Bretherens be warned that those who commit fornication, theft, murder, bewitch has no kingdom in heaven the clergy told Christians during his summon at Holy Rosary Catholic Church on Sunday.

The former Bishop of West Nile Diocese for Anglican Church a month ago warns Church, warns Christians at Christ Church in Gulu that those who pay in the name of God and later engage themselves in hypocrisy, are destructive to Christianity mission.
GULU-UGANDA: According the book of Malachi, Malachi once more reassures and warns his people that, great and dreadful day of the Lord is coming. And that it will burn like a furnace, in that day the righteous will rejoice, and “You will trample down the wicked.
Rev. Father David Okello Opiro priest says even African culture according to our Acholi great thinkers laid a foundation to prohibit adultery, murders, wickedness, theft and lies in Luo communities.
Rev. Father when preaching says for those adultery women, their act create hatred between the husband and the person who commit himself to adorn adultery. This will lead to death when the husband happens to know, this is bad, “Won coo ma omaro coto mon pa dano stop it, literally means, the men and women who engage in sexual maniac, you are trouble shooters who want to cause death in society.” Rev. Father Advices church goers.
He says also Luo culture does not support the culture of violent people, there an adage that say “Gang pa lakolo pe pong.” Nobody can go to the home of trouble monger, but today because of poverty and misrule I see the home of murders has become a Mecca.
Rev. Father Opiro further says stealing in Luo community was an outrageous thing when a person is found to be, that person would be declared an outcast to society. But funny enough that today a lot of people have turned to enrich themselves in that vices, he revealed.
“In the past such person or home of those people would be named the home of a thief, there are those family who lives on such livelihood, they are known in the all villages they stay.” Do want your children to be like that.
He says in the past there are those who bewitch people either poisoning them, they are called “Lawol” in Luo word, and those who bewitch people are called “Lajok” while people in the night they are asleep, they would be running around peoples hut naked covering themselves with ashes.
“If you are among the congregation please note that you have to leave the act of bewitching people, turn to Christian’s way of life.”
Then there are people who are liars, they are among you in this church. Don’t tech your children to be deceitful; the society does no condone such behavior. Rev. Father Opiro warns.
Two weeks ago, the vineyard sources intimated that Rev. Father Onen one of the Priests at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Gulu was allegedly caught in the act of adultery with a house wife.
The case has been registered in Gulu Central Police Station although Oyeng Yeng News could not ascertain the Police Reference police file number.
The Rev. Canon Charles Collins Andaku former Bishop of West Nile Anglican Christina’s Church who is currently a lecturer of Mukono Christian University was on courtesy mission in Gulu, while preaching at Christ Church in Gulu, he warns clerical members and church goers to be on the look against hypocrisy.
Arua retired bishop says many men of God do come and preach good deeds in the church, but their heart are full of bad things, even among the congregation who is sitting in the church today, the only pretend to be a good Christians. But when they are outside there, their image shows a different thing.
“Why member of the clergy to embrace demonic power in order to win their believers faith. Take heed that you will not led astray, many will come in my name saying. “I am he,” and time is at hand. Do not go after them.” Arua former Bishop warns.
Our church has been invaded by witchcraft doctors, and men of God who just get their spiritual power from Nigeria to come preach in the name of God.
According to the reading in St.Luke, at that time as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings. Jesus said.
“As for those things which you see, the day will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another that will be not be thrown down”. And they asked him, “Teacher when will this be, and what will be the sign when this is about to take place?
And he said, “Take heed that you are led stray for many will come in my name saying. ‘I and he’ and, the time is at hand. Do not go after them. And when you hear of wars and tumults do not be terrified. For this must first take place, but the end will be at once.
In Christ Church where the retired bishop of Arua diocese was preaching came one upon a time a rich witchdoctor who was embraced by high clergy man, and was alleged to have committed an abortion and she left the church un ceremonial.
David Livingstone Amone, the Acholi Minister for Production on Friday November 15, 2019 while speaking to Gulu Municipals councilors. Warns them to be on the look out against the so called witchdoctors, revealing that where you see many witchdoctors, it is a sign that demonic worshiper are taking lead in the community.
“Look at Nigeria, the world is a wash with their spiritual preaching, do Acholi community wants to be like the Nigerians.” Amone reiterates.
