Why now, do all Acholi was part of Mao's Museveni MoU, Kace DP party
Opiyo Mark 80 years old from Koro clan, an opinion leader from Acholi Sub Region dismisses Norbert Mao assertion calls for unity in Northern Uganda, after political marriage between his Democratic Party (DP) and National Resistance Movement Party (NRM), argues even if Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Norbert Mao play a leading role to unite the Greater North, how is advocating, we can all be bought.
“Acholi can only unit when their land is under treat” what was the MoU between President Museveni NRM party and Norbert Mao the DP party, was it not for 2026 Presidential and Parliamentary polls, nothings else, so now is planning to used us.
Norbert Mao argues that, since I have joined NRM government in July last year in 2022, I have found any things to disagree with, my mission to make bloodless political transitional, every Ugandans President had made big blander, from Dr. Apollo Milton Obote I and II, government to Uganda dictator Idi Amin of 1971 coup to 1979 Prof. Yusuf Lule, QC President Lukongwa Binaisa up to date nursing Uganda political transitional changes all their hand been tainted with blood.
“Uganda political transitional is like removing bile from the liver, it need somebody whose hand is steady like me, Mao brag
GULU CITY-TUESDAY JULY 11,2023. Norbert Mao, the former critic of the oligarchy regime, turned ally is planning a political homecoming on 22ed July 2023. Plagued to make campaign for Northern Uganda bargain
(sic) Acholi Sub Region while addressing the groups of Northern Uganda Media Club at TAKS Center in Gulu City, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 pleaded to his fellow Countrymen for unity in order to develop the Greater North.
Norbert Mao says his coming home will be accompanied with prominent people from the Greater North, for me, Odoch Olak has been the most known person for me as a good mobilizer for the NRM candidates in the last Presidential and Parliamentary campaign.
He reasoned that, we don’t talk about the NRM agenda, our agenda is for the Juba Agreement of 2006, it’s because the document was signed by President Museveni, it’s our choice because we know people are divided.
Without unity, Acholi Sub Region and the Greater North will lack behind. Your people bag because when you don’t have unity among yourselves. However, when you are united you have a chance to advance and you have a better package of bargaining.
For example, when he comes with his body guards and asks the person who has borrowed money from him, and he doesn’t want to pay him, the person will look at his bodyguards and say if I don’t pay him those men, what can I do, this is what is called bargaining.
Mao insists, why do we call the theme. It’s time; to unit ourselves, says in 1988 when he wanted to campaign to become Guild President of Makerere University, many people came to him advising him not to contest for Guild President, because his standing by that time Acholi community had lost pour to President Museveni, they were arguing that you know, Mao you came from humble poor background, we don’t more bloodshed.
But when he stood for the Guild President, after winning election, many people came to congratulate him with the messages that Acholi was still in power to recon with.
I have done what I have, I will not be able to punish Acholi people, even other people who are saying Mao is Munyankole, unfortunately all my parents are all dead.” Mao decries.
He advises people from the Greater North, what can they do if they cannot even buy food in their home, or pay school fees for their children, or buy clothes for their beautiful wives.
“We are opening a new chapter, on 22, July, 2023.” Now we might fight, he is fighting for the Greater North. And yet other people are abusing him about his political MoU with President Museveni, if our people one does not wake up, insist that because Uganda belongs to all people, it does not belong to president Museveni only and his chronic.” Mavic Mao boasted.
Revealed that there are two types of people, others want regime change fundamental, those are one group of people.
For those who are criticizing him, say when you are putting on a Shoes, it does move by itself, it’s you who is moving, when you reach the door you leave the shoes at the doorstep.
Mao’s main agenda “it’s time.” now
From 22ed July 2023. We shall reposition ourselves from the north, the NRM supporters shall be part of us, citing adage word, you cannot say Acholi are the killer. Was St Janani Loum, the Archbishop of Uganda, Boga-Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi, Dr. Alex Odonga, Dr. Mathew Lukwiya, were they killers?
