Gulu City issues at hand, how to transform the people into Gulu City mindset

GULU-UGANDA: IN THE 19TH Century, John Stuart Mill pioneered the liberal conception of politics. He saw democracy as the major political development of era and, in his on liberty, advocated stronger protection for individual rights against government and the rule of the majority.
John Mill arged that liberty was the most important right of human being, and that the only just cause for interfere in with the liberty of another person was self-protection
One commentator refers to liberty as the strongest and most eloquent defiance of liberalism that we have. Mill also emphasized the importance of freedom, claiming that, we can never be sure that the opinion we are attempting to stifle is a false opinion, and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still”
On such school of thought is human security, which advocates for a more people-based (as opposed to state-based) conception of security, focus on protection and empowerment of individuals
The aspirants for Gulu City should take into consideration ownership of the City, who is going to manage people`s expectation. Is it going to be like Kampala taken over by Bakiga and Banyakole? The Baganda have failed to build their own city.
Amidst the Gulu City aspirants, top on the agenda would be political contest, the city will increase the level of resentment against National Resistance Movement party (NRM)will try to break the barrier.
Thus, politics in African Countries is not about the ideas, people with ideas do not have control over politics.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Komakech, Deputy Director Gulu University Research Institute says the issues at stake for political aspirants in 2021 THE Acholi community we must understand our mistake was built on the problems “Can dano”.(luck of people)
“Right away we are in the time from 1990 to 2008 most of our people fled the country, and left leadership vacuum.” He reasons
Gulu University Don argued that two things immerged from them, leadership gaps, those who were able fled the country created two levels orientation, Komakech notes.
Adding that one, we have to look for the leaders needs, a new mentality and the mentality who is the leaders that can shout, bang the table and fight Museveni in words.
He argues that this type of leadership is not charismatic leadership which was developed; this is the first leaders of Acholi configuration of leadership, Gulu University Don asserted.
So, that crop of leadership were then to go and shout, go and then go and fight, to go and show capacity of strength, Prof. Komakech urged.
The second level, we took students for leadership, if we have modality that we took fresh graduates from school for the leadership. What are the problems with this two level of historical leadership, Prof. Komakech lamented.
He questioned what are the stakes of this students says they are fresh without experience, most time the procrastination think that they have poverty, emotional intelligence lacking, this means you are not calculated, Komakech mooted.
In crisis leader, the problem is effective leaders is show of strength not strategy. And that therefore means you cannot see trap your position easily notices.
“That reminded me of the story of Apwoyo reko loyo tek kom, intelligence is batter than strength, this two level of leadership in Acholi.” Says currently in Acholi land this is two levels what is proposition here.
Acholi leadership currently crisis leadership. We have moved beyond crisis, we are cough in crisis leadership we still stack in it.
Komakech says the leadership we have we cannot see, we can read and reread. What we are doing, is we are simply grounded in our feeling, our perception and hatred. Which obviously are not political suitable we are leading emotionally and not politicking.
“Political leadership needs strategy (Dan. Komakech 2019) leadership politicking leaders stratergically needs not emotional, but political reading.
The aspirants candidates in rural setting have to deal in land conflict which is the order of the day.
Gulu City Lord Mayor aspirants are as follows:
Alfred Okwanga, Executive Director School of Gulu Health Science, George Aligec Lapir Executive Director of Northern Uganda Business Institute, Otim Geoffrey former Chairman LC3 Pece Division.
Gulu East aspirants MP, Oola Simon Peter the current Vice Chairman Councilor V, Ceaser Lubanga-kene former Humanitarian Agency, worked in Dafur, Jokkene Timoty oker Businessman in Gulu town, Okidi Christopher President Uganda Yung Democrat and Komakech a lawyer working in Kampala.
Gulu West aspirant candidates for 2021 polls are as follows:
Hon. Lyando Komakech the current MP for Gulu Municipality, Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, the currentChairman LCV for Gulu District, Hon.Omony Oscar the current Northern Uganda Youth MP and Tony Kitara.
The Women Members of Parliament aspirants.
Hon Betty Aol Ocan Gulu Woman MP, Auma Vento Ogora, Jolly Okot Laker,the former Executive Director for Invicible Children, Hon. Amony Fransica the current Councilor for Pece Division, Lapolo Maria Shaka former cadidate for Omoro District, currently she in farming, Aber Sharon Balmoi.
Division Mayor, Pece/Laroo are: Hon Abonga Moses the current Chairman LC3 Laroo, Kelly Okomakech, the current LC3 Pece Division, Denise Nono Councilor IV Iraga, Hon.George Labeja the current mayor of Gulu Municipality.
Gulu West Mayorship are, Denise Okello Oweka NRM, OolaPatrick Lummuba FDC, Mrs.Polly Lukwayi UPC,
Gulu District Chairman aspirant’s candidates are: John Okwanga the current Gulu District Speaker, Col Kinyera Christ NRM, Obol Simpleman, and Okello Patrick Onguti Dp, and Opiyo Atiker NRM
Gulu District Women aspirants are: Rose Amono Abili FDC, Goreti Okello Deputy Director Gulu Human Right Focus, Lucy Lapoti work in Uganda Parliament, Atim Betty and lady who she is called Maya amongother.
Gulu District direct aspirantsare:
Hon.Reagan Ronald Okumu,the current MPfor Aswa Cunty in Gulu district., Odong Ojubu Executive Director FORUMU, Col Christ Kinyera, Achire Christopher former MP for Gulu Manicipality in the 9th Parliament,, and Wokorch Simon Peter NRM
Omoro county aspirants are:
Hon Oulanyah Jacob Okori the current MP for Omoro, Deputy Speaker of Parlimanet, and Secondo Okot Abok Excetive D irector for Elegoland Secondary School in Gulu District.
Women Members of Parliament for Omoro district are:
Hon. Chatherine Lamwaka the current MP for Omoro district, Betty Layika a UK busness women PeoplePower, Lanyero Pamela DP, Betty Kilama, DP
Tochi County aspirants are:
Hon.Okot Peter the current MP for Toci County, and Okello Rwot Lonyo Fransis
Omoro District Chairman aspirants’ candidates are:
Hon Peter Doguls Okao the current Chairman Omoro district,Billy Gram Olanya, Watdok Francisco Awori the current Councilor V for Koro Sub County, Geoffery Oryem Odong Latek NRM.
Nwoya district aspirants are:
Okello Geoffrey Gulu NGO Forum, Bridger Dr. Ochen,the former UPDF Military Doctor, Tony Awany, the current Ambassidor Arab Republic , Hon Okello Oryema, the
current Chairman Nwoya district, Justine Langojul former Pader RDC, Akena Jovento.
Women aspirants Nwoya district are:
Hon Adong Lilly, Hon Ajok Betty Kibwota Vice Chairman Nwoya district,
Chairman aspirants for Amuru district are:
Ochan Jhon Bosco so far has soon his interest.
Kilak South are:
Hon Gilbert Olanya THE mp FOR Kilak South, Hon. Mike Lakony Chairman Amuru district, Hon William Nokrach the MP for Northern Disable People.
Kilak North are:
Omony Julius Nyero,Hon Akol Anthony, the current MP for Kilak North, Odongkara Christopher the LC3 Chairman for Pabbo Sub County.