Global Politics
How President Idi Amin proceeded with his planned to host Dr. Milton Obote,
President Yoweri Museveni, the former spy of Uganda State Bureau under Obote 1 regime from 1968, have learned and mastered the political intricate, a case in point chaos that rocked Dr. Milton Obote base during his early period was when the former Defense PS, Wilson Lutara, was given power by President Obote to recruit private special forces later turned against President Obote resigned and paved way to Gen. Idi Amin the then Uganda Army Commander to recruit his private Army from South Sudan who later staged 1971 coup.
GUU CITY-MONDAY March 20, 2023. The Kampala regime is striving on ignorance of Ugandans in order to cling to power that has pushed them for the last 27 years’ rule. President Museveni has mastered the weakness of the past government of Dr. Milton Obote failure that led to twice depose by his Army generals in 1971 and later in 1985, the Black Star News Political Analyst observed.
The first crack in Dr. Apollo Milton Obote regime emerged in 1964 with Uganda Army mutiny that led to what political scientist would argues the moves by Acholi District Legislative Council headed by Severio Okeny Atoma who was a member of the opposition Democratic Party (DP), who was backed up by Acholi Administrator General Aninia Akera who was also double as Uganda Congress Party strong man. Their moves were seen as a coup deter against the UPC led regime.
The rest is history, although Uganda Army Mutiny was dissolved when the former President A.M Obote apologized for his fault, the hallmark of mistrust remains. And later Dr. Obote when he was persuaded by Acholi and Lango Army Officer which were the backbone of his ruling army officer that the government should recruit Army Officers to replace Uganda Heart Bite Dancers, the Bwola, Apiti and Dingi-Dingi who were ill-fitted.
So when Major Gen. Idi Amin the then Uganda Army Commander recruited the Bwola dancers from Patongo and Adilang to be part of a special unit of Uganda Army, but when Wilson Lutara disagreed with the then UPC president Dr. Milton Obote when he instructed him to appoint Col. Yeseri Arach to replace Major Gen. Amin and was appointed to replace Bridger Opolot who was Uganda Army Commander.
According John Onyanga Odongo, who gave the account of what took place, says, when Permanent Secretary of Defense Lutara was called by President Obote to make arrangement and appoint Uganda Army Chief of Staff, he refused to honor his boss president Obote’s order to implement the appointment, and Obote asked him to resign if he cannot follow his directive, when Permanent Secretary Lutara walked back to his office, he contacted East African British American Tobacco Company based in Kenya which offered him the appointment to become Director of EAABT.
In the afternoon Permanent Secretary Lutara had presented his resignation letter to the office of President, he walked to President Obote’s office and verbally said.
“I have tendered my resignation letter.” Lutara said. This shocked His Excellency President Obote. “And three days later, he walked to Permanent Secretary Lutara office and requested him to consider any appointments PS in any government line Ministry without any disorder. “President Obote requested him.
“If you have resigned then when our enemies from Central and Western Uganda learned of the political intricate between Acholi and Lango, what will they do, is it to topple our government, don’t do this” President Obote asked Lutara.
But Lutara’s argument was that, President Obote had made the issue of appointing Col. Arach with his brother Akena Adoko who was the then Director of Uganda State Bureau, he should have been part of deciding who should have been, Onyango Odongo reiterates.
And later President Obote ordered for the private Army recruited to be disbanded, those special Army Units which were being trained, was dismissed in disgrace from the army, Major General Amin, the then Uganda Army Commander was directed to recruit yet another special Army Units to be trained, but with strick orders to recruit from other tribes.
However, Amin went ahead to recruit his private army from South Sudan, when an intelligence report was given to President Obote that Major General Amin was engaged in recruiting private ARMY. Plans were mooted to disband Amin’s private army which was being trained in Bamanike in Luwero, President Obote asked Akena Adoko and Major General David Ojok Oyite to carry out the arrest and disbanding Amin’s private army. But the two responses were that Langi alone cannot affect the arrest. President Obote was advised to promote some Acholi army commanders and later when the promotion was done, they jointly affected the mission.
