Disaster Minister Hilary Onek Obaloker hired Lamwo clan chief UGX 50 million for mobilization for his Parliamentary seat
(Lamwo West) Disaster Minister Hilary Onek, put UGX 50 million to hire clans leaders in Lamwo as their campaign agents,(Lamwo East) Dr. George Okello Lucima takes control of Madi Opeyi, shared Agoro Sub County with Dr. Okullu, Dr. Okullu takes control of Paluga, Putika. While John Ogwok takes control of Padibbe and Lukung Sub Counties.
Hon Lyandor Komakech took the early lead in Gulu City Layibi-Bargdege. Nancy Atingango, Cesare Lubanga-kene and Fr. Onen on a hot pursuit in Gulu City East Division Laroo-Pace MP seat.
GULU CITY-UGANDA: Jacob Oulanyah has put his foot now on the ground to take Omoro County Paliarmentary seat from his arch rival Eng. Andrew Olal Obong, as he launched his political campaign at his backyard Ajuri village on the 9, November 2020.
“The talks that Oulanyah is this time we shall see, I am not popular with the voters on the ground, this veranda talks in Gulu City, with us we don’t talks, not even abusing my opponents, when a mad man takes off with your clothes when you are taking birth, does it means you have to run after him.” Oualnyah wondered.
Eng. Olal Obong on Friday November 7, 2020. Says he was on the lead on his communication to Oyeng Yeng News, says the Omoro Parliamentary seat is under his control.
“When we have to vote today, I will beat the Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulnayh, because the talks from Gulu City streets is not what on the ground” Just go and see Eng. Olal roared.
However, fact on the ground indicates that the Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah is still popular in Lalogi Sub County and Lakwana Sub County.
Thus, Eng. Olal Obong is getting rooted in Odek Sub County, his birth place, according to sources from the voters in some part of Odek Sub County.
The Women Member of Parliament, Hon Catherine Lamwaka, the current MP for Omoro Women District is still popular with voters, although Hon Betty Akech Okullu is still popular with the voters.
Okot Peter is still a dominant force to reckon with in the Tochi County Parliamentary seat.
Gulu City race
Gulu City direct Parliamentary seat elected, the popular names that are furthering are the names of Rev. Father Charles Independent candidate, Nancy Atimango NRM candidate Lubanga-Kene Cesare NUP candidate.
Other candidates the likes of Mwaka Emmanuel Lutukumio, Simon Independent Candidate, Opoka Simon, DP candidate, Okidi Christopher Independent candidate, because of their visibility on the ground has been decimal.
Women Member of Parliament on affirmative position, there are four newcomer contestants are Laker Jolly Grace Okot DP candidate, Vento Auma Ogora Independent candidate, Rose Mary Atim Independent candidate in the Women Members of Parliament, and Lapolo Maria Saka NRM candidate they are threatening Hon Betty Aol Ocan, former Gulu Municipality Women MP.
Laker Joly Grace the DP candidate is popular with the voters, followed by Vento Auma Ogora Independent candidate and Rose Mary Atim who is also Independent candidates.
Gulu West Layibi-Pece City Division, the battle for control in Parliamentary race are between Layandor Komakech, Tony Kitara, while Martin Ojara is on the second runner up.
According to information reaching Oyeng Yeng News desk, the issues top on agenda with the voters are corruption of road construction by Chinese firm and JICA firm, lack of accountability in Gulu District local government, illegal sales of land in Gulu Municipality and high level forest degradation by the district leaders and exportation of Beyo and Yaa trees which involved Gulu District boss, colluding with the first son.
Gulu mayorship, George Lapir Aligaiz one month ago was on the lead, his name was popular with the voter, but of late according to radio announcement in Mega FM, the name of Alfred Okwanga, Achire Christopher has become popular, although according to voters they says Lapir Aligaiz has more content issues on Gulu City development.
Pader District race
Aruu County,
Aruu South, Hon Odonga Otto is battling with Ochora NUP while Laker Vicky Odong Independent candidate is giving Hon Luwila Okettayot a run for her money.
Kitgum West,
Otim William aka Otim Bosmic and Hon Phillip Okin is a do or die fight for the legitimate by Okin as Otim has become a namesake in Kitgum East Constituency.
What are indicator that the Kitgum race is a do or die. Otim NRM flag bearer when he schedule his campaign rally in a particular area, on that day no work in that village, all able people including women will abandon their work and go to attend the Otim playboy, turned musician talk shows.
Kitgum Women Parliamentary seat
Lillian Aber is on the early lead
Hon Lamwaka the Kitgum Women MP who was beaten in the race by Lilian Aber throwing dollar in Kitgum East.
Second edition Agago, and Amuru candidates will be a hot cake
Lamwo District 20201 race
Eng. Hilary Onek Obalo Ker has made his way by hiring clans head to campaign for him in 2021 parliamentary race, according to source who asked not to be name say. The Disaster Minister Onek has paid UGX 50 million to all clan head to mobilize voter on his behalf.
“With us the political campaign in Lamwo west is a done deal, because our clan’s leaders are the one telling their people to votes for Hilary Onek, because he has paid them UGX 50 million”
In Lamwo East the battle ground are between Okello Lucima, who hail from Madi opeyi, the man according to Oyeng Yeng News source, say Okello Lucima has a block votes from Madi Opeyi and part of Agoro Sub County.
John Ogwok FDC, also has a block votes from Padibbe Sub County although he can get votes from Lukung Sub County, Dr. Okullu who hail from Palugar has also block votes from Palugar although they are sharing votes from Agoro with Okello Lucima.
While Lanyeros, who are battling for Woman MP for Lamwo district Molly Lanyero the current Women MP she is heading her arch rival Sarah Lanyero