Global Politics
President did not announced total lock down for Gulu district as it has been wrongly perceived by some people
Analyst say that if 72 patIents of COVID-19 Pandemic has been release form Gulu Regional Referral Hospital treatment center for COVI-19. Leaving only 39 cases, the two contact from community they are from Truck drivers
Flash back, Northern Uganda during LRA conflict during IDP Camps was in lock down, age/sex population in Gulu, Pader and Kitgum districts, display an apparent deficit in male 20 to 30 years old.
Top Regional Security bodies in Gulu is holding meeting in close door to avoid chaos, as Aswa Regional Police Spokesperson declared Gulu City Lock down.
GULU-UGANDA: Community infection was only 2 people according to source prior to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital who ask for anonymity, Gulu District has only 39 cases of COVID-19 pandemic that was transfered from other districts like Elegu in Amuru, Northern Uganda and truck drivers from Kenya, sources’ say it cannot amount to total lock down.
Jimmy Patrick Okema, the Regional Northern Uganda Police Spokesperson for Aswa region today went on air and announced that Gulu district in total lock down following the Presidential speech of Museveni named Gulu district among the 39 high risk districts in Uganda.
Odong Ojibo, the aspirant candidate for Aswa County says this war agonist Acholi community, if the OCIVD-19 pandemic comes all the way from Kenya and Tanzania through truck drivres why lock down Gulu.
“We don’t have community cases compare to Kampala City which has more than 30 cases but Kampala City is not under lock down.”
Gulu treatment center COVID-19 pandemic patients plan for strike
Two people are being held in Gulu Regional Referral Hospital COVID-19 pandemic treatment center and yet their diagnostic tested result came negative, the source who spoke to Oyeng Yeng News says the patients who are planning to go on strike have bought fuel to burn down treatment center if they are not released.
One person who was believed to be positive with the COVID-19 pandemic from Kitgum source revealed the man dismissed the COVID-19 testing saying that the Kitgum Task Force forced his result because he was criticsing them.
“Since I have been in the hospital for a month my result which was tested negative the official failed to patient.” Kitgum patient complaint
Another truck drivres who was transferred from Adjumani to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital also among the complaints, says his result is now negative, but the authority failed to release him.
Charles Akena Administrator of Northern Uganda Media Club says Museveni has to be real, why do you lock down Gulu instead of locking Gulu let him lock down with truck drivres from Malaba and Busia boarders.
“We are cut off, people do not know, the transport from Gulu to Kampala which has been in operation cannot operate now” Akena lamented.
By allowing Lamwo a porous boarder free movement in in direct infection of COVID-19 pandemic comment from Journalists who spoke out of record.
President did not announce total lock down for Gulu district as it has been wrongly perceived by some people
President Museveni address of the nation announced that the following districts are at the high risk: a. Rakai, Kyotera, Amuru, Buikwe, Gulu, Arua, Adjumani, Moyo, and Nebbi (clusters of infections under investigation)
b. Zombo, Adjumani and Arua (districts with refugees, need more testing)
c. Busia and Bulisa (districts with major border/water points).
The rest of the border districts can be opened with vigilance.
Education institutions will also remain closed.
In the meantime, Mr Museveni said government would provide a radio per homestead to facilitate distance learning that they are soon launching. Although he said he had received petitions from boda boda supporters, places of worship, arcades and an appeal to lift curfew, he maintained their restriction and encouraged social distancing.
Key points
1. Curfew time will stay from 7pm to 6.30am.
2. Private vehicles can now carry four, up from three passengers, including the driver.
3. Boda bodas will continue carrying cargo, not passengers.
4. Places of worship still closed. Mr Museveni also relaxed movement in 32 border districts which haven’t registered coronavirus cases in the recent two weeks.
14 districts that will stay locked are;
Northern Uganda genocide is in repeat
In Northern Uganda nearly two decades of conflict have resulted in the internal displacement of up to two million persons, in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts, the most affected violence, nearly 90% of the population had reallocated to camps as of 2005, according to the research conducted jointly by the Health Ministry, government of Uganda and World Health Organization WHO.
The government of Uganda national policy for Internally Displaced Person (IDPs) calls among others for provision by medical care and water and sanitation to all (IDPs) by both central and local government and entities to security of the person.
The primary; to estimate crude mortality rate (CRUR) and under 5 months between January 2005 and the survey date (July 2005) among population now living in IDP Camps, recognized or unrecognized at the time of survey in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.
Secondary to measure other demographic indicator (age, sex structure of the population mortality self-reported cause and circumstance of death, total excess mortality, violent death and abduction.) estimated measles, vaccination coverage management of Episodes of illness among children under 5 in two weeks prior.
Demographic and mortality rates both CMR and U5MR were above respective emergency thresholds ( 1 per 10,000 per day and 2 per 10,000 per day) in all four surveyed population and were four times higher than non-crisis levels in Kitgum, and Pader districts. (Table 1)
There was no obvious monthly trend in CMR.
Malaria fever and two Lango illness concept encompassing oral thrush malnutrition and Diarrhea, less than half of all death (table 1) and 54.2% among children under 5 occurred in a health facility of 25,694 ( of which 10,054 children under 5) can be projected for the entire Acholi region between January and July 2005, namely about 1000 excess death per week and violence was the third most occurred mostly outside camps (68.8%) and health facilities (93.5&) person killed were mostly adult male (70.16%), but 16.9% were children under 15.
We estimated that 3971 persons were killed in the study population between January and July 2005