I have forgotten one thing, make sure that you support politicians who work with community rather than selfish politicians. Advices the minister of land to adopt Certificate of Customary.
GULU-UGANDA: Rwot Jimmy Ochan Luwala of Puranga chiefdoms today June 29th 2020 has unleashed his newly appointed cabinets ministers comprising of Gulu University Dons and civil servants, namely; Francis Mawa former Chairman Laity Northern Uganda Anglican Church of Uganda, dumped former Agricultural experts Otto Lubila in a surprise move.
Rwot Luwala urgues the Land Minister Fancies Odong-yoo, the Director of Gulu Human Rights Focus, instructed him to make sure that he introduces Certificate of Customary Land Ownership, which is currently being piloted in Nwoya district registering and giving land title to customary cultural land systems.
“I want the minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development to begin working now so that our people of Puranga community land be register to ease development.” Rwot Luwala reiterates.
Currentlyy, ZOA, a None Government Organization is registering certificate of Customary land Ownership freehold in Nwoya District which is now fueling land conflict. Yet traditional method of owning, occupying and dealing in or using of the land is stipulated under the Uganda Constitution Land Act 1998, 1995 (4.1.1.}.
Rwot Luwala told his new cabinets that those cabinets are acquired their education through informal education during ‘wang-oo’, later on they used the skills which would help them to graduate from the best Universities in the region.
He urges the new cabinet to bring unity and development, and emulate his grandfather Ochan Luwala who was a great blacksmith (Engineer) and also a renounced person in Puranga chiefdom.
“Yee’ too ngo muneko Luwala, Luwala yam kutu do, too ngo muneko Luwala, Luwala yam teto do”
Puranga Chiefdom was covering the area from Patongo Southward up to Ngeta Hill, then downward to Atura, close the shore of the River Nile, then Westward to L. Albert. But now a shadow of her own and poor leadership, no unity among the subjects.
Jalon Laloyo, the chairman for Kal Orimu clan, Eng. Jimmy Odwar and James Okello the coordinator of the appointees made the list of the academia young generation who were missing senior advisors, and minister of information.
Gulu University Don Laloyo appeals to the new cabinets that they should initiate development project and work to make sure that Puranga areas promote environmental and protect land degradations.
List of the new Cabinet:
Prime Mister Francis Mawa, Lukow Deputy Primer Ben Okwamio, Lamu, Finance Minister Christopher Kinyera Bolo, Land Housing and Urban Development, Francis Odong-yoo Lukwor, Minister for Consitutional Affairs Councel Francis Gimara Agula, Athonney General Ojok Jimmy Lukwor, Minister for Education Ricky Ojara Palaro, Ministerr of Culture Joly Okot Laker Parwec, Minister of ICT Patrick Okot Otngec, Minister of Cooperative George Aligaz Agula, Betty Layika Minister of Diaspora Lamala, Minister of Water, Environment and Forestry David Okoyo Palaro, Minister of Energy Charles Ojok Bobi, Minister of Disaster and Preparedness Brand Ford Komakech Lamala, Nyako Ponsiano Palnning and Development Paijera, Minister of Works Eng. Olal Obong Lukee, Gender, Labour and Development Joice Okello. Minister of Health Dr. Alice Vironica Lamwka, Minister of Youth Affairs Okello Rwot Lonyo Lamala, Works Housing and Transport and David Livingstone Amone Minister for General Duty Kal Orimu.