I have registered an attempted murder case against Lt. Gen. Charles Otema Awany- Nancy Oryema.
NWOYA DISTRICT- MONDAY, August 21, 2023.
Nancy Oryema, the granddaughter of Erinayo Wilson Oryema, the former IGP, was standing at the stream of Nyelo Munya just outskirt of her ground father’s tomb, the late IGP Oryema.
Look here, I just installed a CCTV camera here to monitor activity taking place within my farm. In the morning at 9.30Am I received a message from CCTV informing me that there was a movement of people coming toward my place. But a moment later the CCTV camera was shifted off.” Nancy Oryema narrated to the media.
However, one of my workers, one called Onen, says while coming to this place they show Uganda People Defence Forces UPDF soldiers walking in a single line moving toward this place.
Later when the UPDF soldiers arrived, another vehicle came and two UPDF walked out of the vehicle, and vandalized the gate including CCTV camera. She was told, Nancy Oryema claimed.
On the 19, 8, 2023 my CCTV camera and sola was removed by one called Christopher Opwonya, when I ask him why he was removing the CCTV camera, he told me that his father Lt. Gen. Otema told him to remove it, and told me that our time if over this their time.
Adds that the UPDF who came threatened her in verbal attack, what they are doing is nothing, they have done things like burying people while blood is oozing that is tantamount to crimes.
“When my worker was filming the activities which were taking place, those UPDF soldiers threatened to shoot him, but she told them that she was going to ring Gulu UPDF4 Division Commander and Commander of Defense Forces, CDF, this forced them to walk out to the scene. “Nancy Oryema narrates.
When asked by the Black Star News if she contacted Lt. Gen. Otema Awany over the incident?
Nancy Oryema own account to the Journalist at the side two day ago after the incident, first there was guns short which was fired in the morning, and when they move to the side, she met Lt. Gen. Charles Otema Awany, she asked him why his soldiers were shooting the guns, and why did he sent people to vandalized her gate and CCTV camera
Gen. Otema denied that his people were shooting on air to scare the Elephants. But acknowledged that his people destroyed illegal gate and CCTV cameras which were planted in his land.
Nancy Oryema insisted that the part she had planted CCTV camera was not part of the land that they took Gen Otema to court, although she revealed that the late Erinayo Wilson Oryema case is before High Court Judge
Justice Phillip Odoki, Gulu High Court Judge came for a locker visit in July this year, for the case which is before court cannot be the subject matter, she narrates.
Nancy Oryema says in 2022 Gen. Otema came plough land near her late father’s tomb, when the tractor ploughs the areas which we have worked on, his men come and also plough off the plantation which we have planted like maize.
Onen Patrick confirmed, says one Opwonya who is the son of Gen. Otema did all short bad things.
“The boy says we cannot do anything.”
Gen. Charles Otema Awany, when contacted about the incident, says that lady is stupid.
Why did she block the road going to our water sources, the gate which she built was on my way where my people go to fetch water? When she knows for sure that the land case is still in court.
“I have never traced the past into the late Erinayo Wilson Oryema, the former IGP, that land she claimed to be long to her I bought it from Getrude Auma, the daughter of Erinayo Oryema, and the case is before Gulu High Court. Until the High Court Judge rules over the case, then any activities can take place.
That lady Nancy is very stupid, when first blocks our roots and then she runs to the media.” Gen. Otema warns.
David Mudong, Aswa Region Regional Spokesperson when contacted to give his comment, he was out of reach. However, Regional Police Commander for Aswa Region. to comment of registered CRB 482/2023, the case registered in Nwoya District Police Station for Aggravated robbery and robbery of CCTV camera REF: 26/19/08/2023