This led to appointment of Captain Langoya who was Adjutant in Jinja barrack to the rank of Lt. Col. and Lt. Col. Langoya later went ahead with his order to go to Bamanike and surrounded the Armour, and called for an army parade. In the pursuit of his duty, he ordered all recruits, who were only waiting to be commissioned to pass out, be sent back to South Sudan.
The mission to arrest Uganda Army Commander Amin was also mooted, because Amin used 700,000/= for illegal recruitment, and he was also implicated in Bridger Perino Lukoya assassination in 1970.
Amin also plotted coup ‘deter with Col. Buller and Flex Onama, so when the wife of Onama who was sister to Dr. Obote told him that Amin and Onama were plotting coup against him in her house, President Obote gave information to Major General Ojok Oyite, Akena Adoko, and the two were not working together.
Plans forward was to have the Army Commander arrested but the arrest was to be carried out without army mutiny. So Major General Amin, was sent to Israel for a mission, so that the arrest was to be effected on the day when he was coming back, but Col. Buller who was Israel MUSOD intelligence officer, tipped off Amin about his imminent arrest, and advised him to avoid the so-called mission to Israel. Upon his return from Iseral, Amin utters a ward that he can only talk to God, en dong iloko ki Lubanga, ngat ma twere peke
Back to the 1900 Buganda agreement that brought the British Protectorate that colonized Uganda, the British failed in their attempt to grab the Arable land along Uganda rift valley, where the world wealth is based.
So, the attempt to conquer Northern Uganda vast land by the British still lingering in their mind, first they used the most backward Uganda Army General Amin, to topple the Luo leadership of Obote regime, thinking that Amin would give them Acholi and Northern Uganda land on a silver plate. But Gen. Amin after assuming power in the 1971 coup which was engineered by Israel and the British, he turned his back on them, and went to support the Arab world, because he was a Muslim.
However, in 1980 after the fall of Uganda dictator president Amin in 1979, Yoweri Museveni showed to the western world that he can dance to their tune when he joins the Luwero triangle guerrilla warfare, the then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher gave President Museveni anode and introduced him to the U.S President Roland Reagan who later because of new colonialism era interest to acquire land in Northern Uganda, President Ronald Regan gave him support to topple the second Obote’s regime in an exchange of being part
The second western narrative golden opportunity happened when the Lord Resistance Army took helm of guerrilla war in Northern Uganda after the defeat of Holy Spirits Movement HSP Auma Alice a.k.a Lakwena and Uganda People’s Defense Army UPDA.
The Western narrative became the beacon of hope to Kampala regime agenda to turn the military tie against LRA, this was because western Media used and propelled the serious rights violation that were being meted against civilians. Because civilian populations reported serious abuses and violations at the hands of both the LRA and Uganda People Defense Forces (UPDF) the victims and victims-focus CSOs identified 11 categories of serious violations that they believed should trigger the rights to both remedy and reparation.
Those include; killing, torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, abduction, slavery, forced marriage, forced recruitment, mutilation, sexual violence, serious psychological harm, forced displacement and pillaging, looting and destruction of properties. Attacks that resulted in these violations were generally discriminated against, showing no respect to traditional or international legal norms’ that in time of armed conflict protect certain groups not directly women and children.
The western narratives also attributed the northern Uganda conflict based on their media narrative that the LRA carried out massacres in a systematic and widespread manner. In addition to killing civilians during attacks, the LRA also killed civilians they had taken into captivity, often in particularly brutal ways, including beating, hacking, pounding or crushing them to death, dismembering them, cooking or burning them alive, or breaking their limbs and putting them in pits that they could not crawl out from.
Also, LRA acts of torture or cruel inhuman or degrading treatment includes rapping of women and cutting girl’s genital parts, castrating of males, dismemberment, cutting body parts and severe beatings, among other violations. In addition to LRA perpetrated torture, cruel or inhuman treatment of civilian population, to harm and killing loved ones, family members, friends, and other community members or captives, the scale of abduction was immense
The interest on National Resistance Movement ruling power
The National Resistance Movement ruling pillar which their doctrine is based on their ideology according to Gen. James Kavuma who argued that ethos is the characteristic, value or beliefs.
