What interest does Museveni ruling government have in Acholi Sub Region is it oil and gas, big minerals deposits in East Acholi?
All the road leads to Kitgum Municipality, for the celebration of appointed new minister of state for the Disaster (sic) Lillian Aber.
A friend of mind told me fortnight ago, that he misses the chances to become the MP for Aswa county, Gulu district in 2016 Parliamentary and presidential polls, just because of his foolishness.
“”I was approached by Gen. Salim Saleh to stand via National Resistance Movement for the seat of Aswa County Parliamentary election, he turned down the offer from Gen. Saleh.””
Opoka Simon, one of the stanch Democratic Party stalwart decried before me like a toddler, I have known Opoka Simon way back in 1998 when he was residing in the hostel next to my residence at Kiyambogo College, a young boy in the mid 20s he look very promising, no wonder after graduating from University Norbert Mao picked him up as his right hand man.
Opoka narrates to me that while he was conversing for votes in Aswa County, he was approached by Gen. Salim Saleh that if could abandon his quest for being Member of Parliament under the DP, ticket and stand under the NRM, he would support him.
But, he look the other way, therefore, foolishly he was assured that he will win the race, and indeed it never happens that way, he was the last in the votes counting.
“Gen. Salim Saleh told me that under the NRM, he will be supported, because President Museveni has lost ground in Buganda soil, therefore he need to get support base in Acholi Sub Region to shows case that NRM is still has support based across the country. And that is why Gen Salim Saleh have pitched camp in Acholi Sub Region since then.

Second reason why the Kampala regime needed to capture ground in the Acholi Sub Region is because of the good grazing ground for their animals, because while northern Uganda was raging in the war, some surveying mapping was taking place in the vast up county side of the Acholi Sub Region, the surveying was taking place searching the minerals potential area of oil and gas and lucrative minerals . which was done very successful without the knowledge of the political makers in the area according to impeccable sources from statehouse.
The ground UPDF forces which were moving in Northern Uganda were specifically carrying up survey which was taking place as the conflict was taking shape . The UPDF officers they were identified suitable agricultural zone, and Amuru belt was identified the place like Kololo was meant for the first family, and it came to passed when Madhivani group of company was initiated to be a front runner.
Thirdly, vineyard authoritative sources revealed that during the 1981-86 Museveni gorilla bush war, he managed to convened his fighters that once they, the National Resistance Forces NRA captured power, the planned to cut out, off Northern Uganda to remain outside the Kampala regime regime were being drown, the main motive of that was, should there be resistance from the former Uganda National Liberation Army UNLA, To stop them not to cross River Nile.
Therefore, when finally Kampala government headed by the Junta ,Gen. Okello Lutwa fall, it gave the then new military head President Museveni opportunity to studied the Greater North very well while flying in the vas Greater north to witness and draw their final agenda, source intimated to OyengYeng publications.
Indicating that at one time President Museveni flued from Arua City, in West Nile region, landing sporadic in particular location picking soil sample from Acholi, Lango, Karamoja Teso up to Tororo district. where he found that North of River Nile there are good pasture for the animals than the other side.
Accrding to the late Muzee Onyango Odongo, disclosing that with the finding Museveni wrote a not e to Gen. Salim Saleh, “Sebo, let us change our agreement we made from the bush that the boundary of Uganda should stop at Karuma bridge, I have traveled and picked soil sample from the Grater North and now let us alienates those Animals and we take up their land.” President Museveni penned down the note and gave to Major General Rugima private secretary to type it.
However, one day as God is with us, Major Okello Kollo happened to fall in love with the very private secretary of Major Rugime, and worked on that lady properly, the Acholi style. and when that lady met her libido, she told major Okello Kollo that she is going to marry him, and upon getting marry he should quite Acholi land because the Kampala regime have plan to do away with them.
And the poor lady pull the master plan and placed it before Major Okello Kollo, but as love is blind, Major Kollo tricked her that he would do everything to marry her, first he has to analyst the document. what else, the document got itself to London, the rest is history.
Frothily, the big question why Lillian Aber eat big in Museveni government, is a paid back for the work well done, when she leaked Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech and Jacob Oulanyah planned, and later Paul Lokech, where is Lokech and Jacob Oulanyah. No wonder she getting big gathering hosting president Museveni in Kitgum.
Ming dong ming, the blood of Acholi who died in million under Kampala regime will haunt whoever is enjoying the pain, stand want that come 2026, there will not be hullabaloo’s vote rigging and the NRM candidates mushrooming everywhere calo coo peke.
Lastly, why five cabinet ministers in East Acholi, just as political ploy to hoodwink them that the President Museveni love them, yet Owii tilo dako ni ajut, onongo twon Kwac waco ni omine kene. President want you minerals, to grab land in the same way the Jew grabbed the Palestine land.
Stupid lot, whose their nose do not see beyond, where are the General, acel kato apar