The District Education Officer of Amuru says after 33 years of President Museveni helm of power, the Uganda People’s Defenses Forces (UPDF) is now a unique army to endeavor to construct Omee Primary School from the ruin
UGANDA: JUST SEEING Omee Community Bush School is in Pailyec parish, Amuru District in Northern Uganda. This is the first fight to help Wanayinze to eradicate illiteracy in Northern Uganda.
AMURU-UGANDA: Omee Bush Primary Seven School has enrolment of 380 pupils with 194 boys, at newly rehabilitated classroom which was delapadated, pupils used to fuse with muddy water from the licking roof, while during dry season they sat on dusty floor .
Amuru District has 25 Community bush schools out of 51 government aided Schools, the District has the biggest numbers community Schools in Northern Uganda, critic are wondering if the current UPDF programs would cover all the remaining 24 or just may be a window dressing, the political pundits lamented.
Adong Christine 50 years of age, which is the residence of Omee community confided to OyengYeng News editor and dismissing the programs of community outreach by the UPDF.
Adong pointing at Gen. Salim Saleh home just 1 kilometer from where the function was taking place, Gen. Saleh county farm is west of Omee Primary School. Saying she is wondering why it took the UPDF 33 years to construct the School if the government meant well for her community.
Col. Okello Engola, the State Minister for Defense who officiated the function at Aywee Primary School, and Omee Community Bush School which was rehabilitated at the cost of UGX 150 M. in period of one mobth by the UPDF, says that he understood the Uganda Army is aware of the challenges the community is facing, that is why they had to come in and give a helping hand.
Hon Okello Engola has come to term with the fact that the long conflict in Northern Uganda has greatly affected education programmes in the community, thus, giving reasons since war is over, its prudent that Uganda Army to decides to commence with the reconstruction project.
He argues Acholi community to be committed and work with the UPDF to repair the damaged caused during the long conflict in northern Uganda, later he appealed to parents to start feeding programs in Schools that has been reconstructed by UPDF.
The Defense minister warns the parents start feeding programs in all Schools in Acholi and Lango Sub Regions, says school pupils do not learn on empty stomach, “no children cannot learnt on empty stomach” The Minister says
“I am happy to be here because the children are the future for the nation, the major problem was during the insurgency when people see the soldiers, they would run away, but now the Army has come to work with community, don’t run away from the soldiers.” Okello Engola reiterates.
Adds that the Uganda Army has also realized that Ugandans still faces health challenges from preventable diseases, “we want UPDF to sensitize the people on preventives health contagion” the Minister warns.
“I am going to delegates Engineering Bridgette if you could identified fund from other sources, I will delegates UPDF 164 kilometer tarmac road Amuru-Otwee, Arua road” Okello Engola promised.
Promising that he is going to ask the government of Uganda to allow UPDF to construct all the Local Government roads,
“I am going to take the issues to the cabinet.” The Defense Minister notes.
Gen. Ivan Koreta who presented Gen. David Muhoozi, Army Commander, “the Chief of Defense Forces,” says the leadership of Uganda Army has decided to go back to the community as part of appreciation to construct school, boreholes and rehabilitates health sector.
“We have build schools, constructed roads and boreholes in the country of which Omee Primary School and many other were developed to allow pupils to pass their Primary Leaving Examination high in the Country.” Gen. Ivan Koreta wishes Omee Primary school goodbye after hand over.
Gulu army project rehabilitation
Aywee Primary school has 894 registered pupils and 24 teachers , but the School although is within Gulu Municipality , for years, has not got any First Grade in Primary Leaving Examination, according to record from the Head Mistress office.
The UPDF re-rooted one block of six classrooms at St Kizito Primary School which was brought down three years ago, by heavy bombardment. The general rehabilitation included painting walls, fitting steel doors and putting glasses in all the classes.
Aywee School authority disclosed that UPDF Engineering Construction Units used UGX 50 million at Aywee School, and did wonderful job that could have taken other constructors about a one year, or more to finish.
Betty Amuding the headmistress says this project is one of the symbolic in nature, with a promising impact to the community, she notes
“Pointing to the picture of newly re-constructed roof and doors, this door was not there,” she narrates with glowing smile on her face.
Bernard Okello the Headmaster of Omee community Bush School disclosed that the school was started by the Omee community way back during Internal Displaced People’s Camps, but later on the school was supported by the Save Children Funds.
The Head teacher says that Omee primary school is the only school in Pailyec parish, Pailyec parish start from Amuru Township up to the River Nile which covered 136 kilometer for only Omee Primary School, you imagine, the School Authority wondered.
“This school it serves children who come from a far distance of 10 kilometer away. The biggest problem School face is flooding, during raining season when River Omee and River Icici passes it bank, the pupils are cut off from coming to School.” Okello urges.
In a sad notes reiterates.
“I am appealing to you the Defense Minister to delegate UPDF Engineering construction unit to build for us the bridge to allow our children to attain school during wet season” Okello requested.
Pupils still live in trauma.
On Tuesday as the function was going on at Aywee School, there was a shocking scenario that shocks even the on-lookers; but the UPDF soldiers look the other way.
An eyes witness account noted. Some of the children on seeing one of the UDF solider, that might have gone out looking for a place of convenience, the children made a quick silent shouting, just 50 meter where the pulpit was, but they were claim down by the teachers who was on duty.
“The children took off; with little giggling, great fear strike them.” An eyes witness show.
The present of solider probably reminded them of the looming calamities that happened in northern Uganda!
Pricilla Lagum, a 9 year old, pupil of Primary Two at Aywee Primary School is one of the many school going children from Northern Uganda who still hold the fears of the solders, despise the fact of Uganda Army engagement in re-construction project at Aywee Primary School.
When she was asked if the present of UPDF at their school was welcome, and if she is happy with their work at the school?
Legume’s answer was no, with affirmative nodding of the head in disapproval, it will take long for the populations in Acholi Sub Region to come in terms with the stigmatization after 14 years when the gun went silence.
Hon Lyando Komakech, the Area Member of Parliament for Gulu Municipality during the Workshop in Gulu says the Ministry of Health failed to handle post traumatic situation in Northern Uganda after Juba Peace Talks.
Adding that because the post war conflict was not address through physiologist experts, that is why there have been high numbers of suicides in Koro Sub County, Omoro District.
Komakech disclosed that he is happy with the Reparation Bill which was table before parliament in 2015, says the reparation paper has been approved by the Cabinet,
“The cabinet paper soon will be table before parliament.”Komakech Lyando mooted..