.Security forces are still major perpetrators of environmental degradation-tree cutting and transportation

Communities have opened their doors to embrace the stand against large scale destruction of the environment.
They have owned the struggle take for example the cases in Lalogi/Odek, Awach/Paibona, and Palaro Sub-Counties and more recently in Okidi in Amuru. Clans and Chiefdoms have proactively joined the struggle.
GULU-UGANDA: Gulu University Don, Author Owor the Director for Center for African Research affiliated to London School of Economic promised Northern Uganda Media Club that the war against environmental justice will soon face litigation.
Owor who appeared on Tuesday at Northern Uganda Media Center, Gulu City outline their achievement against environmental degradation perpetrators to gather with other fellows Environmental activists says as they celebrated one year for their stand under slogan. “Our Tree We Need Answer.” They have achieved robust progress in their campaign against tree cutting in northern Uganda.
“As w speaks now throughout the year, we engaged in community forums across East and West Acholi in the Sub-counties of Odom, Palabek, Pajule, Palaro, Odek/Lalogi Awach/Paibona,Pabbo Centre, Pogo, Atiak Centre, Okidi, Lungulu and Anaka Town Councils among others. These were well attended by the locals and leaders embraced our programs.”Author Owor urged.
Below Author Owor verbatim

Our Trees We Need Answers is an advocacy pressure group formed in 2018 with the cardinal mission to combat environmental violence in the Acholi Sub-region. The team is composed of a multiplicity of actors including researchers, lawyers, media practitioners, community leaders and social activists.
The group was formed as a result of the widespread degradation of the environment in Acholi region coupled with loopholes in legal, administrative and political mechanisms in preservation and protection of the environment in the region.
This has occasioned destruction of forests including valuable tree species like Afrizelia Africana [ beyo], shea nut trees [yaa] among others.
Highlights of Activities: Community Forums
Throughout the year, we engaged in community forums across East and West Acholi in the Sub-counties of Odom,Palabek, Pajule, Palaro, Odek/Lalogi,Awach/Paibona,Pabbo Centre, Pogo, Atiak Centre, Okidi, Lungulu and Anaka Town Councils among others. These were well attended by the locals and leaders alike.
Additionally, we made a presentation at the Acholi Cultural Festival at the end of the year from where were able to share some of our findings with eminent leaders from Acholi including the Paramount Chief of Acholi, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Deputy Chief Justice among others.
In addition, we participated in the 2019 conference on sustainable development from northern Uganda held at Bomah Hotel in Gulu.
The team also made a presentation at the African Transitional Justice Institute organized by Refugee Law Project in Gulu from where we were able to demonstrate the levels of environmental degradation in the region and called attention to the issues emerging.
Radio Talk Shows:
To strengthen our community outreaches, we were able to participate in over 50 radio talk shows across the sub-region. These programmes ranged from talk shows to live debates.
We are grateful to the following radio stations and their management: Speak FM, Mega FM, Radio Rupiny, Radio Pacis, Choice FM, Radio King Favor FM, Mighty Fire in Kitgum, Tembo FM. In addition, we appreciate Uganda Radio Network, Vision Group of Companies, Northern Uganda Media Club, NBS TV, NTV and online platforms like Black Star News, Oyeng yeng, Gang Waa News and a wide array of international news platforms who have helped amplify the voices from the ground.
Our Achievements:
Communities have opened their doors to embrace the stand against large scale destruction of the environment. They have owned the struggle take for example the cases in Lalogi/Odek, Awach/Paibona, and Palaro Sub-Counties and more recently in Okidi in Amuru. Clans and Chiefdoms have proactively joined the struggle.
There is some form of controlled use of environmental resources from the families and households although charcoal dealers continue to bedevil the fight.
Leaders at the lower levels [LC III and downwards] have been empowered and are mobilizing themselves and communities to take on environmental injustices in their areas.
In collaboration with our research partners like Centre for African Studies-Cambridge, we have been able to unveil the exploitative charcoal value –exploitative as it is.
We have engaged public authority including LC V Chairpersons in Gulu, Omoro, RDCs in Pader, the 4th Division Commander in Gulu, Sub-County Chairpersons in Atiak.
We also have participated in tree restorations endeavors’ along with the army, Gulu Breath Clean and with Municipal Development Forums.
We maintained our stance in naming and shaming to date-and are happy it yielded the desired results.
Our campaign has made it unattractive for illegal charcoal dealers to operate freely along major highways.
There is evidence that charcoal prices have risen.
The Challenges:
Charcoal production is still high-worrying in selected areas-some spots are notorious especially in Amuru district.
Security forces are still major perpetrators of environmental degradation-tree cutting and transportation
Local revenue from forest products in still high-trends of anti-development. This is not sustainable
Natural Resource Sector heads including Forest Officers in the district are not able to come on the fore front to guide local leaders and communities on what needs to be done.
Leadership in Acholi at sub-national levels still see us as political threats.
There has been change of tactics among the charcoal dealers and transporters -from use of open trucks to closed containers.
Failure of institutions –perhaps justice is on sale in Northern Uganda
Energy poverty looms large
Current pattern of rains is worrying –fear of famine in the next year
Exploitation is on the rise –no tangible benefits to those selling off their trees
We are currently leading the environmental justice network which has several members across the Greater North-Friends of Zoka, Save Our Beyo etc.
Proliferation of activist groups –along the theme of environmental justice
The Strategies for Next Year
We shall continue to rely on research findings from partners like Centre for African Studies to champion this cause.
We plan on deepening our struggle to enlist further support of communities and we are considering public interest litigation
We are widening our activities to address rampant corruption and other forms of environmental injustices-plastics, wetlands etc
We are building capacities of local groups and communities including regional groups like the Suud Institute in South Sudan.