Global Politics
Gilbert Olanya, the Kilak South MP, drove thousands of cattle out of Amuru district, defying order from above, as Uganda People Defense Forces UPDF generals ordered him to allow Balalo cattle in Amuru district amidst public boycott.
Ker Kal Kwaro Mogi Pamuca are among the Acholi Chiefs issuing authority document contract to allow Balalu cattle permit to transport their animals to Northern Uganda, this is indication how Acholi leaders have been compromised on sales.
“Rwot David Onen Acana the II, is a victim of Aswa Ranch grabbing, he does not own 3,000 hectors, but he is affected as person.”
AMURU DISTRICT-MONDAY, January 16, 2023. The Long journey to kick out Balalu Uganda roaming Northern Uganda, was booted out from Bolo Juk Lebi village, Awere Sub County on the failed land grabbing, as Mavic Gilbert Olanya chased thousands head of cattle from Amuru early this year.
Lakang community, in Amuru district, celebrated New Year 2023 in apprehension style, as the new dawn of 2023-year virgin emerge from the shadow of dead, abomination and betray by Acholi leaders, Gilbert Olanya, the only Acholi Legislator, cord named the only opposition MP, mobilized 13 villagers of Lakang who bare the born of land grabbing by the Kampala regime. Waylaid 13 truck trailers with numbering 1,500 head of cattle designated to Lakang Village.
“We have learned that Generals of UPDF are enrooting thousands of cattle to Lakang village, and I have to mobilize our community to intercept their livestock from entering our area. By the time the heavy trucks arrived with the animals, me and the community were already waiting for them. We chase them all the day from dawn to evening until we managed to drive them to Nwoya district.” The Kilak South MP lamented.
Acholi chief ganging up with the Balalo to grap the Land 2Acholi chief ganging up with the Balalo to grap the Land 2GULU UNIVERSITY ,
Adds that, previously 13 villages through Lamogi Pamuca chief had signed the document agreement to allow one Benon Byakuruama and Frank Nyantwari, the letter read,
“This letter serves to introduce to you Mr. Benon Byakuruama and Frank Nyantwari has hired land measuring 400 hector for rearing animal’s cattle from the following people, omony Anthony, Acellam Shabina, Mary Rickey Jolly and Omony David.
The following people belong to my area of jurisdiction and our chiefdom has clear information about them, and therefore, in case of wrangle or in case of necessary assistance don’t hesitate to consider Mr. Benon Byakuruama and Mr. Frank Nyantwari, because our office has cleared them and the said land has no dispute.
This office of Ker Kal Kwaro Mogi Pamuca has no complaints, therefore recognize you kindly ……. stump dated on 19,12, 2022. Tel: of ker kwaro Pamuca.”
How statehouse and Acholi ker Kal Kwaro heavily involved in land balkanization in Nwoya district.
In 2021, after a long drought that had been affecting the Great Lakes Region, the Minister of Agriculture wrote to the president Museveni asking him His Excellency President Museveni’s to intervene to mitigate famine catastrophic looming in the Great Lakes Region.
This made President Museveni to direct the Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry to prioritize Agriculture production as the main engine of Uganda economy. Therefore, Frank Tumwebaze gave UPDF army officers Murchison Game Park, the animals corridor that covers Got Apwoyo in Nwoya district which previously has been the no go zone. Even during the monster regime of Uganda dictatorship Idi Amin, the tyranny. Purported to be for UPDF generals.
Now, Museveni has grabbed the lucrative fertile Aswa/Olulim de-gazetted game reserved to himself, President Museveni has turned the area, opening a big Maize farm to produce forage, sources associated to blackstarnews intimated that. The maize farm in Got Apwoyo is now designated as Rwakitura Museveni’s county dairy cattle farm.
Rwot David Onen Acana II, has been accused by heading land conflict in Acholi Sub Region, according to information reaching the Black Star News reveals that Acholi Paramount Chief Onen Acana the II got three thousand heaters of land in Aswa ranch, last year 2022, President Museveni ordered Animals Livestock Industry to give National Animal Genetic Resources and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB)
The Aswa ranch It is part of the estimated 105,400 hectares of land that the community reportedly leased to Uganda Livestock Investment in 1968.Banuti Company is
The former Uganda Legislator says Aswa Ranch land covering 105,400 acres of land hijacked by fraud star if Acholi leaders did not fight the course we are stand to lose, as President Museveni reallocated National Animal Genetic Research Center and Data Bank NAGRC & DB105,400 acreage of land in illegal deal. Source within Northern Uganda Regional Land Office says Rwot David Onen Acana the II is heavily involved quietly underground working with President Museveni to grab land.
