Global Politics
Acholi Sub Region COVID-19 Task Force and media are doing good mobilization
By Okumu Langol L AND Christopher Nyeko
Dr. Aceng shocked Gulu Task Force and Minister Officials when she revealed that according to information reaching her, she was told that Amuru District Task Force COVID-19 has not reach Elegu broader along Uganda-South Sodan
“Amuru district is still doing poorly in the implementation of presidential directives on covid-19. attributed health minister, can you imagine that I was told that the Task Force has not reach even Elegu broader point.
GULU-UGANDA: The health Minister Dr. Ruth Jane Aceng argues Uganda that lock down is not a permanent solution to COVID-19, the lock down is give Government to prepare to control people movement and getting solution how to treat and handle COVID-19 pandemic.
We are soon easing lock down, but the government has order Manufacture Company from India, in one month time the Indian company who are within the country will begin producing mask for 45 million Ugandans, and we are giving people to wear them when the lock down is over, Dr. Aceng reassure Gulu Task Force on COVID-19 pandemic
The Minister was very infuriate during the meeting in Gulu, lambasting the Acholi politicians who stopped the COVID-19 suspected not to reach Gulu Referral hospital says Gulu Regional Hospital and Gulu University is a big institution that could have benefited from the COVID-19 likes other European Countries who lost many people, but they have research on corona virus, because scientists still do not have information about the disease
“Fighting covid-19 needs agreement than disagreement I was very embarrassed after hearing Gulu rejected covid-19 patient which was referred to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital. The issues was to give time to scientist at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital to try treating covid-19 and give them chances to carry out research and find out if they can defend their papers indeed Doctors from Mulago national government Hospital are over whelmed” said Aceng.
Dr. Aceng applauded COVID-19 Task Force of Gulu district for establishing institutional quarantine says the authority to stop taking quarantined peoples like criminal in custody and they must stop stigmatizing those who had been in institutional quarantine and those who were discharged from hospital after being admitted on corona.
She wants covid-19 Gulu district task force to write to national covid-19 task force to request for donation given to national covid-19 task force to help those who are still in institutional quarantine, explained that the foods and other items which was donated are to benefits the citizen in quarantine and vulnerable community affected by covid-19. It only the district covid-19 task force to request for it.
Dr. Aceng clarified that 165millions shilling channeled through chief administrative officer and town clerk must be used in surveillance , risk management and facilitation of Village Health Teams where each of the VHT member are to be paid 20000 thousand shilling per day and purchased mega phone for door to door delivery of information about covid-19
“The UGX 160 million just little only meant for airtime” Dr. Aceng laugh
The minister wonder why Samples from upcountry always reach Natural Virus Research Center in un-expected time manor.
This scenario had made to government to look for solution now we have bought three mobile Laboratory that can test 288 samples where one will be installed at Elego boarder point Amuru district between Uganda and south Sudan so that those entering in to the Uganda are tested at the boarder point.
Doctor Aceng confirmed that the samples of two patients who were suspicious of covi19 and died from St Mary Hospital Lacor on the 27th April 2020 unfortunately the samples reached natural virus research Centre on the 29th April 2020, which means when the COVID-19 Gulu Task Force and St Mary Hospital Lacor report that was released early that the woman result was negative, was completely Public Relation
Dr. Aceng disclosed that the two death people whose their corps still in St Mary Hospital Lacor were tested negative for covid-19., the minster disclosed. Says Uganda is trying to arrange with EAC to find the way of burying or taking the cop to Kenya where he nationalized. She lamented.
“I want to give three mobile Rapid Diadognitic Test Machine to Gulu District, one to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, one to St Mary Lacor Hospital and one to Elegu Uganda-Sudan broader point so that we stop this question that Kenyans Truck Drivers can sneak South Sudan and come died in Gulu to spread COVID-19 pandemic” Dr. Aceng warns.
The minister warns that personal protective equipment should not stop medics from handling some normal cases. Whoever may be found not dodging work must be reported to RDC and shown exit .says this COVID-19 has given minister opportunity to know that there are so many trained medical personnel who are out their without work, many of them turn up to be recruited to fight CVOIV-19 pandemic’
Adds on that there are many volunteer medics that are willing to take part in the health system. We have managed most of the case and our scientist and researchers are struggling to study the characteristics of corona virus together with world health organization.
“My visit to Lamwo District I have learned that and strange person whether foreigner community will arrest them and evict them from their areas, people are so vigilant, I appeal to our people to stop interacting with foreigners especially trucks drivers and we pray that God adder us so that lock down can be lifted partly.”