He says the NRM ruling organs stand on three pillars that discipline (whole hands) to master the dos and don’ts, second pillars is patriotism just to protect the interest of the citizens of Uganda, foreign policy according to him he argues that the journey to Africa by Sir Wilson Churchill 1903 which lasted to 1908 was a study he had to carry and later he described Uganda as the pearl of Africa. In the whole world no nation can best or be compared to Uganda in terms of its riches and wealth. Uganda has the best weather and climate, has the best fresh water bodies in the form of Lakes, Rivers, Streams, green cover and vegetation in Africa. Uganda has got fertile soil (s). Uganda has got the best mountains. Forests, wild lives and has got minerals.
The one of the NRM value and beliefs is in pan Africanism, although the NRM regime has been endued with the interest and trickery of western world, however the ball game has caught up with them, the western narrative had become sour graft, the homosexuality is wrong to them, Gen. Kavuma replied that you imagine you are born a man and you become a woman.
“For them God gave them brain and we are not, remember they are creating conflict because of guns they have manufactured, you are not in the main media, you are in the ferry ferry, for the west, western media are the one, the USA president one time was addressing military college and said that once the America thought will be on their own interest, whether they are in Karathum, Kampala or South Sudan not the interest of those countries.” Gen Kavuma realized that the western world agenda which propelled them for the last 40 years has boomeranged.”’
The fear is not how powerful individuals in the ruling power are, whether grabbed all the banks institutions, all the 38 Uganda Development Cooperation (UDC) build yourself underground cities, disempower citizens to the extent that Uganda became the second poorest in the world, the real enemies of the NRM organ are the economic hits men and CIA who are taking fraudulent finances in term of World Bank loan against the backdrop of new economic grant by Chinese investors to African nations
Their western allies’ narrative helped them to rig election and installed puppet rulers in all African countries, through sex and murder.
The Luo hegemony
Whereas the NRM organs are ethos, beliefs and values, but their most fears stem from their own shadow of the past, their former track record is littering with Moto Na waka moto na waka, moto na waka Luwero Na waka, Moto na waka, Kiboga Na waka, Motto na waka Soroti na waka mato, Motto na waka Lira Na waka motto, Motto na waka Gulu Nawaka motto , Motto na waka Arua na waka motto na waka, let the past be by gone if NRRM want to build Uganda. what they preach cannot be measured for the reality. Ugandan has been sub-divided between the North-South divide. When the Gen. Kavuma echoes the three pillars, but they fear Acholi Agenda.
A case in point, when the former IPG Lt. Gen. Paul Lukech gather the new elected Legislators from Acholi sub region and he addressed them that his priority was the Acholi Agenda, how can the new elected MPs from the North ensure that the question on “Aguu youths” who have become ungoverned be sorted out, he was no more, when the former Speaker of the 11th Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah also came up with a new strategy put up conference center that meant to address the Acholi Agenda, he was also no more.
The media report by The East African Newspaper in 2003, reported that the Acholi sons and daughters who are in diaspora are the most top learned community in Africa, the newspaper report that we have 3000 scholars with PHD alone, if the NRM organs does not feared the Luo, why can they give open amnesty to those political asylum rotting in United Kingdom and Europeans countries.
When GEN James Kavuma argued that the pillars of the NRM is for all Uganda communities, why did they allow the heavy destruction, deforestation in Northern Uganda, before Juba peace talks, Acholi sub region was declared as garden of Eden with it environmental greening, but now, the new influx Balalo grouping from western Uganda and Rwandans who have been chest from Northern Tanzania, have taken center stage in Acholi land, those tribe wanted to corrupt cultural institution to be declared the new clan in Acholi.
Those newcomers are moving with guns that cannot allow any sons and daughters of Acholi community to resettle in their villages, they are using ill-fitted leaders, especially younger generation who were born in Internal Displaced People Camps and acquired new nation while thrusting Luo elite in exile.