Our culture is the backbone identity; the west manipulates the good will of
our great leaders who opened doors for them during the colonialists.
John Luwa gave a standing ovation on Lou Cultural village, saying Acholi
dances are the most top world dances, that can have explained why Luo
are very significant in world leadership.
In classic way when you mention the name of the former USA President
Barack Obama, Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga, the late Apollo Milton Obote.
The world will reconnect with them.
GULU CITY-UGANDA: Gulu City planner is prioritizing cultural heritages to
promote Indigenous Knowledge to revamp the ruined rich African culture
that have been de-campaigned by religious leaders to the extent that
African young generation look at culture as satanic.
John Luwa, the Gulu City Planner says, Gulu City will be the only city in Africa
that is going to earmark traditional culture to promote Indigenous
Knowledge to overcome hegemony of new colonialism, looking at how, our
young generation now castigate their cultural behavior, cultural food,
cultural attire, cultural languages, this amount to ignorance and failure to
show course.
He says that the Gulu City plan objective is to support Indigenous
Knowledge, that will house, protect and keep intact the Lou traditions, Luwa
“We need to come up with Luo cultural village that includes norms, culture
and practice of Acholi dance (Myel Kwaro Apiti, Lamuya, Acut, Bwala,
Larakaraka, Otole, Dinggi Dingi, myel lyel, myel Laur Akel, Myeel Obet).
That goes hand in hand with the Acholi traditional song that praises the
exquisiteness of our society. Include the rich Acholi dishes;. Gulu City
Planner reiterates.
John Luwa explained that currently when you ask anyone in Gulu City to
sing for you and sing in Acholi. Or dance particular Acholi dances to you,
you will find it amusing not to find one, except for the older generation.
The practices of Acholi are the way how our cultural norms solve problems
within the community and household, mold their young one and give
hospitality to aliens, that would be our cornerstone.
The Lou cultural center will also house Abila hut, the significant of Abila
work as guide to the family and prevent, protect all the living clan members
during calamity like pandemic and at war.
When a particular person is affected by Abila, it results into abomination
like impotent, therefore it requires the person who is a care-taker of Abila to
perform a ritual ceremony.
The affected person if a man will come with chicken, and the caretaker will
motion the hen on his head three times. What is required from him, after
that he has to walk back to their home without turning or looking back until
he reaches their home, and he will enter into the hut and close the door from
behind. There and then, the impotent is cured.
Tumu cere, Lou community believe that hill and rock is part of rain maker,
and when they face long dry spell, they are requiring to appease the hill by
offering goat and chicken. Therefore, upon the ritual cleansing, there will
heavy downpour.
John Luwa, also explain that in Lou village culture, there will be cultural
norms documentation of Kwer, the dos and don’ts.
For example, Luo were acting as spiritual guide, there are particular thing
they were supposed to do and there were similarly certain things they were
not supposed not to do.
A newly married women were guided to follow traditional cultural norms of
particular clan, if the tradition of that clan prohibit her not to cross or sit on
top of the ant hill, when she is an expectant mother and Once she crosses
the anthill, she will abort.
Kwero tweyo ceno, the ceremony of clothing a newly married woman which
requires elderly mother of the clan to perform the ceremony. This is very
important, because this crowning her to become the mother of home, the
elder woman will give a stick to woman, and also give a stick to her brother-
what are required to both of them, the woman will enter into the house, with
the in-law while performing mock fights by caning each other.
The Lou cultural center will be used for documentation and books of
traditions norms cako nying latin. the science of Lou also entails that
new born babies should remain in door for numbers of days, if a baby girl
can remain in the door for four days. If baby boy, can remain in door for three
Similarly, when the child is about 6 months old, a child is taken to (Labuto)
surgeon for immunization what Luo traditional cultural norms called
Kwanyo te lak latin. To remove the milk teeth of a new born baby, this
tradition way will give immunity to the child from the six killers diseases and
stop and pandemic
This footnote can also be found in Tekwaro Acholi Maccon ki kwo me
bedo gi.
Acholi cultures and traditions by “Reuben Nono Pa Lanana”
AIP Akite Salvin who works in Gulu Central Police Station CPS in the office child and family protection saya Lango Traditional Cultural notms ATeker of the
Otengoro Olang, of Kwaniya district, Abongo Mala sub county, says when
a new mother gave birth; on the day she will be brought out.
The local bear kongo kal will be prepared to welcome them out, if the first
born they will be two or three names of the clan. Or they will name him of the
ground father’s.
On that day, the mother will then place the breast into the child’s mouth and
she will give the child a particular name, and they community will say, we
are naming you Opio, breast feed now.
“Later the new baby will be brought out, the function take place in the
morning hours of the day, in the envying, all family members will gather to
drink the bear and eat cock cow peace plus millet floor.”
AIP Akite narrates. The Lou cultural center will also house Abila hut, the significant of Abila work as guide to the family and
prevent, protect all the living clan members during calamity like pandemic and at war.
When a particular person is affected by Abila, it results to abomination like impotent, therefore it requires
the person who takes care of Abila to perform a ritual ceremony.
The affected person if a man will come with sicken, and the caretaker will motion the hen on his head
three times. What is require from him, after that he has to walk back to their home without turning or
looking back until he reaches their home, and he will enter into the hut and close the door from behind.
There and then, the impotent is cured.
Tumu cere, Lou community believe that hill and rock is part of rain maker, and when they face long dry
spell, they are required to appease the hill by offering goat and sicken. Therefore, upon the ritual
cleansing, there will be heavy downpour.
John Luwa, also explain that in Lou village culture, there will be cultural norms documentation.
the dos and don’ts.
For example, Luo were acting as spiritual guide, there are particular thing they were supposed to do and
there were similarly certain things they were not supposed to do.
A new marriage woman was guided to follow traditional cultural norms of particular clan, if the
tradition of that clan prohibits her not cross or sit on top of unti hill, when she is an expectant mother. Once
she crosses the unti hill, she will abort.
Kwero tweyo ceno, the ceremony of clothing a new marriage woman which require elderly mother of
the clan to perform the ceremony. This is very important, because this crowning her to become the
mother of home, the elder woman will give stick to woman, and also gives stick to her brother-in-law.
what are require to both of them, the woman will enter into the house, with the in-law while
performing mock fights by caning each other.
The Lou cultural center will have documentation and books of traditions norms like cako nying latin. the
science of Lou also entail that new born babies should remain in door for numbers of days, if a baby girl
can remain in the door for four days. If a baby boy can remain in the door for three days.