Dr CP’s countenance in this profile photo tells a lot about the demeanor of THE MAN.
The candle has burned out in the demise of a key radiologist Dr. Cyprian Opira, commonly referred to simply as CP, who was reputed for unwavering sacrifice, commitment and service above self.
“Dr. Cyprian Opira dedicated his life to serve the most vulnerable at the least possible cost, we deeply mourn his loss and honour his legacy,” said the Director of St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor, Dr. Odong EmintoneAyella. Dr. Odong made this remark on the day the body was taken to Gulu City Council, November 8, 2024, where the Gulu City Councilors honored CP’s longtime contribution toward humanity in Acholi sub region and Uganda at large.
By Okumu Langol Livingstone
On Wednesday October 30, 2024, a dark cloud fell upon the Acholi community when they heard about the passing of an icon, Dr. Cyprian Opira, fondly referred to as Dr. CP.
Dr. CP breathed his last at Mulago National Hospital where he had been admitted for about a month.
Tributes poured in. “Dr. Opira’s commitment to healthcare and his exemplary leadership have left an indelible mark on our institution and the community at large. His dedication and tireless efforts have significantly contributed to the mission and vision of St Mary’s Hospital Lacor,” said SMHL, Medical Director, Emintone Odong Ayella.

“He lived among us for 34 years. A part of us has left,” the Institutionsl Director,Dr. Martin Ogwang remarked.
“Dr. CP was an intelligent, selfless, humble, and gentle yet at heart, a strong and courageous man-as strong as a lion, impeccable in character, patient with a listening ear. He dedicated in his profession, never complaining nor finger pointing, but a critical thinker and solutions-oriented. He was concerned more about others’problems than his own,” said Hospital Administrator, Pier Paul Ocaya.
“We feel deeply sorry for this profound loss, and luckily to have crossed his path, even if only for a short time,”Italian Cooperation, Nairobi Office.
“If professionalism were a person, it would be Dr. CP. After the death of the Dr. MathewLukwiya he stood firmly in the gap ensuring that Lacor Hospital continued to excel, May his soul rest in peace,” said Hon. Norbert Mao, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
Alima Joyce, Gulu City Speaker who presided over the Gulu City Council eulogy proposed that a road which was named after Dr. CP in Laroo-Pece Gulu City Division be maintained while another roundabout within the city should also be named after the deceased gallant son of Acholi.
Mr. Otim Francis, acouncilor for Kirombe in Layibi-Berdege Gulu City Division proposed that a hall of Gulu Teaching Hospital that is being constructed be named after Dr. CP.
Prof. Davis Okello Owiny, the Deputy ViCe Chancellorof Gulu University said Gulu University Council will debate the above proposal and honour Dr. Cyprian Opira with the teaching hospital hall in his name.
“I am saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. CP. I trained under him and later developed a respectful collaborative relationship. “He was very crucial in helping us train EMBLEM doctors in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya to learn to perform ultrasound-guided biopsy of deep-seated tumors suspected to be Burkitt lymphoma.
“He was humble, supportive, and encouraging; his loss will be deeply felt by his patients, colleagues, and family. May God comfort them during these difficulties times,” said Sam M. Mbulaiteye, Senior Investigator, National Cancer Institute (USA).
Dominique Corti Atim, President Foundation Corti, who her father founded St. Mary’s Lacor Hospitalcommends Dr. Cyprian Opira asaltruistic, humble, always kind, tireless worker, patient, never critical but open to listening and dialogue.
“The list of Dr. Cyprian Opira’s qualities are endless and that is why Dr. Piero Corti sent him to Italy to follow in his footsteps, and hespecialized in diagnostic imaging (Radiology and Ultrasound),” Dominique Corti Atim noted.
“This is an immense loss for Lacor and for all of us at the Corti Foundation, who stand with his family, colleagues, and friends, we remember him by quoting his last message from this past September, on his birthday, a message as simple as it was despite the challenges.”
“We are comforted to know that he will be laid to rest in the heart of Lacor, next to Lucille, Piero, Mathew, and Brother Elio. In this way, he will always be present and be a source of inspiration. Our hope is that many will follow in his footsteps and carry on his legacy,” remarked Dominique Corti Atim.
Dr. CP arrived at St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor Hospital in 1985 as a newly graduated intern and stayed ever since, taking the hospital’s reins after the deaths of Dr. Mathew Lukwiya and Piero Corti. We remember him during the Ebola epidemic, after Dr. Mathew Lukwiya‘s death, he managed to keep the staff united and motivated, he never held back, even in recent years, despite his illness.
