Track Drivers uses feeder roads to avoid COVID-19 Pandemic testing
Awere community block truck driver from crossing to South Sudan due to fear they might be infected by COVID-19, Police allow the track driver to pass as meony change hands.
By our Reporter in Pader District
PADER-UGANDA: The truck driver number UAP 290 Z was blocked by irate
community of Awere center, at Awere Sub County, Pader District for fear he is a victim of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Truck driver did not have any documents on him but when he was
confronted by Mike Odongkara former Photographer of the Nation Media
who currently works with APF in Canada, but is currently at home in Awere.
Odongkara told Oyeng Yeng online News publication that .The truck driver number UAP 290 Z was heading to Pader district but they stop it when it approaches the road block being minded by Local councilor I of the area,, he urged
But Awere police officer, the In-Charge, the O.C, used his position wanted the track driver to bribe his
way, but fortunately he stood his ground and refuse the bribe of UGX 10,000.
Odongkara urged.
Godfrey Ochan the OC of Awere police post after negotiating with the
track driver order the area Local Council I of the area to go and talk to him with
the view that the truck driver is offering him UGX 10,000. if he can allow the track driver to pass
He adds that when the OC of Awere could not understand since the community wanted the track not to proceed, later on he contacted Patrick Jimmy Okema the Aswa Region Police Spokesperson, who
later referred him to Pader District Police Commander as the matter was very urgent.
However, the DPC of Pader District could not help, since he refer him to Awere police officer to handle the matter
Odongkare says the commynity concern they wanted track driver to be held at Awere unless the ministry of health or Pader Health Officials test him for COVID-19 pandemic, then the track driver would not proceed with his journey.
He says when fianlly he contacted the RDC of Pader District Dusman Okee who later intervene and that led to avert situation, the track driver was order to go back to where he come from.
Okot Akori an elder from Awere also says truck drivers they are using feeder roads like Awere,
bolo- Pajule joining Kitgum roads to go to South Sudan.
This is not the first time,many of the Kenyans track drivers are getting their way to South Sudan or inside Acholi woodland just to get charcoal.
Last week in Gulu Hon. Ronald Reagan says the community of Omel in Paicoh Sub County, Gulu District arrested one track driver deep inside Omel Apem which 50 kilomter east of Gulu City, this are indication that our community in Acholi Sub Region they are becoming vigilant on COVID-19 pandemic
John Ogwok today when appearing on local radio station , Mega FM , says Lamwo Community have arrested 10 people from South Sudan who came to attain funeral rite in Lamwo district,