

Emeritus Lawirwodi, Rwot David Onen Acana II, supporters crying for the lost glory


Ssegwa Jimmy Ebil, Kitgum Residence District Commissioner, tips Kitgum District Police Commander that their whereabouts of Rwot Santo Richard Apire, the interim chairman of Lawirwodi is residing at Bomah Hotel, and the DPC Kitgum came and arrested Rwot Apire and his four council of chiefs.


On Friday, June 14, 2024, was scheduled for the election of Acholi Paramount chief, (Lawirwodi) Rwot Santo Richard Apire. His emeritus Lawirwodi Rwot David Onen Acana II, through his right hand Prime Minister Michael Otim used Kitgum District Police Commander to handpick them as fly and dumped them in the office Aswa East Regional Police Commander.

What happened, is that the Ssegwa Ebil who was on talk Jumbo FM at Bomah Hotel, after his talks shows, he went and inform the DPC that the meeting of KKA rival group of Rwot Apire is taking place at Bomah, therefore the DPC without getting full detail information, went and arrested Rwot Santo Richard Apire, Rwot John P Lugayi, Rwot Collin Mutu Atiko, Rwot John Obita Ogenga and Joseph Cannon Oneka, Robert Adonga Kulu, Willy Chowoo.

SP Katungkwezi Anatol Regional Police Commander who was taking breakfast outside his office rushed in to find Rwot Santo Richard Apire and other Rwodi sitting in his office and he asked why they were there in his office.

SP Katungkwezi called back immediately the DPC and asked him why did he arrested Rwot Apire and other chiefs,  instead of letting them drive in their car and come to my office, do you think would have been batter rather escorting them with heavy police vehicles, RPC East Aswa blasted the DPC Kitgum.

RPC was very annoy, “I found Rwodi Acholi was gathering in my room, why did you leave them here when I was not even here, and they told me you have arrested them .” ROC queried

The DPC, says he has arrested Rwot  Santo Apire because he found many Councils of Chief gather in Bomah Hotel, because the Police have notified them and called off the meeting, but to his surprised it seem that Rwot Apire and his teams has gone ahead to organize election despite the fact of the previous warning.

“We got the letter from the Prime Minister of KKA, stopping the election, we got information that there were goon being organized to storm the meeting, therefore it should be arrange under the ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, we got two enetitiesone from Rwot Apire says his function does not recognized Emeritus Rwot David Onen Acana II, and Rwot Santo Apire elect Lawirwodi. Rwot Acana says they don’t recognize Rwot Apire function. Emeritus Rwot Acana also says he does not recognize Rwot Santo Apire.

After heated discussion with RPC, later Rwot Apire was taken back to Bomah Hotel where they found other Council of chiefs in Bomah, where they had elected him in absentia.

Rwot John P Lugayi told the RPC that although they stopped the election, they have elected Rwot Santo Richard Apire; therefore they can now go back.

SP Katungkwezi gave them 20 minutes to leave Bomah Hotel, otherwise there would be teargas. Later on all the council of Chiefs went their way to have a launch, and after launch all the council of chiefs went to Labongo Amida, the palace of Rwot John Obita Ogenga where the election was conducted.

Rwot Santo Richard elect Lawirwodi was welcome in Gulu City when his motorcades arrived particularly in Lacor Center, at his home by hundred well wishers including convoy of boda and with traditional Bwola dances.

The Chairman of Boda boda who asked not to be named in his congreslation message to Elected Rwot Santo Apire Lawirwodi, says Acholi as tribe has been deep in valley of dead, we hope now you are the right person to lead to heaven of development which Acholi Sub Region has been dodging for the last 40 years.

“We are proud of you being elected; the task ahead of you is to make sure that our community gets tangible development. I hope this is the beginning of the long journey to peace.”

Added that as Acholi people we have been lost, because we have been practicing traditional culture of aliens, as if we don’t have our cultural norms, the wedding and the courtship, even sexual morality which was taboo in our community is being embraced.

Michael Okot, 91 years old, from Putika sub County, Lamwo district was one of the people who turned up to welcome Lawirwodi elect.  Saying the way things were going on as if Acholi as a nation was not existing , your election is timely, I have seen all in my life for the years I have been in Acholi Sub Region.  Everything has its time. I would be coming to visit you as being my neighbor, Okot argued.

“We the Putika clan and Lamwo district we all are behind you,” Okot explained.

Rwot Santo Richard, elect Lawirwodi, welcomes everybody who graced their home coming, and advises that he will embark on the road of development, for him with unity and togetherness, Acholi will be developed.

“I know that for the last one year since June 2023, we have been  struggling together with the all Councils of chiefs, that is why we have achieved this, pointing to Rwot Jimmy Ochan Luwala, Rwot Collin Atiko Muto, Rwot John Obita Ogenga, Rwot Ociti Binyi and Rwot of Pabbo who escorted him from Kitgum district to Gulu City. Although other Chiefs did not get positions, we have so many jobs that will be distributed to other Council of Chiefs who did not get positions.” Lawirwodi elect advised


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