He was a reference point for Italian cooperation, not only for his technical and professional skills, but also for his humanity and his profound commitment to the people he served for many years, even during the darkest decade-long war between the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels and the government forces,the most challenging times in the Acholi region.
Last year 2023, Dr. CP received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement award from the Heroes in Health Award presented by the Ugandan Ministry of Health, recognizing his life’s achievements.
For many years, Dr. CP was the only radiologist in the Northern region, providing critical services to Uganda and neighboringcountries, such as Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.
His leadership roles started way back in 2003 after the death of Dr. Peiro Corti when he closelyworked with Dr. Bruno and when Dr. Bruno retired; Dr. CP was appointed the Executive Director in year 2008, a post he held until his demise.
His tenure saw the expansion of the hospital’s services and enhanced training programs in collaboration with Gulu University.His leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic was marked by swift and effective resource mobilization, drawing from past experience with Ebola.
Gulu Archdiocese Archbishop Raphael p’Mony Wokorach referred to the book of Job “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of our Lord.” (Job 1:21. He states that Dr. CP’s gentle countenance was one impressive feature of his character adding that he was a wise person who spent his energy on the side of doing well.
“He touched and healed many,his colleagues remember him as peace loving and a man who had interest of the hospital at heart.”Heput aside his pain to serve others until death when he had the liberty to retire. He was man who was very much appreciated by a good number of people, not only by Catholics but also non-Catholics,” states the prelate.
“We have a lot emulate from Dr. Cyprian: his fidelity and commitment to the vision and mission of the hospital; he never left the hospital in good and bad times even if there were many possibilities at his disposal,” the prelate added and concluded “We pray for his repose and may the merciful God grant him everlasting life in Heaven with him, Amen.”
Justice Emeritus Ralph Ocan head of Dr. CP’s family states,
“I can declare without fear of contradiction, that his core life value was service, care and love for his patients, family, and friends. “In a word, his core value was service above self. He had scant attention for the material things of this world.”
“His residence was a modest unit in the remote corner of hospital complex, yet with his vast experience in his field,he could have had a very successful private medical practice in Gulu or indeed anywhere else in Uganda.”
Dr. Cyprian also had a sharp social conscience manifested in his active participation in the Rotary Movement in Gulu and his professional Radiology Association in Uganda.His heart was however always on his patient, and his leadership role in the management of the hospital, while he led the front, none of his team was left behind, and the team shared his vision.
Early life
Dr. CP hailed from a humble background. He was born to UrmariAbwoch and Aneta Ayaa of AtiakPupwonya in 1961 in current Amuru District. The district is well known for episodes of massacres during the Lord’s Resistance Army rebellion against the Government of Uganda.
His education.He completed primary school from Olya Primary school in Atiak from 1967-1973 where he sat his primary Leaving Examination (PLE). He did lower secondary studies at St. Mary’s College Kisubi from 1974-1977 where he obtained the East African Certificate of Education, and he continued with his Advance level education in the same school, 1978-79.
He did internship training at St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor, 1985-1986 where he started his career as doctor, between 1989-1994 he got a scholarship from Italian Cooperation to pursue Masters in Radiology and science of Imaging at Milan State University.
He attended several short courses such as Radiation Treatment Planning at Centro Di ReferimentoOnologico, Aviano, Italy in 1997, Ultrasound Course from Ospedale San Refaele Milan Italy in 1999. He also obtained a Certificate in strategic planning and management from Uganda Management Institute in 2004, Interventional Ultrasonography from Ospedale Reunite, and Bergamo Italy in 2007 and finally he studied Financial Management for non-Financial Managers conducted by Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) in 2007. Professional work For the entire professional career, Dr. Cyprian served at St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor holding various positions; Intern Doctor between 1985-1986, Medical Officer 1986-1989, Medical Officer Special Grade-Radiology 1994-1998, medical Superintendent 1998-2003, Director 2003-2008. Also, he served as Executive Director and Senior Consultant Radiologist 2008-2024.
Leadership beyond Lacor
Dr. CP was past President-Rotary Club Gulu and Paul Harris Fellow, Vice Chairman, Diocese Health Association Health Board, Ex-Chairman Board of Trustees, Health Integrated Development Organization, Ex-Chairman, Uganda Medical Association-Acholi Branch among others.