Acholi Ker Kwaro split, 44 chiefs headed by Rwot Richard Santo Apire of Atiak chiefdom, while the other 14 chiefs are under Rwot David Onen Acana II

Rwot David Onen Acana II, knew all the Government Agenda, the bad and the goods. How Uganda
dictator President Museveni is doing, but kept it for himself. But, we shall not.
For over two decades, Apaa land conflict has been rising. Madi community have been raiding Amuru
district to the extent where the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment came to survey Amuru district,
Apaa area annexing it to become part of Adjumani district, where he was.
Karamojong cattle rustlers is killing our people in Agago and Kitgum district with impunity, what is he
doing, when Acholi chiefs called for attention of Rwot Acana as being Acholi paramount chief to lead his
fellow chiefs to go and meet both party’s leadership that are involved in the land conflict, he is very
GULU CITY-TUESDAY, JULY, 4, 2023. From time to time Acholi or Luo chiefdom has no King.
Rwot David Onen Acana II, have registered Ker Kwaro Acholi as private Company liability with shares
among his cryonic, despite glaring objects of poverty amidst land grabbing by the Sebogabi regime.
Rwot Richard Santos Apire, of Atiak chiefdom, a newly elected Acholi Paramount Chief spat Snake
venom during a press conference at his home at Lacor Center, Gulu City on Friday, 30. June, 2023 last
week still maintained the position by the Seven Chiefs headed by Collin Mutu Atiko, Rwot of Patiko who
was accompanied by others namely; Rwot Ociti Binyi of Pagak, Ochan Jimmy Luwala of Puranga among
“We have given Rwot Acana 14 days to evacuate Ker Kwaro Acholi, failure to do so, we are going to
force him out of Ker Kwaro. Or use administrative measures. I would like to categorically tell our
people, the Acholi Community or Luo, that we, the 40 Council of chiefs of the Acholi chiefdom, are
ready to force him out from the leadership of Ker Kwaro Acholi. The Acholi Chiefdom palace. Because
Acholi land has been endowed with minerals, we have the biggest Phosphate ore in Africa, in Nyilak hill,
we have Garaphines mineral in Orom Sub County, Kitgum district, which the Uganda government is
already mining, we have the biggest Oil well in Acholi Sub Region. But the government of Uganda is
saying Oil well is in the Bunyoro region.” Paramount Chief Onen Acana II, never disclosed or reacted to
our calls.
Rwot Apire, outline that Rwot David Onen Acana, every time since when he is attending conference or
called by the president Museveni, he had the opportunity to give us such valuable data information, but
never do it, Rwot David Acana II never disclosed such important information.'' Why was he doing that,
the new elected paramount chief Apire asked the question.
When Uganda dictator President Museveni's henchmen took over Apaa land, why did he not press him
not to grab Apaa land. When Karamojong cattle rustlers raided and killed more than 1,000 in Agago and
Kitgum districts, why couldn't he arrange for Acholi leadership to meet the president?
Relinquishing the office of Lawirwodi Acholi
Verbatim report from new elected Acholi Paramount chief.
“I write to you on my behalf of the Council of Rwodi Acholi. The Council of
Rwodi Acholi is satisfied that you are fully aware that the position of Lawirwodi is
an elected position from amongst peers legitimate Rwodi of Acholi. You are
further aware that the authority to determine the person of Lawirwodi is solely the
mandate of the Council of Rwodi of Acholi which constitutes itself into an
electoral college for this purpose.
We have written to your office severally and to you in person to call for meetings
on issues of mismanagement of the Chiefdom property where your office has been
involved, but you have adamantly decided to respond to the same.
Attached are copies of the letters marked “A” “B” and C” a copy of a letter written
to National Social Security Funds (NSSF) marked “D”, the Council of Rwodi is
satisfied that all the elements of national justice which includes giving a person
every opportunity to be heard to charges was provided to you but you adamantly
You equally objected to responding to three letters dated 22, May 2023, June 2023
and that of 17, June 2023 in which you never availed yourself to meet members of
Council of Rwodi who sought to meet you in person at Ker Kwaro Acholi on 20,
June 2023.
Therefore, the Council of Rwodi Acholi sat on the 20, day of June 2023 in your
intended absentia and passed a resolution among other which:
To relieve you of the position of Lawirwodi with immediate effort, you are further
required to give a comprehensive account and an inventory of assets and liabilities
of KKA within a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of the Rwodi Acholi
Council Resolution.
An interim Leadership under Chairmanship of Rwot Richard Santos Apire of Atiak
has been elected to run KKA institutional affairs in the interim period of
restructuring, and approval of a Constitution. You are therefore required to liaise
with the interim transitional Council to effect a smooth transition process.
Attached are copies of the minutes of the said meeting marked “E”
This course of action was taken in the best interests and welfare of Ker Kwaro and
Acholi community as a whole, failure to discharge your fiduciary responsibility,
incompetence and mismanagement of affairs at Ker Kwaro Acholi.
Therefore, you are required to vacate the office of the Lawirwodi and not to
perform any duties as per the office and to account for the letter, failure of which
we shall not hesitate to institute civil and Criminal proceedings against you at your
own cost peril and embracement.
Yours in service
Rwot Richard Santo Apire
Interim Chairman Council of Rwodi Acholi-Ker Kwaro Acholi, copies office of
the President, The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Ministry
of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Rwodi Acholi, Acholi Parliamentary Groups
APG, Local Council V’s Chairperson Acholi Sub-REGION. Residence
Commission Acholi Sub-Region, all stakeholders, Prime Minister Acholi Ker
How does Acholi Ker Kwaro evolve, the last Acholi King was Rwot Owiny Wod
Pulle, during Owiny Wod Pulle, KKA was under Lira Paluo, then later Ayira son
took over from the descendant of Owiny Wod Pulle.
Ayira, who was a princess, was the daughter of Aluka Ikore Okom, who was a
senior bachelor and believed to be alien.
It happened when Aluka Ikor Okom one day got a beautiful slave girl from Lango
who was captured during a raid, he begged Rwot Owiny that since he was a senior
bachelor, (Dong ki mine yako man wek egee ping wange), So that was his
chanced to have a wife.
But, later the good will from Rwot Owiny turned to misery, the slave girl turned to
be a witch, and later Aluka and his new catch was given an ultimatum to evacuate
the chiefdom palace.
And during that period, Ayira was born, and named Ayira, however, luck
happened, that Owiny Wod Pulle died and Aluka was called back.
Another Ker Kwaro struggle happened in Puranga chiefdom, when Rwot Cwinya
Agara died, his son called Oluc Mutu who was supposed to be crown chief of
Puranga. But, his cousin from Larumu called Ogwang Okok took over from Rwot
Cunya Agara.