Global Politics
If Ugandan apply the same presser that they put on legislators on UGX 1O, political road map would lead to democracy T
If the pressure that was mounted on Legislators and the Speaker of Parliament demanding that they should return UGX 10 billion in the weak of COVID-19, they would put on other pressing issues which has been affecting the country. Like corruption, nepotism, democracy and political transitional governs process. Uganda will never be the same.
OMORO-UGANDA: The Editor of Oyeng Yeng News catch up with the Democratic Party Hon Okot Peter, the MP for Toci County in an exclusive interview, asked him why he opted to return the UGX 20 million given to them by the Speaker of the Parliament Rebecca Kadega.
Question, why did you decide to take back the UGX 20 million to Omoro District Task Force for COVID-19?
Answer, you see, generally mismanagement of funds and misdirecting resources on unnecessary priority needs of the productivities, for example, every years in every speech made by the government officials or other dignitaries.
The word Agriculture is the back born of the country, this means if the resources can be channel to Agriculture. Agriculture if you are to rank it, it is number five in the hierarchy. It should have been heavily funded and supported.
For many years the ministry of defense has been number one priority of the government budget, but now ministry of Work has supersede ministry of Defense. But, even the money that goes to Uganda National Road Authority (UNRA), which is heavy funding to UNRA, the funding goes back to treasury, they failed to utilized it 100 percent.
If it was budgeted for and it went back, that all the roads has been seen done, it would be no shoddy road construction in the country and all the road would have been tarmac.
If they have been putting amount of pressure enormous allocation the fund would have been put to uses, I called it enormous because it did not appeared on the supplementary list of needs assessments.
I should not stop on this, it should be a start on this critical mass, it start like this one time the pressure can touch the president. You know the intervention of this COVID-19 should have not been left to government.
The community, the households, individual and government must work together without leaving out stakeholders, not only government. But together government can give directives, that this a, b, c and d should be done.
Then now fallback to me, we must appreciate that this is a new phenomenon that get it to term which is difficult, we can add to directives of one, two or three days to follow the guideline of the lock down.
That means a direct follow of the directive is not there, people get retracted, yes, people true in every rudimentary way, you will get the jerry cane and piece of soap in every household at least the element that people has the hand washing, but the challenges they do not have the detergent could have been minimized.
Whether the people may find themselves locked down in this, people are engaged in Agricultural, the working civil servants, the hoes are there. But, people are lacking seeds, you cannot get Beans, Ground nuts and others seeds a part.
Question. Are you aware that Acholi Sub Region will be hit hard with COVID-19 pandemic, if the current social distancing is not observed and the truck drivers controlled?
Ans. It’s human nature that man is naturally stubborn, we have two major kind of people in Toci County, Omoro District, Kampala and the rural areas. The cases of COVID-19 pandemic is coming with truck drivers.
However, the government maintained that whether back or not success the truck drivers from the time they get result after 24 hours testing, how many people would have they had contact with. I believe these truck drivers has contact with people.
The boda boda they are chasing opportunity of the lockdown to continue with their business of getting oil from the truck drivers, this is another sources of getting COVID-19 pandemic to the society. We have to get the intervention of target OPEC boys especially those who have been dealing with truck drivers.
Preventive measures should be put in place if it is the proof that you have contact with the truck drivers, you have to be taken to quarantine isolation center in Opit Secondary School Omoro District Headquarter, and it is not easy to lock down for COVID-19.
Covid-19 is a social evil.
Question: What is your take on COVID-19 as being social evil?
Ans: Let us look at COVID-19 pandemic positively and negatively, education sector has been down, all the sectors has been affected.
For people who made their plan in January to end of the year have been affected too, school term has been disrupted, government revenues, tourism down.
Positive part, there are lesson learned from COVID-19 as much as we have some cultivation, we have not planned for food security. There are no family in Uganda that can stay for a month without food, we have to plan for food granary (Dero).
You earn UGX 2 million and use it all, after COVID-19 pandemic life must continue, many people should use this time for soul searching and plan so that you have something after COVID-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 has given you the time to get and plan to do real agriculture if you are in it. Because people will live to eat after COVID-19.
Question: Do you think COVID-19 is a beacon of hope for the current Uganda Legislators and President Museveni, since COVID-19 is a golden opportunity the government will use it to claim that there is no money for Presidential polls in 2021?
Ans: For me I still feel that COVID-19 should not be used to prevent presidential election in 2021, but you know that economy has been affected, government may not give the money to Uganda Electoral Commission.
Apart from the many issues that we all see the economy remain greatly affected that might affect funding of election.
Question: Who is gaining and losing in this COVID-19 politically?
Ans: Politics is about reaching out to the people, so right now everybody is in lock down apart from President Museveni and the Chairman Local Government who they are in active politics, and some defiance political heavy weight
If presidential poll is called today, President Museveni will win election since 1986, president Museveni has not been popular, now when president Museveni is addressing a nation he is making a point.
To back up this, when Museveni is giving presidential address to the nation, he is getting 100 percent, because everybody is attentively listening to him.