Gulu Covid-19 task force headed by Maj. Santos Okot Lapolo, Resident District Commissioner Gulu yesterday outlined series of challenges facing Gulu district Covid-19 task force in a meeting with the Minister of Health, Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng at Gulu Municipality Yard.
Among the challenges faced are insufficiency personal protective equipment, lack of basic needs at institutional quarantine, mechanical break downs of operational vehicles and little logistical support from Ministry of Health.
Maj. Santos said that says the 165millions shillings received from Ministry of Health has got no clear guide line on how the district should use it urging it should be defined to ease their operation.
The Gulu District Chair task force requested Minister of Health Dr. Ruth Aceng to consider up-gradation of the Multifunctional Laboratory at Gulu University from level two to level three so that Covid-19 samples can be tested from Gulu.
The meeting was attended by Medical Doctors from Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Scientist from Gulu University, Doctor from St Mary Hospital Lacor, Political leaders, district and municipal health officers, and religious leaders on the 29th April 2020 from Gulu Municipal Council Yard.
Gulu District Chairman appreciated medical teams from Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Fourth Division Army Hospital and St Mary Hospital Lacor during COVID-19.
Ojara notes that the COVID-19 UGX 160 million is too little to run many activities such as sensitization of the community, fueling of the vehicles, and facilitation of the Village Health Team VHTs. Ask the minister to consider supporting St Mary Hospital Lacor as they are over whelms in helping peoples on humanitarian ground during catastrophe.
“We will not shut up our mouth if the government cannot say yes to up-graduation of our multifunctional laboratory that can add values to Uganda health system and promote more rapid diagnostic testing hence rescuing Uganda natural virus research institute Entebbe” said Kaducu
Felix Kaducu Dean Faculty of medicine Gulu University elaborated that the Laboratory can run rapid test of above 700 samples in a day this can set some of the doctors from Uganda Natural Virus Research Center Entebbe free from over whelms as some specialist will be carrying out tests from up country. this will response to fight on covid-19 effectively because the sample taken from upcountry can be tested and the results are declare in short range and it may cut transport cost of taking sample to Kampala.
Kaducu urged the ministry of health to send their technical teams to carry out therapy assessment to Laboratory at Gulu University as they have been doing in other Laboratories around the country. Felix applauded the comrades for working jointly and voluntarily but he emphasized that though medics have responded positively in the fight against covid-19 to save the lives of many Ugandans but our lives should also be save . Doctors, nurses are still vulnerable and expose to corona virus due to shortage of personal protective equipment
Dr. James Elima the Director of Gulu Regional Referral Hospital GRRH reveals, as GRRH they have received UGX 270 million, but they are still waiting for clear directives from the Ministry of Health.
“Gulu Regional Referral Hospital cannot provide personal protective equipment Personal Protective Equipment’s to all our health workers, but to those in high risk department such as dentist, eye specialists and those who are working in isolation and quarantine Centre. “
Director of Gulu Regional Referral Hospital ask Ruth Aceng, the Ministry of Health to support Gulu Regional Referral Hospital with more ambulances among the Ambulances that are being donated to the COVID-19 Task Force to ease support the movement as way of speeding up transport of samples testing.
Dr. Elima told the visiting Minister that Japanese international co-operation agencies (JICA) pledges to constructs 5 intensive care unit to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, The Director admitted
The Health Minister Dr. Ruth Jane Aceng applauded the Acholi Sub region for coming up to defeat COVID-19. Pandemic as especially the Task Force team from Gulu district on the high level of reediness and preparedness in response to fight against covid-19 through massive hand washing.
The minister says everywhere she has travel in the homestead in Acholi she has witnessed hand washing facilities compare to other sub region she has been all over the country, this means cultural leaders are playing their roles, Dr. Aceng acknowledged.
“I have visited one woman in her home, although visitation has been banned, when I ask her why she is washing her hand, she told me that she was her hand to avoid getting COVID-19 pandemic, I insisted and ask her another question how she can get COVID-19 pandemic. The woman told me that when you don’t wash your hand, when you get contact with someone, when you touch your eyes, moth and ears you will be infected with COVID-19” The Minister told Gulu COVID-19 Task Force official
Adds on that her interview with the community has proved that the media has played leading roles, because she has witnessed how ready the community in Acholi Sub Region has been mobilized.
I am sorry of coming late to Gulu whenever, she has been prepared to come to Gulu, some things will hold or delay her. Although she went straight to Lamwo to solved other urgent matter, her travel has given her opportunity to see the wide Acholi Sub Region geographically marvelous the land scape has been.
