25 years in parliament Uringi still bowed and knelt before Mr. Museveni begged UGX 3 billion to finsh his five star hotel
Museveni’s marriage with Northern after presidential Jan. 15, 2021 polls collapsing, (Nyankole ogwaro opoko,)
GULU CITY-UGANDA: President Yoweri Museveni Rebecca Kadaga Thursday Midnight meeting has put Jacob Oulanyah bid for Speakership in limbo, Oulanyah camp is worried following Rebecca Kadaga midnight cutting of the cake with Sebogabu in Rwakatura state lodge in western Uganda.
Oulanyah’s position is hanging in balance following this secret meeting between the two – Kadaga and Tibawubwa Yoweri Museveni according to our sources who asked not to be named.
Who is Museveni Yoweri Tibawubwa?
President Tibawubwa Museveni has no friend, in a number of times he reiterates, and he cannot be advised, five outstanding characters that can define the current president of Uganda.
Tibawubwa is very consistent with his interests, reads wildly more than any one in the country, said a sources close to him. He has mastered Uganda political economy and he does not take his enemy lightly, even a mosquito if it means crushing it with a hammer he will do it.
When you stand in his way he will crush you, just like he used Gen Paul Lukech to destroy Odonga Otto or even use his accomplices like Hilary Onek Obolaloker to destroy Gen. Charles Gen Otema Awany.
He knows how to incite one group against the other, like The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. He takes all the credit to himself, but blames e very one and that is Tibawubwa Museveni, even if Oulanyah risk his life to defend him in the 8 parliament by passing term limited bill nothing will change his position.
He has no friend.
Speaker Kadaga risked her integrity breaking the rule of parliament to invite Special Forces Command, when Speaker Kadaga opened the door to SFC and raided parliament that is why Kadaga has a big head that nobody can rule out except Tibawubwa Museveni, used Kadaga and dumped her.
A person like Oulanyah, an accomplished lawyer and a business man still fighting can still be dumped by Tibawubwa. Chief Justice, Justice Alphonse Owiny Dollo an accomplished lawyer is still fighting but yet to be dumped, Paul Lukech an army general and an accomplished soldier with high repetition that made world history in quelling Somali unrest is still fighting to be dump.
Remember Hon. Uringi?, when he lost Aswa County MP, he still went on bowed and knelt down before Tibawubwa, begged for UGX 3 billion to finish his five star hotel, even after spending 25 years in parliament, God forbid
In 1986, then National Resistance Army NRA forced Bur Coro community to have homo, but today Homo many people offer themselves.