

State Minister, Mr. Kenneth Omona did not react, but warns some people working in President Officer, whose their job to appoint and fire RDC be careful

As Acholi Leadership splits, one side is being sponsored by the state and the other sides are people favor, Hon. Anthony Akol, the MP for Kilak South and the former Leaders of Opposition, Hon. Betty Aol Ocan fought for the microphone, and failed to deliver Acholi Agenda.

GULU CITY- JUNE, 18, 2024.

In the Afternoon, in the compound of the Office of The Prime Minister, once again Acholi leaders washes their dirty linnet in the public, it now  three weeks ago, the Acholi Parliamentary Groups, AGP clashes as they wrestle for Microphone

The day was meant for the welcome celebration of the newly appointed State Minister for Northern Uganda, the former PS of Uganda President Museveni, Mr. Kenneth Omona, the young articulate orator former Kaberamaido MP in the 7th Parliament.

The master of ceremony for that function was none other than David Rupiny who was being deputized by Zerubabel Abuka Omin Okumu, the right hand of Gen. Salim Saleh.

As business as usual, David Rupiny, master of ceremony invited Zeru Abuka to call the Chairman of Parliamentary Groups from Northern Uganda, and Eastern Region where the docket of the newly appointed State Minister Mr. Omona jurisdiction fell in.

Zeru Babel, first invited the Chairman of Acholi district Local Government, Emmanuel Orach, he came not well prepared, but that is all what can the current leadership of Acholi District Chairmanship can offer, he went without presenting any issues affecting Acholi Sub Region.

It was not Zeru Abuka’s work to prepare speeches of who is who to present, without much ado, Zeru Abuka in his style of celebrated person. Later he invited the Chairman of Acholi Parliamentary Groups. AGP, to the shock of Labongo’s sons and daughters. Hon. Akol Anthony a very huge scarring appearance pop from the VIP tent.

Then little while, the former Leader of Opposition, LPO, Mego Betty Aol Ocan also appeared not well prepared.

Nevertheless, Hon. Akol made some inroad by mention issues on table, most critical one the Presidential Executive Order No. 3, the eviction of Balaalo from North-Eastern Uganda, band of Charcoal business from Northern Uganda, the Karamojong cattle rustlers in East Acholi, the districts of Kitgum and Agago, the Acholi Sub Region leading in poverty Index in the region with 68 percentages.

However, the damage had been recorded, because Zeru Abuka wanted to legitimize and extend the squabble, since he is allergic to APG, John Okot Amos the current Acholi Parliamentary Groups Chairman, who is against the occupational forces in the region.

However, not all is lost, Minister Kenneth Omona, a clear headed man, told the gathering that he is not ready to engage in the politics of Movement, Multiparty politics. The Time for politics is over, we want work, implementing government programs.

The rest will be sorted out, “Don’t come to and ask me to help you campaigning in 2026, the Prime Minister I had wanted all the Opposition parties DP, UPC, and NUP here before you so that we address the issues here, but unfortunately they are not here.

The State Minister warns that the President Museveni Executive Order No. 3 still stands, once the Foot and Mouth disease is over in the country, all the Balaalo cattle will leave North-Eastern Uganda.

“I will implement the Presidential Order No. 3 evicting Balaalo cattle to the leather.” That is why I am here.

The Minister warns some people who work in President Officer, not cause the transfer of RDC without fall, insisting that there are some operative who works in president Office whose their jobs is to lobby for the appointment of RDC and they can transfer them any how.

“I have come to understand that there are some people who work in President Office, their jobs is to appoint the RDC and later fired them at will, last week some Commissioner from President Office went to Lawmo purportedly going to open the land boundary, and when Robson Ocheng refused to allow them carried on the land boundary opening, he was threaten to be transfer. I want to deal with such characters.” Mr. Kenneth Omona warned.

The second edition you will read in Black Star News.



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