Global Politics
Oyeng Yeng Editorial, the failed democracy led to oligarchy
.Since 1986 when President Museveni came to power he has never appointed Acholi main stream into his senior cabinet, neither has he appointed anybody from western Acholi to the position of deputy minister since the last time he appointed Betty Bigombe as a deputy minister for environment in 2011, Betty Akech Okullu as a deputy minister for sports in the early 2000s.while Omony Ogaba from Aruu County as deputy minister for education and sport in 1996
GULU-UGANDA: the Oyeng yeng Political pundit is questioning why President Museveni has for long failed to appoint his cabinet from West Acholi sub region, in the districts of Amuru, Gulu, Omoro, Aswah and Nwoya district, but always from East Acholi.
In Plato’s mind democracy de-generates when state leaders are not virtuous men but simultaneously corrupted by, and become corrupters of, the many.
Reading from the mind of Plato, this can bring us to question ourselves “why has President Museveni remained adamant in his reign of divide and rule policy in Acholi sub region. Museveni has been avoiding appointing cabinet Ministers in Acholi Sub Region, (Especially Acholi main steam West Acholi). The Northern Uganda gate keeper and prefers to either make his choice of appointment from East Acholi in the district of Kitgum and Lamwo district, or West Nile and Lango Sub Regions.
Once upon a time President Museveni was caught big mouthing against the Acholi people and now appears to be caught up in the political mud, “he arrogantly stated that the Acholi communities during Northern Uganda unrest were locked up in a bottle like grasshoppers.” They were killing themselves. He later said it was the only method they had to apply to manage the situation in the north. In his own words he was quoted saying we used “The ox bow method” in a nutshell; blatantly saying instead of dealing with Acholi community we used Lango or West Nile Sub Regions to do the job for us.
Of late President Museveni has asserted as Good Samaritan, President Museveni has discovered that some leadership from Acholi Sub region have their roots from the neighboring districts, or country, this partly explains why his choice is the Lamwo Member of Parliament as the only cabinet minister from Acholi in his government.
The Political observer for Oyeng Yeng News argues that president Museveni has thought, to uphold and restore certain democratic institutions, but not to put an end to the irregularities in the democratic processes that are become common in his ways of apportioning the appointment.
It is not President Museveni desires not to appoint the Acholis, but it’s is determination of human nature that accounts for the situation, as the more philosophic presented. But, institution leadership, if the institution is good, the right sort of the mass would therefore; drive and individual even demagogic leaders, the plague of the mass would therefore be serves from their own nature.
According to Isocrates, if you are not ruling by the will of the masses and they don’t have a stake in what you are saying you are not appointing them to positions of power as a requirement of democracy then you are doing nothing but creating an oligarchy rule.
Political observer says even now we can see that the people who are unbearable in any other circumstance, when they come up to hesitate to surrender to their own nature and obey more the customs’ of this place than their own faults.
The political players in Acholi sub region alluded that it is not through decrees, but through customs that Gulu City is ruled. President Museveni thinks his keen distinction between the two kinds of equality of choices would malign Acholi to the extent that they don’t have what to eat in his oligarchy regime.
For how long is President Museveni going to be humiliating Acholi community? Just at the glance for two times now President Museveni has appointed two cabinet ministers from Lango sub-region to his cabinet including Health Minister, and lands Minister who has still been maintained as minister for Kampala and many deputy ministers from Lango.
While in West Nile Museveni has eight ministers and Second Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Moses Ali who is also head of Government business.
Museveni’s actions of marginalization of Acholi mainstream up from his mustard seed back ground when he asserted that when you want to humiliate the hero, crush their head while the survivors sees.
Isocrates reminded his conservative fellow-citizen that no group Oligarchs can match the people in their readers to suffer for common good, no group of Oligarchs can compare with many in their generosity in the place of public dangers.
“But only a well-ordered democracy, insisted, would inspire the people to self-sacrifice be it on the battlefield or in the city itself under conditions of security and penury.” Isocrates implied.
In conclusion, by contrast when Acholi mainstream are divested of their faith in the polity, the same people has been seen to be thrown into folly disorder and look criminal ambitions, this the voices of people in Gulu Main market.
This situation of Musevenism chaotic equality or in equality was not irreversible; however, however, the political pundit believed that this is not democracy but oligarchy