Bretherens be warned that those who commit fornications, theft, murder, bewitch has no kingdom in heaven the clergy told Christians during his summon at Holy Rosary Catholic Church on Sunday.
The former Bishop of West Nile Diocese for Anglican Church a month ago warns Church, warns Christians at Christ Church in Gulu that those who pay in the name of God and later engage themselves in hypocrisy, are destructive to Christianity mission.
GULU-UGANDA: According the book of Malachi, Malachi once more reassures and warns his people that, great and dreadful day of the Lord is coming. And that it will burn like a furnace, in that day the righteous will rejoice, and “You will trample down the wicked.
Rev. Father Arop priest says even African culture according to our Acholi great thinkers laid a foundation to prohibit adultery, murders, wickedness, theft and lies in Luo communities.
Rev. Father when preaching says for those adultery women, their act create hatred between the husband and the person who commit himself to adorn adultery. This will lead to death when the husband happens to know, this is bad, “Won coo ma omaro coto mon pa dano stop it, literally means, the men and women who engage in sexual maniac, you are trouble shooters who want to cause death in society.” Rev. Father Advices church goers.
He says also Luo culture does not support the culture of violent people, there an adage that say “Gang pa lakolo pe pong.” Nobody can go to the home of trouble monger, but today because of poverty and misrule I see the home of murders has become a Mecca.
Rev. Father further says stealing in Luo community was an outrageous thing when a person is found to be, that person would be declared an outcast to society. But funny enough that today a lot of people have turned to enrich themselves in that vices, he revealed.
“In the past such person or home of those people would be named the home of a thief, there are those family who lives on such livelihood, they are known in the all villages they stay.” Do want your children to be like that.
He says in the past there are those who bewitch people either poisoning them, they are called “Lawol” in Luo word, and those who bewitch people are called “Lajok” while people in the night they are asleep, they would be running around peoples hut naked covering themselves with ashes.
“If you are among the congregation please note that you have to leave the act of bewitching people, turn to Christian’s way of life.”
Then there are people who are liars, they are among you in this church. Don’t tech your children to be deceitful; the society does no condone such behavior. Rev. Father Opiro warns.
Two weeks ago, the vineyard sources intimated that Rev. Father Onen one of the Priests at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Gulu was allegedly caught in the act of adultery with a house wife.
The case has been registered in Gulu Central Police Station although Oyeng Yeng News could not ascertain the Police Reference police file number.
The former Bishop of West Nile Anglican Christina’s Church who is currently a lecturer of Mukono Christian University was on courtesy mission in Gulu, while preaching at Christ Church in Gulu, he warns clerical members and church goers to be on the look against hypocrisy.
Arua retired bishop says many men of God do come and preach good deeds in the church, but their heart are full of bad things, even among the congregation who is sitting in the church today, the only pretend to be a good Christians. But when they are outside there, their image shows a different thing.
“Why member of the clergy to embrace demonic power in order to win their believers faith. Take heed that you will not led astray, many will come in my name saying. “I am he,” and time is at hand. Do not go after them.” Arua former Bishop warns.
Our church has been invaded by witchcraft doctors, and men of God who just get their spiritual power from Nigeria to come preach in the name of God.
According to the reading in St.Luke, at that time as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings. Jesus said.
“As for those things which you see, the day will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another that will be not be thrown down”. And they asked him, “Teacher when will this be, and what will be the sign when this is about to take place?
And he said, “Take heed that you are led stray for many will come in my name saying. ‘I and he’ and, the time is at hand. Do not go after them. And when you hear of wars and tumults do not be terrified. For this must first take place, but the end will be at once.
In Christ Church where the retired bishop of Arua diocese was preaching came one upon a time a rich witchdoctor who was embraced by high clergy man, and was alleged to have committed an abortion and she left the church un ceremonial.
David Livingstone Amone, the Acholi Minister for Production on Friday November 15, 2019 while speaking to Gulu Municipals councilors. Warns them to be on the look out against the so called witchdoctors, revealing that where you see many witchdoctors, it is a sign that demonic worshiper are taking lead in the community.
“Look at Nigeria, the world is a wash with their spiritual preaching, do Acholi community wants to be like the Nigerians.” Amone reiterates.