Global Politics
New method rigging includes mosquito net distribution, emoyago national identity cards numbers being used in NRM 68 percent opinion poll

President Museveni is seen to be in a panic mood. Gen. Saleh has since camped in Acholiland as Kampala is getting hotter day in, day out. Gen. Saleh is seen holding several meetings both with the Army and the Civilians ahead of what is expected to be one of the most hotly contested presidential elections in the history of Uganda.
Joachim Buwenbo Kampala, journalist and a long time political commentator observed that Uganda’s mighty intelligence is so blind to see crippling government?
GULU CITY-UGANDA: Dr Barigye Moses and Akello Jane Ebwol. Akello is campaigning in Acholi Sub Region that President Museveni has directed them to open Village Bank as part of wiping out poverty in the region.
Dr. Barigye says the statehouse has deployed 300 of them in Acholi Sub region to sensitize the community; they are meeting Farmers’ Groups and raising People’s hope that poverty will be an history in Uganda if Acholi People joins their Village Bank. That the ATM being used by Banks in Uganda is not Credit Card and that the Village Bank they intend to introduce will use a Credit Card.
That when a Farmer sells his produce using their Village Bank, his Card will be debited thus the Farmer can use the card to buy anything unlike the use of ATM Cards where one still has his money at the Bank, making the Banks to profit from the Farmer’s own savings by further continuing to lend your money out. The Cadres are further telling Acholi people that in ancient times men were the heads of the families. But currently, they have been relegated as second hands due to colonialism. They are alluding that the village bank that will be registered in the man’s name as a company will see men restoring back their lost glories.
The Operatives were quoting provisions within the 1995 constitution article 244 which provided for the constitution to be translated in the native languages like Luo for people to understand. They also quoted another article 162 of the 1995 constitution which states that ‘what is beneath the soil belongs to government’ and they concluded that the land belongs to government.
The Cadres blamed Ugandans for not reading their Constitution. They claimed that people have more Bibles than the Constitution. They blamed Acholi for abandoning their Cultures for Western Religion and Cultures. They castigate people for enriching the Churches by giving tax free money every Sunday.
For one to open that company, that household MUST own at least one acre of Land. The value of that Land is debited in the Family’s Credit Card. One wonders why without Land you can’t join the Village Bank and why the Land is valued and the Card is debited.
As a condition for opening the Company in the man’s name each household pays 350,000/= and 310,000/= for opening a company and certificate respectively. And that they need only 600 households per District who will own shares in the Village Bank.
They also blame the World Bank and IMF for high interest rates on Commercial Banks and Microfinance Institutions. They rightly say that the World Bank and IMF exert pressure on the Central Bank (Bank of Uganda) to implement controlled policies of Commercial Banks.
They went ahead to say that Land Titles are controlled by Europeans through the Bank of Uganda. It’s their Village Bank that will see people enjoy having full control over their Lands and resources below the Land.
Sources who attended the meeting in Gulu City, in an interview with Oyeng Yeng News says with the people who attended meetings with the two Statehouse Cadres, the messages being delivered needs careful scrutiny which may beyond the scope of a commoner down there in the village to contextualise.
Among other things, these Operatives are sharing the following. The two Operatives are indoctrinating Acholi people about the pre-colonial times. They are castigating the Europeans for Slave Trade in Africa, putting themselves as Pan Africanists. They continued that after the abolition of Slave Trade, the Europeans substituted Slave Trade with Trade. They claim that all Banks are Foreign owned and that these foreign Banks are aiding promotion of Trade in the interest of the foreign Countries.
They continued that the Ambassadors of different Countries in Uganda are Business Partners of those countries who report back to their Countries about the volumes of Agricultural Produce produced in Uganda for export which intern leads to fall in Uganda’s Currency against the dollar which subsequently affects unit price of produce and our revenues.”
Ojok Mike alluded that as the 2021 general elections heats up, different Presidential Candidates are using different strategies to woo Voters. With the Youths who are over 60% of the total votes heavily behind the Pop Star turned Politician called Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu commonly known as Bobi Wine, President Museveni is seen to be in a panic mood.
