of the forest reserves.
Criminality is in the rise, most of the people coming from South Sudan enters Uganda through porous border to in an illegal drug known as Mira which our people trade in with South Sudan.
I am happy that we have deployed UPDF security personnel along 9 porous entry points along South Sudan-Uganda boarder.
COVID-19 pandemic spread in Amuru those who are in our quarantine center are foreigners not Acholi community.
COVID-19 pandemic in Amuru district now as per the number of community cases is at 50, we need community sensitization to handle rumors, when you see the population who is at Elegu boarder point is at 14,000. Handling Elegu people is not easy, we have to see the case of COVID-19 pandemic reduce.
We have to hike the level of surveillances, but now the people who are in quarantine, are not nationals of Uganda, they are from Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, DR. Congo, Southern Africa and Central Republic of Africa. So, when we talk of community cases of COVID-19 rose to 50, we need more masks.
And yet our COVID-19 masks that has been sent to Elegu boarder point, the government sent only 2000 masks, we need more masks of about 170, 0000 the government have sent 170, 874 masks only.
In Atiak Sub County the government have sent only 7,000 masks for Atiak Sub County and yet we now have 04 sub counties that has been created out of Atiak Sub County.
I am happy that the person who has been delegated by Ministry of Health, that contact I have detailed him, he went back to Kampala, before coming for talks Show I have been discussing the same issues with him.
Am very happy that I have been appointed RDC, I am one of the social activist on forest degradation in Northern Uganda, the issues of tree cutting will come to an end. When I was posted here, we had a meeting with Mike Lakony. The Amuru Chairman Local Council V, we agreed to work together to see that tree cutting must stop.
My finding on tree cutting and charcoal dealers, Amuru District Council they come out with ordinances, but in the that ordinance there is a loophole. The Council put a band on charcoal dealers, but the authority being police officers or Local Defense Units and security forces were using that loophole to re-enforced.
In the night whoever come across the charcoal dealers would take his share, and direct the charcoal dealers to go and faced off with other security apparatus on their way.
There is not system in place, now I will deal with whoever, try to use state machinery, in the past when you arrested the so-called charcoal dealers, they will be claimed that order from above. Now I am president Museveni representative in Amuru I want to see that order from above. I will talk the president direct.
I promise you to handle judiciary official who connived with lawyers to dyeing complements on land conflict.