By Okumu Langol L AND Christopher Nyeko
Dr. Aceng shocked Gulu Task Force and Minister Official when she reveal that according to information reaching her, she was told that Amuru District Task Force COVID-19 has not reach Elegu broader along Uganda-South Sudan
“Amuru district is still doing poorly in the implementation of presidential directives on covid-19.artributed health minister, can you imagine that I was told that the Task Force has not reach even Elegu broader point.
GULU-UGANDA: The health Minister Dr. Ruth Jane Aceng argues Uganda that lock down is not a permanent solution to COVID-19, the lock down is give Government to prepare to control people movement and getting solution how to treat and handle COVID-19 pandemic.
We are soon easing lock down, but the government has order Manufacture Company from India, in one month time the Indian company who are within the country will begin producing mask for 45 million Ugandans, and we are giving people to wear them when the lock down is over, Dr. Aceng reassure Gulu Task Force on COVID-19 pandemic
The Minister was very infuriate during the meeting in Gulu, lambasting the Acholi politicians who stopped the COVID-19 suspected not to reach Gulu Referral hospital says Gulu Regional Hospital and Gulu University is a big institution that could have benefited from the COVID-19 likes other European Countries who lost many people, but they have research on corona virus, because scientists still do not have information about the disease
“Fighting covid-19 needs agreement than disagreement I was very embarrassed after hearing Gulu rejected covid-19 patient which was referred to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital. The issues was to give time to scientist at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital to try treating covid-19 and give them chances to carry out research and find out if they can defend their papers indeed Doctors from Mulago national government Hospital are over whelmed” said Aceng.
Dr. Aceng applauded COVID-19 Task Force of Gulu district for establishing institutional quarantine says the authority to stop taking quarantined peoples like criminal in custody and they must stop stigmatizing those who had been in institutional quarantine and those who were discharged from hospital after being admitted on corona.
She wants covid-19 Gulu district task force to write to national covid-19 task force to request for donation given to national covid-19 task force to help those who are still in institutional quarantine, explained that the foods and other items which was donated are to benefits the citizen in quarantine and vulnerable community affected by covid-19. It only the district covid-19 task force to request for it.
Dr. Aceng clarified that 165millions shilling channeled through chief administrative officer and town clerk must be used in surveillance , risk management and facilitation of Village Health Teams where each of the VHT member are to be paid 20000 thousand shilling per day and purchased mega phone for door to door delivery of information about covid-19
“The UGX 160 million just little only meant for airtime” Dr. Aceng laugh
The minister wonder why Samples from upcountry always reach Natural Virus Research Center in un-expected time manor.
This scenario had made to government to look for solution now we have bought three mobile Laboratory that can test 288 samples where one will be installed at Elego boarder point Amuru district between Uganda and south Sudan so that those entering in to the Uganda are tested at the boarder point.
Doctor Aceng confirmed that the samples of two patients who were suspicious of covi19 and died from St Mary Hospital Lacor on the 27th April 2020 unfortunately the samples reached natural virus research Centre on the 29th April 2020, which means when the COVID-19 Gulu Task Force and St Mary Hospital Lacor report that was released early that the woman result was negative, was completely Public Relation
Dr. Aceng disclosed that the two death people whose their corps still in St Mary Hospital Lacor were tested negative for covid-19., the minster disclosed. Says Uganda is trying to arrange with EAC to find the way of burying or taking the cop to Kenya where he nationalized. She lamented.
“I want to give three mobile Rapid Diadognitic Test Machine to Gulu District, one to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, one to St Mary Lacor Hospital and one to Elegu Uganda-Sudan broader point so that we stop this question that Kenyans Truck Drivers can sneak South Sudan and come died in Gulu to spread COVID-19 pandemic” Dr. Aceng warns.
The minister warns that personal protective equipment should not stop medics from handling some normal cases. Whoever may be found not dodging work must be reported to RDC and shown exit .says this COVID-19 has given minister opportunity to know that there are so many trained medical personnel who are out their without work, many of them turn up to be recruited to fight CVOIV-19 pandemic’
Adds on that there are many volunteer medics that are willing to take part in the health system. We have managed most of the case and our scientist and researchers are struggling to study the characteristics of corona virus together with world health organization.
“My visit to Lamwo District I have learned that and strange person whether foreigner community will arrest them and evict them from their areas, people are so vigilant, I appeal to our people to stop interacting with foreigners especially trucks drivers and we pray that God adder us so that lock down can be lifted partly.”