Vain year source who asked not to be name allegedly says, Rwot David Onen Acana the II, has already given President Museveni land in Nwoya, at got Apwoyo Sub County, and he has also got his share in Got Apwoyo Sub County, now after giving president Museveni land in west Acholi, he has moved to Aswa Ranch where he got 3,000 heaters of land, the government is planning to move to Lipon game reserved in Lamwo district.
The plan to extend the boundary of Aswa ranch to Palabek which covered Hilary Onek Obaloker, the Minister of Disaster, the plan leaking to us indicates that Rwot Acana, they want to bring Investors to invest, but it not true that Rwot David Acana has got land in Aswa ranch
In 2012president Museveni gave a directive to Uganda Livestock Industry to allocate NAGRC and Banuti Company Acholi ranch and Aswa ranch, under leasehold and freehold respectively, we want illegal land transactions to be converted back to us.
Rwot David Onen Acana the II, during an excessive interview at his palace with the Black Star News Correspondent on 16 January 2023, dismisses the allegation that he has 3,000 hector in Aswa ranch, but says he entered into the ranch to protected Payira cultural ceremonial heritage.
{Intact the Acholi has become selfish, every person who own assets do not want to be advices, and be question for whatsoever is happening (Wadoko caa ma ngat ma tye ki jami ne pe ki mito ki penye)
The issues at hand now, parents in the post war conflict have lost the rights to the youths, whatsoever, they don’t want to be questioned.
I do not own 3,000 heaters of land in Aswa ranch, but when I learned that 105,400 acreage of land has been divided between Uganda Livestock Industry, Banuti and NAGRC Companies, I also took my cattle to Aswa ranch, particularly in the place where Payira chiefdoms used to crown all their chiefs.
I took my cattle to Aswa ranch where Beyo trees used to be, and that particular area is very important to him as Payira chief, because that place is ceremonially important to me, because all the former Payira chiefs were crowned in that place where beyo is. I want to provoke the government when they see my cattle in the ranch.” Acholi, the paramount chief, calmed.
The people who claimed that I have 3,000 heaters of land in Aswa ranch, they are very stupid, its idiotic talk.
(Lok obang cet)
The information is just mere political gimmick ploy, meant to divert people interest, what happens, the minister of land and animal’s husbandry wrote a letter last year in 2022to the president demanding that government should come up with mass agricultural production, and President Museveni wrote a letter directing the minister of Agriculture to give Aswa ranch land to the UPDF army to be engage in agricultural production.
However, way back in 2017, we have called the Acholi leadership forum meeting that took at St. Daniel Comboni center in Gulu where we discussed land issues in detail, but implementation was not carried out. When we raised the question of land grabbing because we as the Acholi community we had suggested that Acholi land trustee be form, even the study was done by Tricare researches, Rwot David Onen Acana II, Acholi paramount Chief calls for Acholi Land Trust registration to stop land grabbers, this should be work on within the shortest time
The very question of land problem which is now a big issue in the region would have been nipped in the bud early if it was implemented.
What happened, Frank Minister of Agriculture wrote a letter to President Museveni demanding that the government should plan for mass production of agriculture. Therefore, president Museveni wrote back to the Minister Agriculture directing that Aswa ranch, Maruci ranch and Masindi ranch should be designated for farming.
I don’t agree with the notion that I am part of land grabbing in Acholi Sub Region, those who are allegedly advocating that Rwot Acana II, also have 3,000 acreages in Aswa ranch must clarify, let them show you the land title, otherwise, they have fake document, which made up to blackmail me. Meno obang cet me nyutu ni pa Rwot tye alib adek, literally those stupid people who are spreading propaganda that also Rwot Acana II also have three thousand acreages of land in Aswa ranch.
What I want people to know, and it should have been done by the government. What people should know, and what should be done. We want the government to take back Aswa ranch to the people who gave land before. This will happen when Acholi agrees in a meeting that the government should return back the land to the owners who gave them Aswa ranch.
Let Acholi community demand the return of land, Aswa ranch back to them, the 1995 Uganda constitution says land belong to people, the land matter has been taken to the people of Uganda who has the rights on land matter.
Let us look at what was the agenda by that time when Acholi District Council resolution stand for when they District Councilors decided to give Aswa rand land to the Uganda Livestock Animal Industry?
