Global Politics
Giving money to alleviate the suffering of others is both an insurance policy against the risk of life as the ultimate moral duty.

Led by Emmaunel Okumu, David Martin Aliker, Sam Ojok and Hnery Komakech Kilama
This food items has been given as to show the world COID-19 pandemic need all people to join hand, but the food goes not to the targeted community
The death toll in USA is 90,353 out of 1.585, 908 million People infected by COVID-19, majority of the death tolls in the USA were the African America are succumbing to high death tolls.
When Hussein Barrack Obama took over the White House administration in 2008, it was predicted that he was not going to be assassinated in his first term, but would be killed in the second election.
Then it will trigger deadly war between black and white, the predicament helped the Barrack Obama, a Luo origin from Kenya whose father studied economics and ended up getting a white lady who produced to him a Luo King, it came to pass when such a scenario never happened.
KAMPALA-UGANDA: The political pundit from the Great Lakes Region, political narrative discourse predicting that in December 2019 when Chinese announced to the world that there would an outbreak of COVID-19, little did the world know that COVID-19 pandemic Would kill people in a large number as it happened in Italy, Spain, German, United Kingdom and the USA, where the death tolls has surpassed the Spanish flu epidemic that had killed 3,000 people in New York City.
Opinion leaders and business community in Gulu City are crying that president Museveni want high numbers of COVID-19to attract donors funding, sources intimated.
So far funds that has been received by government of Uganda are from WHO, UNICEF and USA, all totaling to UGX 8.8 trillion. Ugandans are complaining that instead of President Museveni allowing Uganda Health Ministry to do Diagnostic Testing at the boarders point, instead he should have issued a presidential directive barring them from entering into the country. They argue that he has succumbing to this pressure just to allow Uganda get donor funds.
A senior Chinese military intelligence officer who could not contain the pain of losing his only son has decided to reveal THE SECRET BEHIND THE DREADED VIRUS covid-19 come what may.
He says: “I am a senior Chinese military intelligence officer, and I know the truth about the coronavirus outbreak. It’s far worse than what the media is telling you. I am a Chinese Citizen in Wuhan who occupies- or perhaps occupied a highly ranking position in military intelligence. I am a member of Chinese Communist, a senior official near the top of the party, and I have access to a great deal of classified information, and I have been involved in many top secret government projects, I have a doctorates from leading university in a western country.”
This Chinese military intelligence says the COVID-19 killed ten million people. However the official statement from Chinese government indicates that about 1.7000 people were killed by COVID-19 pandemic.
President Museveni made a debut on March 18, 2020 when he announced the suspension of primary education, secondary education and universities education sending about 5 million students home.
Following the 31 March, 2020 Presidential directive,, a 14-day lock down was put in place, then followed by 21 days later, then again it was extended to another 21 days.
Two months ago when the lock down was announced, the country had only 1 positive case of the COVID-19. And it all the border points had been closed earlier, not to allow any truck drivers to enter, Uganda should have had e only 52 cases of Ugandans would had returned from Dubai.
But when president Museveni Presidential directive allowed truck Drivers to enter into Uganda from all the boarders’ points, this provided a fertile ground for infecting Ugandans with COVID-19 from Kenyan and Tanzanian truck drivers. Highly placed sources from statehouse imitated that the Sabugabo regime has acquired thousands of trucks, adding that it the reason why the Ugandan government allowed foreign truck drivers to move into Uganda thus spreading COVID-19 pandemic.
Who is behind the 248 COVID-19 positive Truck drivers, who is benefiting from the WHO funding?
The vineyard source revealed that there is more funding from WHO, and that the government has received these funds which totals to about $500 million from Bill gates foundation, sources said.
Ugandans are worried that the Sabugabo regime is planning to put an end to Uganda Taxi Operators, with plans to put in place a new bus company.
The sources say the government want all buses to stop 11 kilometer away from Kampala, for Northern root the government want to construct Bus Park terminal in Matuga, and this will cover all the major five roots, Jinja road, Miniyana road, Mbarara road and Gulu road and Entebbe road.
The donation that has so far been given to Uganda Government are as follow: Protecting mother and babies from HIV during the COVID-19 Global Fund is providing about US$ 45 million, Denmark supports Uganda’s COVID-19 response with Two million Dollars.
Others support Children and the Hidden Victims COVID-19 UNICEF-Uganda 316 million dollars to support the Country in mining the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and IMF Executive Board approves US $ 491.5 million
By last week the contribution coming from Uganda grassroots support was UGX 27 billion totaling to US$ 736.5 million, only today the Chairman task force COVID-19 Major Santo Okot Lapollo announced to the State Minister Health Primary Duties Mrs. Joyce Moriko Kaducu that Gulu Task Force has received 30 tones of food items that includes 20 tones of Poasho and 10 tonnes of beans.
However, Gulu and other 18 regional referral Hospital in the Country has not been supply with food items, the major player in the COVID-19 that turned the COVID-19 pandemic to money making are the district Chairpersons and the Presidency making political game for 2021 Presidential polls.
Now the latest move bu Uganda Government the Legislators have tabled new bill to borrow money from World Bank, the MPs ask for more money to join the fight in COVID-19. MPs tabled proposal to parliament to borrow $ 100 million from the World Bank, the supplementary request that has been of UGX 304 billion which was tabled last week