Secruity operative are using drone to scaring journalists too in Gulu City
Robert Kyagaulanyi, the National Unity Platform NUP party wants three Judges including Justine Alphorns Owiny Dollo Cigamio out of his presidential petition; otherwise he is contemplating to take his case to public opinion court.
Fear and fever for kidnap and abduction has taken Northern Uganda Media Club NUMEC member agape as top Editor is being follow by drone
GULU CITY-UGANDA: The adage that goes that you cannot decide how to cross the bridge before you reach the bank of the river. The presidential and Parliamentary elect winner in the just Jan. 14, 2021 polls still hangs in balance
Tension is high at the Supreme Court hearing Bobi Wine election petition as Justices decide on Bobi Wine filling Application,the legal counsels George Musisi on Bobi Wine says his client seeks adding more 145 additional affidavits at Supreme Court.
“The additional evidence entails audio and videos of the irregularities on actual voting day, evidence of ballot stuffing on the part of the first respondent who is president Museveni, brutal arrests and the offends that happened days before and after.”
Madi Segona Lubega put a spiritual fight to present affidavits before the Supreme Court says the evidence that he presented before this supreme Court incriminated the Uganda Attorney General.
Chief Justice Owiny Dollo argues that the Attorney General does not go to the police station to block their file affidavits.
Lubega accusation based on paragraph 32 of the petition the Attorney General did not help them to file the affidavits, says he is not contesting to present the statement in the Chamber, who are in the Supreme Court to seek redress, because the step has not been taken.
Lubega says he want court to decide on the most appealing, we are not talking about evidence in support of the petition.
“I am cry and pleading to you, my Lord, to allow our affidavits because for peace, security and freedom of this country.” Counsel Ssegona Lubega pleaded.
In another development, Kyagulanyi says they have questions about the Chief Justice Owiny-Dollo, having been a former Museveni minister, having been a former Museveni defence lawyer and also we have seen pictures indicating that the Chief justice has been meeting with Gen Museveni on a regular basis. We believe that within the law, that is wrong,” Bobi said while addressing journalists at NUP offices in Kamwokya, a Kampala suburb.
“Therefore, we want the Chief Justice not to be part of this hearing. Not just the Chief Justice, there are other justices in the Supreme Court like (Justice) Mike Chibita, who we all know was the private secretary for legal affairs in Museveni’s office for seven years. We also know that (Justice) Ezekiel Muhanguzi is a relative of Gen Eli Tumwine, a person that the national and international community has or Kyagulanyi says the court is acting in a manner that shows they are partial yet they are supposed to be independent.
“We went to the Supreme Court to seek justice, not injustice. We want to put the Supreme Court on notice; that if this persists, we are not going to be part of the mockery. We have not even started the hearing but the court is rejecting our evidence. What is the reason? We strongly believe that the court is working with orders from Gen. Museveni. Many of our witnesses are (also) in jail,” Kyagulanyi warns.
the Supreme Court yesterday said there are clear channels and procedures for a justice to excuse himself or herself from hearing a case. “The procedure for stepping aside by a judge is very clear. The person, who is seeking it, has to raise the complaint before the court and a ruling is made on whether the named judicial officer/s steps aside or not. His lawyers (Mr Kyagulanyi’s lawyers), didn’t raise this concern the last time the court convened and we assumed they were okay with the coram that was before them,” Mr Jamson Karemani, the Judiciary
The author of this article was trailed by drone from Tuesday Feb. 16, from Awich road to Acholi Road, Jomoy Kenyatta road, up to Aywee outskirt of Gulu City by drone. Some time the drone would block his way or park behind him.
The editor of Oyeng Yeng News is not alone; other journalists in Gulu City are not spared. Ojok is not real name, and says he has been followed by drones too.
On Feb 9, 2021 the SFC rang him using satellite phone number+40748663930 and invaded his residence, by the time two of them came in the mid of dead night he was no where
Fear in Northern Uganda for what is next ahead of them after the ruling speaks value; their fear has been beef up by heavily deployment of plains clothes securities on the street of Gulu City
However, President Yoweri Museveni was declared the winner with 6,042898 votes representing 58.38% and Kyagulanyi as the runners up with 3631437 votes but in his challenge, the NUP presidential candidate says there were a number of irregularities that make the election and its outcome null and void.
However, in his response filed by his lawyers from K&K Advocates and Byenkya, Kihika &Company Advocates on Saturday, Museveni said he was validly elected because the election was free and fair.
“The elections were conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential Elections Act and the Electoral Commission Act and in compliance with the principles laid down in those provisions and any non-compliance in the conduct of the election, which is denied, did not affect the results of the election in a substantial manner,” the response reads in part.