Global Politics
Is President Yoweri Museveni meeting Acholi-Lango leaders recently on Karamojong cattle rustlers not gun boat Diplomacy?

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Acholi Parliamentary Groups, Chairperson Anthony Akol, the Kilak South MP, led 282 leaders from Acholi Sub Region including groups affiliated to Northern Uganda Media Club, (NUMEC)to meet Uganda president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at his country state lodge Bar-Alege in Lango Sub Region is yet another division on the on terror strike in Kampala.
LIRA CITY-TUESDAY, May 17, 2023.
President Museveni calls for meeting leaders in North Uganda does it answer transnational justice practice that could play a role in a transitional justice process concerning conflict legacies that communities feel require redress on the sponsored Karamojong raider in Acholi and Lango Sub Region of late.
Lyandor Komakech, the former Member of Parliament for Gulu Municipality, the author of Traditional Justice as Adjudication in Uganda, the book title where law meets reality. Sometime argues that, “The conceptualization of the north as being the only part of the country in need of transitional justice is itself symptomatic of many Ugandans’ mistaken view that the north alone suffered the consequences of war.”
The fact that Acholi and Lango leaders, and their Members of Parliaments including opinion leaders think by gathering somewhere and voicing their concern to President Museveni, then there is no political thinker in the Greater North.
Uganda ‘s transitional justice process is now at a cross road; it has potential to either transform the country or plunge it back into conflict.
The only opportunity Acholi and Lango Leaders from Northern Uganda had was during the Juba Peace Talks 2006, between the government of Uganda and leaders of Lord’s Resistance Army LRA created window of opportunity, the signing of numbers of agreements, including an agreement entitled’ Agenda Item 2 on Comprehensive Solution to the conflict, and Agenda Item 3 on Accountability and Reconciliation that law down the framework for Transitional Justice policy was the only language Museveni a renowned failed peace talk person.
Hon Akol in his message to Acholi community says, I wish to bring to your attention that I led a delegation of over 282 leaders comprising of Ministers from Acholi Su Region, MPs, Local Government Chairman V, Residences District Commissioners, City Residence Commissioners, and their Deputies, Regional Police Commanders, and their Deputies, District Intelligence Officers Districts Police Commander, and the Lords Mayor including Divisions Mayors is on track I Diplomacy mechanism.
Acholi Parliamentary Groups Chairperson boss, it is historical that we met the President of the Republic of Uganda in Baraalegi state lodge in Otuke district.
“The meeting was restricted to Karamojong cattle raiders and to be taken to bring clam in the Sub Region. And the delegation agreed with the President on Immediate action to be
” AGP leader commented.
Among the agreed position are as follows:
The deployments of gunship Helicopters that has special features to detect Karamojong warriors from Sky, (sic)why now, political commentator alluded. Using new technology, deploy the new Drone Technology to spy and fight the Karamojong warriors, to work with Civilians to improve on the responses on raiders, to tag the animals from the Acholi Sub Region and Lango Sub Region for easy identification of the animals once raided and recovered, to change the commanders who have taken long in Karamoja and remove the UPDF who are Karamojong who have been conniving with Karamojong warriors, to deploy sniffer dogs to help in tracing the Karamojong warriors in their hiding places.
Others are to recruit ex combatants and home guards to fight alongside UPDF, to investigate the rumors of UPDF getting involved in the sales of bullets and involved in the plan raid to the people of Acholi, and to investigate the charcoal business in Acholi and the police and the UPDF getting involved in the business and they should be brought to book.
To investigate the Balaos involved in grazing their animals in Acholi including the illegal buying of land when land is owned communally, to compensate people killed by Karamojong, those injured and those who lost their properties and to distribute food items and nonfood item to people displaced by Karamojong raider in the affected people.”
The drawback position, history of conflict and failed peace talks agreement has left a multiplicity legacy that is far from uniform in Uganda, and even varies between the Acholi, Lango and Teso in the Sub Regions in the North.
Lyando Komakech in his book stated the common trend among those are legacies is the trail of Human Rights violation that remain unacknowledged in any comprehensive way. As the core of these legacies like a complicated and multidimensional set of mutual resentments, all of which need some address if full reconciliation to be achieved
The article carry independent view not the view from Oyeng Yeng News, because yesterday in the night the Editor of this Publications survived attempt assassination narrowly.