Catholics Cardinal Cyprian Lwanga has repeatedly called for a delay of elections by at least three more years for the sitting President to continue and to ease tension.
It is interesting to note that in the wake of these campaigns, there are people who claim to be coming from Statehouse meeting Acholi people.
That in the past men urinated and defecated on the land which enriched the soil a great deal. Urine and faeces are natural resources to the plants. The plants are eaten by the animals. And man eats both plants and animals in that cycle. The Cadres blamed the Whites for introducing Toilet Sewerage Systems which affects the enrichment of Land. They intend to use Science such that urine as a resource is preserved for making NPKFertilizer. Each litre of urine would go for not less than 35,000/= which each registered company cannot fail to generate daily. A registered company could as well tape the urine of their neighbours. The money generated from the litres of urine daily would be debited into the company’s card.
NOTE: These cadres claimed that President Museveni took them for a training to research on the problem of Africa and they are fresh graduates.
The following question remains unanswered by these operatives:
- Which Government privatised our Commercial Banks in Uganda?
- Who are the big shareholders in these private banks and other parastatals?
- The 1995 Constitution has lived for about 25 years under the leadership of one president, which European Country was supposed to translate the Constitution in our Local Languages?
- Has President Museveni failed at any moment to change the Constitution in the way he wishes?
- Why must one own Land of at least an acre to get registered into the Village Bank?
- And why must the Card be debited with equal amounts to the value of Land?
- Isn’t that selling Land?
- Why are the Cadres not rooting their campaigns through the government structures since it’s attributed to President Museveni achievements?
- And why is it coming at election time?
- Could that be the long-awaited Fundamental Change the President alluded to?
Ambassador David Mwaka asked the Acholi community three weeks ago during at Abuga village, Layibi Division Gulu City that he has been directed by Gen. Salim Saleh to mobilize the Acholi community so that he gives them money to invest to develop their land.
“Gen. Salim Saleh asks me to mobilize the Acholi community so that he gives them money for Agricultural production, because he has been moving in Acholi Sub Region and he has seen Acholi have a big snuck of land that can be a food basket for Uganda and African at large.”
Gilbert Olanya, the MP for Kilak South, Amuru district in his response to Ambassador Mwaka plea says Acholi community cannot trust Gen. Saleh Good will, because he has come to implement 50 years Museveni’s plan to rule Uganda and grab our land.
“We cannot allow Gen. Salim Saleh plan to give money to our people who later can be the source of grabbing land.” Olanya urged.
Mike Lakony, the Chairman LCV of Amuru district dismissed the allegation of the statehouse cadres who are conversing with Acholi Sub Region for opening Village Bank, saying it is still a hearsay that will not bother him. If the issues has not been put in black white, is still a rumours they are
“I want to tell you that there is nothing that cannot happened the involvement of the district leaders, those who are moving to mobilize the community they are stupid people, no any Village bank that can be open, not in Amuru district where I am the leader.’ Lakony warns.
Those who are moving to register village banks for election since 1995 when Museveni campaigned he has been coming with all types of money business bona musone, bona kasowonge, Entendikwa, Meyoga, during general election, even ghost raise.
Buwembo says it is also in order to point Finance Intelligence Alliance to another even more deadly explosion in the making that can mess up all our lives and country, so they investigate it with the same vigour as they investigated the NGOs whose accounts they blocked.
A team comprising some of the country’s best economists has just concluded a research for Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC) conducted between December 2019 to December 2020 and released a worrying report.
It transpires; according to the report that 14 percent of Uganda’s entire land mass is owned by a few these saying exactly how few these relatively few people are the Ugandan researchers defined a large land holding as measuring 200 hectares or more. That is about a square mile or more.
Buwembo saying being economists and not security people they proceed to make recommendations, key of which was capping the landholding in the country to stop the impending dispossession of the majority masses of their right to their source of livelihood, their right at that if the million of unemployed youth cannot get jobs and can no longer access land to grow food, it does not take a professor of conflict studies to predict and explosion.
He alluded that in fact the same week when the report was released a group of rival parliamentary candidates from different parties in Northern Uganda resolved to work together to protect the rights of their Acholi people to land held under what in Uganda is called customary land tenure.