Global Politics
Dr. Paska Apoiyo, says Gulu district lock downmay be good to stop Truck Drivers from Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono the infested COVID-19 pandemic to come to Gulu Town
No virus in Gulu district, we are treating COVID-19 positive people who are truck drivers from Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono. If the government want to test for COVID-19 pandemic, let them do it in Central region.
GULU-UGANDAstrong:strong Take COVID-19 politics in Kampala, no COVID-19 in Gulu, even the people we have been treating in Gulu Regional Referral Hospital all are truck drivers from Kampala, Tanzania and Kenya, task force from Gulu District who ask for anonymity remarked.
Dr. Paska Apiyo Deputy Director for Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, the In-Charge of COVID-19 pandemic treatment Center isolation ward in Gulu District dismissed the notion that there is overwhelming high number of infections of COVID-19 pandemic from Gulu contact, says only one woman who was admitted a month ago in Gulu. The rest are the truck drivers from Central region, and foreigners.
“Nobody from Gulu contact has with the COVID-19 pandemic, not even single person so has been admitted, the old woman from Angaya Health Center that was admitted a month ago, her son came from Elegu, in Amuru district and the rest of the people who had been admitted in our isolation ward, majorities were from Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono.” Dr. Apiyo said.
Dr. Apiyo says yesterday Tuesday 23rd June 2020 that they released 6 COVID-19 patients, however they admitted four new cases, all are from Elegu Uganda-Sudan boarder line. One Dinka from South Sudan and one person from DR. Congo jumped out from Truck diver who was coming from Arua, West Nile is not from Gulu district and the other two from Amuru district.
Odong Peter a food vendor in Gulu Main Market says President Museveni is just implementing the interest of Western World leaders on COVID-19 pandemic.
Acholi Sub Region, Gulu district first got one case of COVID-19 pandemic case on May 1st 2020, that case was from Truck Divers from Elegu, and later the first family including president Museveni owned the former Uganda Transocean Company. Northern Uganda has just first witnessed the inhuman cruelty and savage barbarity when COVID-19 pandemic lock down in March 30 first lock down. Museveni deployed his newly created neo-colonial Residence Commissioners, UPDF and Uganda Police Forces to allow truck drivers. Now Museveni made a u turned and declared Gulu district lock down for the second time and yet no coronavirus exists in Gulu.
First Museveni used Northern Uganda long conflict to put Northern Uganda under lock down for 20 years, that desecration of Acholi which the British Empire builders did not dare to dismantle from 1900 to the 9th October 1962, Museveni fragmented the venerable Acholi Cultural chiefdom by using NRM cadres, henceforth, Gulu Regional Referral Hospital left in moral wilderness.
Uganda President after heart-rending destruction of Medical practitioners by importing COVID-19 pandemic in Amuru, later being transfer to Gulu Regional Referral Hospital declared Gulu district COVID-19 pandemic lock down.
The first attempted by Uganda Legislator Hon Odonga Otto blocked Kenyan truck drivers from entering Gulu district from Palenga township just 20 kilometers from Gulu City by mobilizing communities around Koro and Palenga villages which stand on stand by ready to burnt down the truck. But the leaders from neighboring district succumbed to the covetous tyrant.
A month later Acholi MPs led by Aruu South MP and Kilak South MP, Odonga Otto and Gilbert Olanya who still have vestiges of inalienable birthrights of liberty to choose and to act for themselves, resisted the savage barbarity of uncouth politician from the backward Munyankole tribe, but without well masses, the enlighten Acholi could not reverse the trend only to wait from Sabugabo lock down presidential directive.
Jimmy Patrick Okema the Regional Police Spoke man for Aswa River region today while answering calls from James Obali confirmed that Gulu District Police Commander is reinforcing President Museveni Gulu Lock down.
“I am very happy that MEGA FM is informing our people and updating them on presidential COVID-19, Gulu cluster lock down, we have impounded all buses that travel to Kampala from Gulu Buganda Bus park terminal, and we are going not leave anY stone un-turn.” Okema proudly says.
Obale Radio MEGA FM. Talk shows host warned Acholi community that when he was telling them that Ryemo Gemo was bad they did not agree, now let them see how COVID-19 pandemic has gone, without ascertaining how many people from Gulu have got the COVID-19 pandemic, James Obale allegedly said.
“Yesterday when we broadcasted your message that Gulu district is on lock down many people begin to criticized us, even a primary three dropped out who know how to used social media, because he has Smart phone also blame us.” Home grown Negri turn coat Obale lamented.
Hon Gilbert Olanya today after learning that Gulu district has been put under lock down, says this politics, warns people to be on the lookout, what we want Gulu district should be remove from the list of districts of lock down.
“We are giving the government two days, otherwise no truck drivers will move to Elegu. Because they have put lock down on buses, but they allow truck drivers.” Hon Olanya warns
In 2000 the UPDF returning soldiers imported Ebola which killed over 1000 people in Gulu district, during over two decades conflict in Northern Uganda, UPDF who have HIV were deployed in Acholi Sub Region to infect community with HIV, Acholi Sub Region now HIV/AIDS 9% while the rest of the country has 6% .
In 2003 when the government gave 24 hours ultimatum to Acholi community to move to IDP Camps, later children got infected with Nodding Diseases Syndrome that killed over 3,000 children in Acholi Sub Region. Later Hepatitis B also killed many people in Northern Uganda.