Are the same ideas why the land was given still stand for the mandate why Acholi gave land for Aswa ranch, who are now the beneficiary of Aswa ranch?
If Banuti, NAGRC and Aswa Dam companies who now own Aswa ranch, then we demand Aswa ranch land be return back to us.
I now voice my concern on behalf my subject, we should put this question before them and ask the government of Uganda that, today there is no relevancy of extending the Aswa ranch land boundary to cover three areas of Pader, Kitgum and Lamwo districts.
To me I see problems emanating from the elected leaders, they are the ones who should have stood very firm to defend the Acholi land because they are elected leaders who are mandated to do over sight business, but now they are the ones who are peddling a fake document letter to invite foreigners to come with their livestock to settle in Acholi and.
The second question, Rwot David Acana II, of late you came up with the ban to stop land sales, what does it mean when more 10,000 or 40,000 heaters of land have been sold from Amuru district to Madhvani groups of Sugar Work Company. Are you going to counsel those land titles?
Answer, first of all, when I went to meet my people of Payira at Lacek-ocot in Pader district early this year, I asked them what can be done in order to stop land sales, the community told me that I should put a ban on land sales, but only 10 acres can be allow to be sold, and this must be with the consent of traditional clan leaders to allow land sales on genies issues.
When I came back we sat down with other chiefs and we have passed the order to ban land sales, because even if the clan leaders agree to allow the sale of land, the matter must reach my office, so when I receive the information, I will definitely refuse.
For the community who have sold communal land to the foreigners, the communities land which was sold without the consent of the communities, the land will be converted back to the communities, because how can a single person sell land that was meant for hunting or grazing land for animals.
To me, the issue is very important, this the reason why our communities has been selling land, their reason was vague, because if they claimed that they have problems of marriage, or make the last funeral rite of their loved one, or the matter of paying school fees.
Those are usual problems which will never come to an end, selling land will never solve the problem, if we allow non issues like I have mentioned or listed above, it will be social evil and it will become vices circle.
Since our communities have been engaged in selling land, charcoal business, I have not seen those who have been dealing in tree cutting if their lives have changed, or anyone has put up building that can be says this building is as result of tree cutting or charcoal burning.
Go and ask the Members of Parliament and Chairman Local Government including Local Council 1 chairman, who always signed for land sales why they are allowing such business to happens, tell me in all that land deals including hiring land for cattle, hiring land for tree cutting and hiring land for farming by Lango communities, Bugisu, Buganda and Balalo, is it not the Local Councilors 1 who are responsible, you get their signature everywhere.
Reason why Acholi Ker Kal Kwaro has put a banned on land sales, if anyone want to sales land more than 10 acreages, he must seek consent from Ker Kwaro Acholi, which mean that by the time he or she seek consent from their clan members, and the clan leaders refer the matter to the chief. The matter will not go beyond that limits.
When the matter reaches me, definitely my office will not consent to the issue of selling 10 acreages, this is my position, because I am the head of Acholi Ker Kal Kwaro.
The third question, what can be done for the big sunk of land that has been sold before you have put a ban on community grazing ground, hunting communal, traditional cultural ground sold by individuals’ traditional cultural institution. a case in point South Sudan land is banned sale?
Answer, Acholi traditional cultural norms does not allow communal land to be sold, “Tim dwar, olet kwayo dyangi ki bunga.” Whoever sold the land which it under our traditional cultural norms it will be converted back to the community. So, for those people who have bought land designated as traditional cultural heritage, places like ceremonial grounds, cultural sites and tourist sites. Those people who bought such areas, they will lose their rights to own such land.
Even those who have got land titles, their land title will be confiscate, so whoever thinks that Northern Uganda is a free land that anyone can easily walk and get whatsoever, deem scrupulous in fraud ways, land cannot be role like mattresses and you can walk away with it.}
Anthony Akol, the Member of Parliament for Kilak South, while appearing on the popular Te-yat Radio MEGA FM, fourth nightly, when he was confronted by one of the callers from Amuru district who accused him and other Acholi Leadership to be part of land grabber. The caller says, the MP Akol was part of Acholi leaders who benefited in Amuru land sales.
Akol dismissed the allegation of involving him in Lakang’s Madhvani 40,000 Sugar Works Companies, the fact is that Lakang land belongs to me. But, in 2014 when the land Ministry decided to go ahead to give and pay the occupants of Lakang land tenants, some parties went ahead to claim for payment on my behalf, when he learned that he had to intervene and demanded for the money.
