Global Politics
Uganda government still under slavery
On Wednesday, October 21, 2020. 14 teenagers employed by the company to work in the plantation escaped harsh conditions and walked 180 kilometers from Ayuu Alali to Gulu City.
In May 2018, the government of Uganda, through UDC, took a 10.1% ownership in Atiak Sugar Factory, for an investment of sh20b (approximately US$5.5m).
AMURU-UGANDA: On Thursday the 24th last week, the Ugandan tyranny President Museveni commissioned Atiak Sugar Factory in Atiak ,85 kilometers from Gulu City with casual laborer of exactly 2,000 workers in Uganda-Sudan-border 15.1 kilometers.
When the Ugandan tyranny Museveni commissioned Atiak Sugar Factory which are both owned by Amina Hersi on a scale of 6,000 plantations engaging about 3,000 child labourers in Ayuu Alali, 14 child labourers escaped from the plantation under harsh conditions.
Tumwekwase Justine a student of Kivora Alpha and Omega Secondary School in Ibanda North, western Uganda is a living testimony of child salvery by Ugandan dictator Museveni during COVID-19 pandemic.
Tumwekase who footed 180 kilometer from Ayul ALali, slept three day in the bush, looked weak, hangry and fearful, who had also lost hope of life, he was found inside Makome bus terminals in Gulu City by Good Samaritan who took them to Northern Uganda Media Center.
“80 of us were taken to Ayul Alali early this month of October, 2020. We were promised that we were going to be paid wages on a daily basis, but when we reached the sugar cane farm, we were not paid , besides ,we start work at 6AM till 6PM in the evening .” Tumewekase revealed.
However, when commissioning the Atiak Sugar Factory, the dictator president Museveni openly said the countries that have fully achieved their economic growth, have come to build their base on the principle factors of production including land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship.
According to Tumwekase, they were living in very harsh conditions at the sugarcane plantation feeding on rats which made life very difficult for them to survive but to find an option to escape from the sugarcane plantation.
“The community around Ayuu Alali refused to work on the Sugarcane plantation that is why the authorities decided to recruit we the 80 students from Ibanda District western Uganda”
He also added that they feared for their lives since most of them were orphans and they were told that the Acholi community people in Northern Uganda eat human beings, but now they have proved that the Acholi speaking people are very social. Arinitue narrates the story with tears rolling down his chicks.
In an attempt to contact the Local area Councilor Richard Karure of Nyacimo A in Isingiro Town Council, Ibanda District who is alleged to have recruited the 80 students to work in the sugarcane plantations in hope of getting money due to the result of the COVID-19 Pandemic refused to comment on the issue.
Hon. Major David Gume Gumasire, the MP for Ibanda North rescued just two of the 80 Museveni’s slave boys when he wired UGX 205,000 for transporting them from Gulu to Ibanda.
“I have sent money for more than six groups of people who have been claiming that they were taken from Ibanda to work in Lamwo district sugar works, and this is my six time” Major David Gume acknowledged.
Arinaitue says his worry was how they were going to reach Ibanda, Gulu to Ibanda is 379 kilometers (236 mails)
16 years old, Christopher Opiro Amii-lobo village in Ango-gura Sub County in 2020, says the Ayuu Alali sugar cane grower recruited 200 youths from Anga-gura to go and work in sugar cane plantation, because of the harsh condition they shunned sugar work.
“We were recruited as part of labour forces, we were promised that we were going to be given UGX 10,000 on a monthly basis, but when we started the work, we were not paid.” Piro urged.
Benson Mwaka, the Chairperson of Kitgum NGO Forum confirmed that in 2019 ,500 youths from Kitgum district were employed as casual labour in Ayuu Alali sugarcane plantation.
Mwaka says it’s not surprising about child labour taking place in Ayuu Alali sugar cane project, since 500 under ages from Lamwo, Kitgum and Pader districts were victims a year ago.
