Ugandans should not wait for Washington, London, Paris, Bone or Berlin. But, to take charged of this struggle to be serious and let those international communities who means well to Uganda to come to their aid. Ugandans must lead struggle.

KAMPALA-UGANDA: The diaspora can make demonstration, the British and the United State of America know what the problems in Uganda is. The demonstration cannot change the USA, the British, the France, and the German not in a day or overnight.
Black Star News reporter had one on one interview with Okello Lucima, renowned Ugandan liberal mind and People Congress Party stalwart political Analyst.
Qn. What is your takes on the current Robert Kyagulanyi international worldwide demonstration against Uganda dictator, do you think President Museveni will yield to democratic change being caused by Kyagulanyi supporters?
ANS. Okello Lucima; Uganda’s Problems is because global capitalism thrives best where there is no rule of law, where the people cannot express themselves.
The international finance thrive best where people are oppress politically and financially. That in the one hand that cannot be something, the fact that there is demonstration in France, Bone, Berlin, London, USA, Eastern Asia. Global finance and Anglo America imperialism because dictators are the best partnership.
The ideal partner weather you talks of Mubuto, Apartheid in South Africa, and Pinochet of Chilly in South America. So that one thing in the one hand.
So, there is important things here, Ugandans must rely on themselves, Uganda must rely on themselves because no British, French, German or Canada. None of them will come to the aid of Uganda so longest the despot ruler of 32 years Museveni dictatorship provide conducive ground for global capitalism to thrive which are high level of an employments where freedom and Human Rights are severely restricted.
Which means even those who get employment they work under sever conditions, no worker right, no Human Rights and those who complained are dismissed mistreated because in a situation where labour outstrip evaluable job creation. Workers can be replace at any time, with other desperate who are longing for job.
“So, what Ugandans need to do is not to wait for Washington, London, Parish or Bone. But to take charged of this struggle to be serious, and let those international communities who means well to Uganda to come to their aid, Ugandans must lead struggle”
The must define the parameter of that struggle they must set the objectives, they must set the goal and also must define and categories the means and method of achieving them. This must not be left to interest of external to the interest and aspiration of Ugandans.
This not to says this struggle must be waist in isolation, first, it cannot be isolated from the many others struggle of this country. Secondly, it cannot be waist in isolation to the general context of the international political economy. In other words, internally as
well as externally there will be democratic process which can help the causer of people of Uganda.
But, there are also forces that will work against the struggle and the
interest of the broad democratic process.
Therefore, some will be ally and some will be enemy or opponent. So the struggle must critically identify which and what favorable to the struggle and it objectives. And weather those deposition are short medium or long term.
“And this must not be left to gust work there must be some degree of
certainty how this process will behave at some time”
So given what has been going in the country with recent bye election in Bugiri and Arua significantly and the rally around Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi Semtamu. Kyagulanyi it now clear what this regime is, those of us in the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), we have been in the struggle since dictatorship came to power. We have no illusion at all, that this brutal military dictatorship.
Furthermore, we must realize that the struggle cannot be waist by one person, a few group of people, single political party, or a coalition of political parties alone, or without external allies and solidarity. But by a broad coalitions of all national.
Democratic process spanning youth and students movement, women, trade unions, National Professionals bodies, Civic Society in coordinated and unify action to achieve democratic change and unlock devices of freedom and rights diversity equality none discrimination and development with equity that the country deserve.
What this means, is that the struggle cannot be waist in on a single front as many seem to think that Robert Kyagulanyi is a magic bullet, and the be all, and the end all, of 32 years of repression and struggle to think that this so and to think that whoever is not
involved with the Kyagulanyi movement is not part of the 32 years, struggle would be a grave mistake.
Frist, Uganda is diverse both politically, socially, and ideologically, we cannot expect everyone to be of the same view on a very matter that is important in this country. For sure the need to cause democratic change cannot be over stated and every Ugandans who is politically aware agree on this.
So, we all have a common ground on this point that dictatorship must be dismantled for a new state architecture to reimaged by Ugandans in through a national and consensuses process beyond dismantled of the dictatorship, there is no agreement there is no consensuses about the fundamentals of how that new state architectures should be built.
“For instance, an youth and employment exclusion from current growth dividend not the sole issues for the national democratic struggle, there are issues of social injustice, characterize by in equality discrimination gross human rights violation even genocide and
dispossession of minority whose gravity far out strip disenchantment with economic growth that create no jobs for one young educated citizens. Similarly, the injustice in this country and the need to correct them have not been purporting only one practically community or social groups or youths.
Neither should the struggle to oppression and to create a more just society should rest with a single group or one strand of our populations, example, the youths. So, for those allied with the dictator there are obvious Robert Kyagulanyi, the challenges is not
simply to proclaim that the youths are excluded, unemployed, and need to assume their rightful place at the table or statecraft. Have the need to overthought they must also put out a broad set of policies and clearly identify the normative principals and philosophical traditions that undertake their visions or post Museveni tyranny. Reinsss, it is not erroness to behave that it is one of many fronts in the struggle to end the dictatorship, moreover a divers nation, youth are only one multiplies of such”
Yes, the youth are the most energetic, the more actives and perhaps the more productive set of our populations. No doubt they must have place and overrule to play in our development.
The can only play a meaningful well socialize nurture and integrated into social economic cultural and intellectual production system of our society. Therefore, it is fool hardly for anyone to think that productivity development and the further of our country should in the hand of only the youths as a demographic, No. the development of
society will always and remain an inter generation task with right balance.
So, the struggle or the conception of succession is not the haul off the none youths populations and massively replaced them with the young Okello Lucima says in conclusion. That the current struggle to cause democratic change is only above and for the youths, but for abroad set of national objectives that constitute a more just a fair society where diversity inclusion, equality, greater democracy , more freedom
and rights are promoted and observe and civic citizenship, the value
of law are up helped.
And for a democratic process it does not means the Kyagulanyi must now fold their tents and go home, no. what it means is that those whose objectives for a struggle coincide must coordinate effort and take collectives action together.
But our plurality diversity and dictator political identities will remain distinctive. “We must not make the mistake of returning to era of the party dictatorship of the pre 2005, movement’s which short to kills political parties and imposed monolithic political orthodoxy.
This view is being solved by sections in civil society who claimed that there could be such a thing as individual private citizen of the movement outside of organized constituency such as political parties, faith groups, and professional groups, trade unions, students and youths and movement.
Okello Lucima also argued, the women movement, and other national social institutional networks of interest groups. Even as we struggle to cause change, we must not suppress diversity and differences which are the germs cells of pluralism and democracy.
In nutshell, Okello Lucima. However, collaboration coordination for
common purpose is key to overcoming the tendency of pulling across