Chairman of Acholi Parliamentary Groups rejects land sales
Akol alluded that his name is being dragged to black mail him, however, he could not talk or substantiate the fact that some leaders in Acholi sub region including cultural leaders who have been involved in perpetrating and orchestrating land grabbing through fraudulently.
“I have seen many generals of UPDF who are the sons of the land have been engaged in auctioning our land, a case in point. When someone in Amuru district wanted to dispose of 5,000 hectares of land. Surveyor who happened to be from this region had refused to be part of that surveyor. He contacted one of the UPDG generals who happened to be an Acholi, when the person bought the land, later after some months he sold 5,000 hectares of land to Munyankole Genera.” Akol claimed.
Rwot Ochan Jimmy Luwala, of Puranga Ker Kal Kwaro early this year 2023, returned UGX 6 million to Balalo who had gone behind his chiefdom and acquired 500 hectares of land in Bolo Juk Lebi village, Awere Sub County.
Rwot Ochan Luwala, during hand over of UGX 6 million warns his subject that whoever, sell more than 10 acreages of land his chiefdom will repossess the land and chase the buyers.
“We are not going to allow land to be sold, this also stands as a strong warning for those who have under minded clan leaders and gone ahead to sell communities communal land.” Rwot Jimmy Ochan Luwala warned.
Rosalba Oywa, one of the women social activists when four nights ago appearing on MEGA FM 102 Te-yat talk shows accused the Chairman for Gulu district, Opiyo Atiker as the person who allowed Balalo to grab 80 percent of land in Palaro Sub Counties.
Rosalba Oywa says, as we are talking now, Palaro Sub County has been occupied by Balalo communities, the cattle keepers who now acquired majority land. We have learned that about 300fakes land titles are in the hands of foreigners. And yet we have the Chairman of Gulu District who is using his position to gain political gimmick.
Adds that if you want to stand next time, don’t buy political space on the expend by selling your people, and yet he is here just telling us that is not behind land grabbing.
Opiyo Atiker, decries. Says he is not behind the Palaro land sales, although he agreed that indeed many Balalo communities from Western Uganda have acquired land. But, it’s the people of Palaro who sold or hired their land for the Balalo, Opiyo refuted.
“I have no hand, when President Museveni gave the directive in 2021 that the UPDF should chased all the Balalo from Northern Uganda, in particularly from Acholi Sub Region, president Museveni say those Balalo who have fenced their land are allow to keep their cattle, but not to graze of people land.” On that basis we allow Balalo to rent land in Palaro Sub County.
Adong Phillip, the outgoing Northern Uganda Regional Officer exonerated Rwot David Onen Acana the II, says those who accused him of having land in Aswa ranch, they are making political capital. He does not have land in Aswa ranch.
“What I know Rwot David Onen Acana, is also affected as a person, because his own land has been ring fenced in Aswa ranch, if he has cattle in Aswa ranch because he is protecting Payira cultural ceremony site.” Adonga argued.
Acholi chief ganging up with the Balalo to grap the Land
He further says, when Aswa ranch was given in the 1960s, the surveyor was done beyond Pager River, but the actual place where the ranch was used did not cover all areas.
The former Northern Uganda Regional Land Officer, agreed that indeed there 300 fake land title in Palaro Sub Counties and other areas is true, because what happened in Palaro and Owalo Sub Counties and elsewhere. You find out that one person from the family may sell the land when some of the family members are not aware, or when they are not present and that person buy motor cycle.
But when his brother who in Gulu realized that their land has been sold, by rusting back and found out that his brother has sold part of the land or all, the family will not owner the land title, and it will become fake land title.
The major areas in Acholi Sub Region where land title are in the either Balalo or Madhvani, the so called Indian ARE Amuru district, Gulu district and Pader district.
President Museveni is currently fencing Got Apwoyo former the land title which in the name of Mrs. Lapenga, but Uganda Livestock Industry who gave Got Apwoyo land which is under Animal Livestock Industry has been provoke from Mrs. Lapenga and government to Uganda statehouse. On the ground Mrs. Lapenga failed to use the land for mass production, now president Museveni is using Got Apwoyo ranch for planting maize crop for cattle feed for his Kisozi ranch.
After fencing Got Apwoyo ranch, the statehouse will move to fence Aswa ranch, sources intimated.