The problem in Kitgum and Lamwo district we dont have Human Rights defenders apart from Kitgum NGO Forum, the issues of Human rights is a very complex issue that is why Ayuu Alali sugar project are engaging in child labour with impunity, Mawaka urged.
“Next month in November, Youth Human Right Justice is organising training for Youth. The Youth Human Rights Justice is opening their office in Kitgum, later they will handle Human Rights issues.” the Kitgum NOG Forum revealed.
Lazarus Kidega Obbo the area Councilor 3 of Anga-gura Sub County have confirmed that a year ago indeed many children, especially boys were recruited from Anga-gura, but due to harsh labourers, they escaped too.
“Many of our children from here were recruited by the Ayuu Alali sugarcane project, but they returned back home.”Obbo confirmed.
Museveni says a bridge will be built across the river to ease transportation of sugarcane to the factory from across the neighboring districts.
The Government will continue to support this project. Amina Moghe Hersi took me to River Aswa and explained how the people of Lamwo are growing so much sugarcane but have to move 175km to bring it here, yet if we build a bridge, they would only move 36km and be at the factory.
The bridge will be built so that the part of the project which is on the Lamwo side will be directly linked with the one on the Atiak side. This will save the money of the farmers in transport.
The Ayul Alali and Atiak Sugar Cane project should have been outgrowers as the fulcrum, where much of the sugarcane will be grown by the people in Amuru and Lamwo districts where each of these families will have five acres plugged and plated for them by the factory.
This would have not necessarily meant that Amina Moghe Hersi of Oral Sugar Works should have been transporting workers from Ibanda.
George Odong Palabek Local Councilor 3 of Palabek Kal says there are 1,500 communities of Ayuu Alali, the Oryal Sugar works gave them 5 acres each.
Adds that there are 1,600 out growers from Padibbe and Lukung Sub Counties who are part of people who are to be given 5 acres each.
Odong admitted that the community did not participate in sugarcane plantation, but Ayuu Alali sugarcane company plouged and planted 3,000 acears of sugar cane, he avoided the issues of child labour.
Through National Advisory Agricultural Services(NAADS), Ayuu Alali got UGX 20 billion, the money that should have been given to empower the Lamwo community. The UGX20 billion which NAADS hlep Ayuu Alali to open up the 15,000 acres of land.
The Chairman of Ayuu Alali Cooperative Society Francis Ojwiya,denied the issues of child labor, says under the cooperative, they have planted 5,000 acres of sugar cane, because of flood 6,000 acears cannot be ploughed by tractors.
“I know that 400 people were brought from Kamuli district, eastern Uganda because the community of Lamwo district shunned working in sugarcane plantation. I cannot comment about 80 people alleged to be brought from Ibanda District, although I am Ayuu Alali cooperative society.” Ojwiya urged.
Ojwiya disclosed that the recruitment drive for workers is ongoing, we are recruiting workers from all Sub Counties of Lamwo and those who are interested from Kitgum and Pader districts are allowed to work.
On the issues of underpaying workers, Ojwiya says the community who are working have been paid UGX 150,000, “There are two brothers we have paid them UGX 300,000 because of their monthly wages.
Joyce Laker, the Woman Lead Group for Out-growers , Atiak sugar cane Cooperative Society says they have 4,070 workers who are currently working under Oryal Sugar Cane works.
Laker says Women Lead Cooperative are sub divided into many sectors, we have Gem Pacilo out growers, Pupwonya, Pabbo, Amuru Sub Counties and other out growers from Adjumani.
“Each cooperative group has their goals, in 2021 we are going to discuss the matter of Union, we are multi cooperative societies, we are not planting sugar cane, but we are engaging in various plantation likes, beans, simsim, maize, soybeans and many others.
We employ people, but we employees cooperative women in our groups, she avoided commenting on child labor.
“Amina Hersi owned Atiak Sugar project, the Women Led Cooperative she hired workers from us, we have 3 acres of out growers in Atiak Sugar cane.” Laker urged.