Repositioning ourselves means you choose what you are good at, citing examples of the Chinese who don’t play Basketball because they are not good at it.
You cannot talk about Sim-sim in Uganda, because we are the one from northern Uganda who grow Sim-sim. You cannot talk about Matoke without mentioning Buganda region, because they are the one who majorly grow Banana plantations in Uganda.
We are repositioning ourselves, because when you look at Acholi land is the same size of the country of Rwanda land, now I am told they are dragging me in the constituency fight for Gulu City, I have left those thing long time ago when I was chase away by Uganda Electoral Commission, who throw me out of Gulu Municipality election when he was vying in 2011.
Back to two types of people, Mao says the people spreading nonsense about him have made him very powerful, in life there are two types of people, builder and blocker.
Citing the book of Nekimaiya, they were building the wall of Jerusalem, but there was a man who was against the building wall, he was fighting those who were building the wall. But, Nekimaiya stood with his groups to build the wall, on one hand there were spears and on one hand were building blocks.
On 22end we shall refocus our people. What he terms as IMF, is Museveni fall, anything IM, you don’t wed your garden, you have failed to feed your family, you don’t have money to buy cloth for your family, you don’t have money to pay school fees. It’s Museveni Fall.
“I hear some idiotic goon’s mad men saying President Museveni is funding Mao’s homecoming with UGX 1.2 billion, but yet even President Museveni gave only UGX 1 billion, the government failed to sponsor the fourth coming Women’s day celebration to fund it, so what? When I was still Member of 8th Parliament I gave five condition to government of Uganda to fulfil, first to have peace talk with the then Lord’s Resistance Army LRA, to put Amnesty in place, Government of Uganda to open their Embassy in South Sudan, President Museveni to open political space on Uganda Democratic process, and lastly, I gave pre condition to Uganda government to closed all Internal People Displace Camps IPD.”
Norbert Mao wondered why the community of Northern Uganda were forgetful, from 1996 to 2001, when I stood up in parliament, I would be booed. All members of parliament were saying Mao is Joseph Kony supper and sponsor, stop, stop, stop.
Mao wondered don’t believed that he did not play a leading role in changes that are taking place so much that Mao has no hegemony of political parties in Uganda politics.
Therefore, the future of northern Uganda is still bright because those blockers will die there absolutely for fear, my message to you is don’t do things that will destroy your life.
He revealed that he is inside NRM government because he can now tell my people, he has not found anything wrong that I have disagree with, I mention to government to make government batter, there are those people who are like potatoes who can meal away, there are other people who are like coffee have put into water it will change the color of water.
Adds that, the media fraternity to advices people not behave like Ostrich who hide it head in the sand pretending to protect itself, we have real problem, but bad leaders will teach us about the good leaders
Mao made a reference to the current president Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Arab Republic of Egypt. Who was the most dictatorial president of Egypt, the Egyptian Hosni Mubarak?
Mao alluded that Mubarak was the worst, look at what is happening in Philippians son of the former president, Ferdinand Marcos who ruled Philippine with iron fist, the son Bongbong Marcos president of Philippine, who think that he is going to be president.
Mao warns that even Ugandans do want the son of the president one day Uganda will have a son of the former president, the problem is about Africa allowing Europeans to kill Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, and yet Libya was the best African country.
Now, the most loved person in Libya is Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Libya’s former leader Muammar Gaddafi, has registered as a presidential candidate for the country’s December election body announced.
Lastly, let us refocus should not be about Coffee, Cocoa and tea, what is best for Northern Uganda in terms of development, we need transformation justice bills to be put in a body known as war victim’s funds, that cover Acholi, Lango, Teso Sub Regions.
“Because for us we can talk about and we make a lot of advocacy, but, for Luwero Sub Region, although Luwero triangle had been war rages area when National Resistance Army (NRL) war, for them they pretend to be NRM supporters and they keep quiet, no one is talking on their behalf.