Gulu Covid-19 task force headed by Maj. Santos Okot Lapolo, Resident District Commissioner Gulu yesterday outlined series of challenges facing Gulu district Covid-19 task force in a meeting with the Minister of Health, Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng at Gulu Municipality Yard.
Among the challenges faced are insufficiency personal protective equipment, lack of basic needs at institutional quarantine, mechanical break downs of operational vehicles and little logistical support from Ministry of Health.
Maj. Santos said that says the 165millions shillings received from Ministry of Health has got no clear guide line on how the district should use it urging it should be defined to ease their operation.
The Gulu District Chair task force requested Minister of Health Dr. Ruth Aceng to consider up-gradation of the Multifunctional Laboratory at Gulu University from level two to level three so that Covid-19 samples can be tested from Gulu.
The meeting was attended by Medical Doctors from Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Scientist from Gulu University, Doctor from St Mary Hospital Lacor, Political leaders, district and municipal health officers, and religious leaders on the 29th April 2020 from Gulu Municipal Council Yard.
Gulu District Chairman appreciated medical teams from Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Fourth Division Army Hospital and St Mary Hospital Lacor during COVID-19.
Ojara notes that the COVID-19 UGX 160 million is too little to run many activities such as sensitization of the community, fueling of the vehicles, and facilitation of the Village Health Team VHTs. Ask the minister to consider supporting St Mary Hospital Lacor as they are over whelms in helping peoples on humanitarian ground during catastrophe.
“We will not shut up our mouth if the government cannot say yes to up-graduation of our multifunctional laboratory that can add values to Uganda health system and promote more rapid diagnostic testing hence rescuing Uganda natural virus research institute Entebbe” said Kaducu
Felix Kaducu Dean Faculty of medicine Gulu University elaborated that the Laboratory can run rapid test of above 700 samples in a day this can set some of the doctors from Uganda Natural Virus Research Center Entebbe free from over whelms as some specialist will be carrying out tests from up country. this will response to fight on covid-19 effectively because the sample taken from upcountry can be tested and the results are declare in short range and it may cut transport cost of taking sample to Kampala.
Kaducu urged the ministry of health to send their technical teams to carry out therapy assessment to Laboratory at Gulu University as they have been doing in other Laboratories around the country. Felix applauded the comrades for working jointly and voluntarily but he emphasized that though medics have responded positively in the fight against covid-19 to save the lives of many Ugandans but our lives should also be save . Doctors, nurses are still vulnerable and expose to corona virus due to shortage of personal protective equipment
Dr. James Elima the Director of Gulu Regional Referral Hospital GRRH reveals, as GRRH they have received UGX 270 million, but they are still waiting for clear directives from the Ministry of Health.
“Gulu Regional Referral Hospital cannot provide personal protective equipment Personal Protective Equipment’s to all our health workers, but to those in high risk department such as dentist, eye specialists and those who are working in isolation and quarantine Centre. “
Director of Gulu Regional Referral Hospital ask Ruth Aceng, the Ministry of Health to support Gulu Regional Referral Hospital with more ambulances among the Ambulances that are being donated to the COVID-19 Task Force to ease support the movement as way of speeding up transport of samples testing.
Dr. Elima told the visiting Minister that Japanese international co-operation agencies (JICA) pledges to constructs 5 intensive care unit to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, The Director admitted
The Health Minister Dr. Ruth Jane Aceng applauded the Acholi Sub region for coming up to defeat COVID-19. Pandemic as especially the Task Force team from Gulu district on the high level of reediness and preparedness in response to fight against covid-19 through massive hand washing.
The minister says everywhere she has travel in the homestead in Acholi she has witnessed hand washing facilities compare to other sub region she has been all over the country, this means cultural leaders are playing their roles, Dr. Aceng acknowledged.
“I have visited one woman in her home, although visitation has been banned, when I ask her why she is washing her hand, she told me that she was her hand to avoid getting COVID-19 pandemic, I insisted and ask her another question how she can get COVID-19 pandemic. The woman told me that when you don’t wash your hand, when you get contact with someone, when you touch your eyes, moth and ears you will be infected with COVID-19” The Minister told Gulu COVID-19 Task Force official
Adds on that her interview with the community has proved that the media has played leading roles, because she has witnessed how ready the community in Acholi Sub Region has been mobilized.
I am sorry of coming late to Gulu whenever, she has been prepared to come to Gulu, some things will hold or delay her. Although she went straight to Lamwo to solved other urgent matter, her travel has given her opportunity to see the wide Acholi Sub Region geographically marvelous the land scape has been.