Uganda tyranny Museveni during the commissiong Atiak Sugar Factory while the government holds 41 percent shares through the Uganda Development Corporation.
For a country to industrialise, it needs the following; labour, natural resources, capital, knowledge and entrepreneurship. The last group refers to people who have the spectacles to see opportunities which others do not see. Our stock of entrepreneurs in Uganda is growing.
President Museveni boastfully castigated the Acholi community, saying previously, some people in Acholi were opposing these developments. “This is terrible.” sarcastically said.
“Why would you reject progress? When I passed here in 1968, all I saw was grassland, fit for grazing cows. Then Amina Hersi came with different spectacles and here we are. “
He begged the Acholi community to protect the Atiak Sugarcane project, saying when you get a factory like this, please support it. Even if it does not directly employ you, there are many spill-over benefits. The nearby shops, schools, and other facilities will all benefit you.
Daniel Alli the Labour officer base in Gulu City condemned the act of child labour, says any child who have been employed must to stop , the child must be withdrawn and taken to their parents, he warned.
says employment Act 2006, it talk about the child labour that no children be employee to work in industry, farm or any kind of harsh condition.
Alli says section 5, forced labour, (1), no person shall use or assist any other person, in forced or compulsory labour.
(3) Person who contravenes this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine exceeding forty currency points, or two years imprisonment, or both and a fine of four currency points for each day on which the breach continues.
Child labour undergoing medical examination before engaging in any job and then after every six months between fifteen to seventeen yeaers authorization is obligation.
A child must undergo a medical examination before engaging in any job and then after every six months. Before hiring a child between fifteen to seventeen years, authorization from the Commissioner is obligatory. Commissioner verifies child’s age; parental permission; prior instruction and training in the required job; availability and use of protective clothing and a medical certificate before authorisation. Employers must also maintain a register as prescribed in schedule 5 of the employment regulations.
Francis Odong-yoo, the Director of Human Rights Focus decries how the inhuman Human Rights abuses can happen in Acholi Sub Region without their concern.
The employment of children in the labour affairs, the District labour officers are all in the 8 districts in Acholi Sub Region, how come that the labour officers in Lamwo and Kitgum districts allow child labourers in their districts, Odong-yoo wondered.
He argues that is very sad, the Constitution of Uganda does not support to employ children in industry, farm and even households.
second, the terms of employment there must be a contract letter for any person with the company or management of the sugar cane plantation.
Now the Oryal sugar plantation if its happens in that way is very very bad, we have to look at emplyement contract.
Odong-yoo says when the Area Member of Parliament form Ibanda North, Major David Gume sent transport money to rescue those child labour, that is very good.
“Its not only child labour, but child trafficking, when you take children from their home, that child must be inform where he or she is going to be taken. You cannot take any child without knowing where they are going.” Odong-yoo warned.
When the Cooperative Chairperson of Ayuu Alali, Women Lead group and Gem Pacilo Cooperative sugar cane works said they are giving 3 and 5 acres of land to the community, how can it happen? Uganda Human Rights Focus questioned.
According to the Oryal sugarcane management they are saying out growers are benefiting, in law it the landowners who became out growers, what about those people who are being transported from Ibanda western Uganda, Gulu, Amuru, Pader, Kitgum and Lamwo districts. Do they also become out growers without owning land. Human Rights defender urged.
The Director of Uganda Human Rights Focus castigated the Oryal SugarCane project for abusing the rights of the employees, saying every person has the rights for payment.
In June, 2020, at the peak of COVID-19 pandemic, Amina Moghe Hersi who owns Atiak and Ayul Alali Sugarcane production transported 400 people from Kamuli district in eastern Uganda, the Chairman of Local Government Council V, John Ogwok and Lamwo community resorted to social media platform and rejected the Kamuli people.
Later, forcing Amina Hersi and Dan Kidega, the Chairperson of both Atiak Sugarcane project and Ayul Alali sugar cane project to import the Kamuli 400 people back when President Museveni intervened.