
The Uganda People‘s Defense Forces (UPDF). Last week went to evict the Apaa community in Amuru District on disputed land 860 square kilometer. The land which was de-gazetted by Uganda parliament in 2002 when Acholi communities were still in Internal Displaced People’s Camps. (IDPs).
But Apaa residences told the Uganda Army UPDF that if you want to shoot us do so. Or if you want to destroy our properties go ahead. However, by the evening the UPDF disappear one by one.
Land matters in Apaa, land matters in Aswa ranch etc. The talk is, Museveni grabbing this, Museveni is grabbing that…
OMORO-UGANDA: Hon Jacob Oulanyah, the Deputy Speaker on Saturday May 11th 2019 once again got the audacity to ask President Museveni to reconsider the cabinet resolution that was passed to compensate the Apaa people UGX 10 million and 20 iron sheets to evacuate their land.
“Mr. President, Your Excellency. I want to put this clear to you that the position of Executives paper, the cabinet resolution to pay off the people of Apaa UGX 10 million and 20 iron sheets has been taken in bad fate. You reconsider the issues and settle it amicable.” Oulayah caution Uganda President Museveni at Opit Secondary School while addressing public.
“There are mummers which going on between people of Acholi the cabinet resolutions and it is not good, Mr President i want to emphasize that it is not good at all and i will meet you in person we discuss more about it so that the problem is handle in amicable way” Oulanyah emotionally reiterated.
When Oulanyah paid visit to Apaa recently this what he says: “the law of Uganda permits any citizen to own property and settle anywhere in Uganda. Who’s violating the law and depriving who of what property to be talking about compensating what for how much? “
Adding that who’s prohibiting Acholi or Madi people to own property and settle in Adjumani or in Amuru?
“Please let’s have legal and logical permanent solutions to the manmade land problems.” The Deputy Speaker warns.
He farther argues that the resolutions should be realistic, reasonable and acceptable by all without use of force. It was saddening when he was in Apaa, he witnessed roadblock mounted between land boundary dividing Acholi and the Madi people.
“I saw gardens of cassava and banana belonging to the Acholi people allegedly captured and occupied by the Madi people. Who’s responsible in disturbing the quiet peace the community in Apaa has been enjoying since time immemorial? Draw your administrative boundary dividing districts but don’t drag tribalism or ethnicity into the districtisation matter, it’s unconstitutional and unlawful. I think it would be significant if the whole of legislature, executive and the judiciary could go on the ground of the contested Apaa land and make their resolutions and recommendations therefrom. I beg opine.” Jacob Oulanyah told Omoro community while Museveni dictator was gleeful watching at him.
Dictator Museveni responded by saying next week he is going to pitch camp in Acholi region to investigate causes and makes comprehensive solution to poverty.
“Government invested a lot of money into infrastructural development in the sub-region to eradicate poverty, but to his surprise, poverty levels are instead going up but people should know that development is not wealth.” President Museveni noted.
He urged people of Omoro to always vote the right leaders like Catherine Lamwaka so that bring development in their areas.
“If you vote the right leaders like Catherine Lamwaka, you get good results like development but if you vote bad learders you gets bad results” Museveni remakred during Thankgiving for the victory of Catherine Lamwaka as Omoro Woman MP in the last election.
While responding to the petition of Opit Town Council LCIII Chairman about the tarmacking of Gulu-Moroto road, Museveni said the road is under government programme under Uganda National Road Authority and promised to speed up the process with the ministry officials.
Olango Agura, former 1973 Museveni’s gorilla comrade in Awere was not happy wondering why Museveni neglected his promise for not tarmacking Gulu-Moroto road and Acholi Bur Lira road yet he constantly appear in the areas looking for votes during every election season.
However, some National Resistance Movement party stalwart supporters directed their disillusionment turn to social media.
Mr. Andrew Onyuk posted, whoever is making the President of Uganda and NRM party becoming unpopular over some stupid illegal land grabbing matters like in Apaa and elsewhere must be isolated, restraint and or rejected. I have been in Apaa myself to hear and see the fact in issues on the ground therein.
Bad politicians are doing dangerous politics in Apaa using land. The deliberate sufferings being inflicted on the innocent Acholi and Madi people who for long settled and intermarried with each other in community are totally regrettable and unacceptable.” Onyuk said.