Global Politics
Report trickling in the Public domain is not the true image of COVID-19

BY Saturday March 28th 2020 Gulu Medical official says 89 suspected cases of CODIV-19 Pandemic are in Gulu District alone, 35 people who travel from Dubai they are still at large while 32 people we have managed to put them in isolation center.
The United Kingdom joined Acholi Community in Diaspora in London casting demon, as Acholi community in UL started blowing horn, ululation, beating drum by every households. The business was in lockdown as thousands came out in their balcony shouting, some groups of people were hooting horn of their vehicles.
GULU-UGANDA: Odoch Abayomac Rwot Lagoro chiefdom of Okaka through Lagoro Deity came out with stringent measures on how to fight and cast COVID-19 Pandemic.
Lagoro Deity spokes to his subject in the ritual at the foot hill of Okaka in labikiryam village Lagoro parish, Kitgum matidi Sub County, in Chua County.
Odoch Abayaomac in an exclusive interview with the Oyeng Yeng News reveals prior to COVID-19 Pendamic (Two Gemo) outbreak that struck the world, and brought lockdown, Ebola Pendamic also happed in 2000 in Northern Uganda. We have managed to prevent the out spread of the Ebola Pendamic which hit only small part of Amuru which was at that time belong to Gulu district greater Kitgum was never hit
“Tomorrow March 31st 2020 at dawn we are going to cast VOVID-19 Pendamic, the whole Acholi community will be making ululation and beating of drums in every household.”
Rwot Odoch Abayomac says first women will take {Labalatako} broken pot and one piece grass picked from grass thatch house to the stream. And when they come back people will begin to make ululation, beating utensils and cast the COVID-19 Pendamic first to the stream and later toward the north, Rwot Odoch urged.
Adds on that later when the casting of COVID-19 is done, the family will power all the water out, left over food, remove hashes from the cocking place and when they are returning back from the streams, they will not turn back until they enter into their hut and close the door from behind. They will remain in the lock house for some minutes, and later they will come out from lockdown.
Before casting COVID-19 Gemo, what happens when Lagoro deity spokes to his subject, council of elders will incantation? In lwo words, “Wang Ceng Oter’ Ci oter, Gemo moni man mito bino ipaco; wang ceng oter mabor. Oter Mabor, Leb Lwak Oromo ci Oromo. Lwak gamo ni Oromo ci ormo.
Odwel odyak ci odyak, odyak maber, Langwer okok ci okok oko ma ber. Awobe owot ma nyim gi dyaka, wang ceng otero ci otero, bala bala kwang cet ki abura na.”
This is how Acholi council of elder demand from their ancestors the bad omen that has come to destroy our homestead, must go with setting sun, the COVID-19 Pendamic which has affected our community, must go with the setting sun, must go very far, boys must have wet dream, and we want new born babies.” This is the message
From Lagoro deity he gave a tough conditions says if COVID-19 has to be prevented not to infect Acholi community, the community must provide lamb and wild honey harvested from hollow tree.
The honey was brought from Lamogi chiefdom, while the lamb was bought by Major Santo Okot Lapollo and onek Hillary obaloker carbinet minister for disaster and preparedness in order to allow the effective occurrence of the rituals.
Kampala report on Covid-19 Pendamic.
unconfirmed report reaching Oyeng Yeng News from Kampala indicates that Gen. Ivan Koreta is down with COVID-19 Pandemic, Gen. Koreta raided his relative who were among the 563 travell Dubai airline from the Isolation center, and took him to his home, now his case has been confirmed that he is among the 33 cases of COVID-`19, Source confirmed.
Gen Ivan Koreta also is not only the big sort who stormed Entebbe COVID-19 center, State Minister for Health Ofungi was among the people who went and remove her husband from Isolation center.
In fact President Museveni ordered her to move out of the house during his state of the nation address of Wed.18th of March,2020, last week, source intimated that the number of people affected with COVID-19 is very high but it being down play because big sort are the victims.
Lyando Komakech, the Areas Member of Parliament for Gulu Municipality who appeared on Radio Rupiny FM on Saturday, March 29, 2020 those countries liked Norway and Germany who are surviving COVID-19 has mixed economy, and Norway has not enter the EU.
He talk of national good, questioned if can Uganda has national good, wonder if can Uganda practice capitalist 100%, we should be in sole searching for national good economy, Lyando urged.
For example, Komakech argues that Uganda only have foreign investment.
“For me as Opposition member we needs that the core national economy of Uganda is Agricultural economy, how can we let the policy of Uganda developed the country.” Komakech remarked.
Denis Ojwee one of Rupiny panelist says Acholi community in the past used lockdown before when the pandemic breakdown occurred, this not new, Ojwee urged.
“Each household they put fence (Okuto Lango) in each homestead, and other lockdown in case people die all in the homestead, they block the door with Odwong.” Ojwee commented.
But wonder if the lock down has to happen in Uganda; asked the government if they are going to provide water sources and electricity during lock down
Adds on that what abut the water sources in rural areas where people move distance to fest the water.
Ojwee appeals to government to issues press card to journalists and example them from lockdown, says journalists needs to provide information.
Dr. Kenneth Cana the In-Charge of Awach Health Center IV reveals to the media that by Saturday March 28th 2020, there were vineyard sources trickling in that there are 89 people who are hiding in Gulu district alone. Saturday,
Dr. Cana says so far they have released 6 people on Saturday, “We have given certificate to them when their result came negative, not they are free, and yesterday Sun March 20th 2020 we also got negative four results from the previous testing.”Dr. Cana reasoned.