Global Politics


Hon. Speaker Anita Among laying floor at the grave of her comrade the late Jacob Oulanyah in Ayom lony village, Lalogi

State minister for Northern Uganda Dr. Kenneth Omona made failed to articulate issues affecting Northern Uganda, his motion on cattle war debt was rejected because of lacking details.

“Don’t play to the gallery, we know Northern Uganda was in war for over twenty years, let the MPs from the region speak about the issues that affect the region, but do not politicize it,” said Speaker Hon, Anita Among.

Meanwhile during an impromptu visit to the home of thelate speaker of the 11th Parliament, the late Hon. Jacob Oulanyah L’okori, on Tuesday August 27, Hon. Anita Among promised to finish the stalled mansionconstruction started by the late Speaker.

GULU – WEDNESDAY August 28, 2024

By Livingstone Okumu Langol

Big shame and uncertainty gripped the Regional Parliament sitting in Gulu on day one, August 28, 2024 as Dr. Kenneth Omona failed to deliver issues affecting the Greater North.

After a roll call made by Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among when parliament opened at 10:00 East African Standard Time,Uganda parliamentary Chief WhipHon. Denis HamsonObua read the order paper that allows Regional Parliament sitting in Gulu.

Later, Anita Among, the Speaker of the August House summoned Dr. Kenneth Omona to present the most wanting issues to allow 315 Members of Parliament present in theRegional Parliament sitting at Kaunda Grounds in Gulu to debate.

Dr. Omona in his presentation of the motion began to deliver his key address on Acholi war-debt stalled payment, but the MP representing Pakwach, Emmanuel OnyierthoJamony on a point of information questioned the StateMinister for Northern Uganda whether that was the agreed presentation from all the Greater North MPs.

Later on, Anita Among, the Speaker rejected his brief and seemingly confused presentation on the ground that he was not prepared.

The speaker Anita Among said the House would love to hear from him that the issues affecting Northern Uganda areland grabbing including Aswa Ranch, road infrastructure, agriculture, valley dams, irrigation, Balaalo migrants to North and Eastern Uganda, charcoal burning, forest degradation and Acholi war debt compensations, among others.

When Dr, Omona, state minister for Northern Uganda was making his presentation on Acholi, Lango and Teso war debt compensations, concerning the animals looted and raided during war and the Karimojong raids, MPs looked with bemusement as the minister said UGX 71 billion was released as per the 2021/2022 financial budget. This. despite the fact the MPs know that the money that should have been released should have been UGX 150bn.

The Parliament was adjourned at 4.00 p.m. East African time with the parliamentarians looking disappointed by the minister’s lack of preparedness to articulate Northern Uganda issues.

Meanwhile earlier onTuesday August 27, 2024, about 10.00 p.m. East African time, Hon Speaker Anita Among’smotorcade entered the late Speaker Jacob Oulanyah L’okori’s home in Ajuri village, Omoro District. Oulanyah’s beloved father Nathan Okori, 95, was at hand to receive the motorcade for the second time since 2022 when his late son passed on.

Others at hand to receive the Hon. Speaker wereAdiyo Oulanyah and Hon Andrew Ojok Oulanyah, the youngest daughter and the eldest son respectively. Another eminent person accompanying the Speaker was Bishop Emeritus of Northern Uganda Anglican Church, Johnson Gakumba.

The speaker Anita Among went briefly inside the late Jacob Oulanyah’s house and later was directed to lay a wreath on the grave of Jacob Oulanyah.

A moment later, Bishop Emeritus Johnson Gakumba prayed for the family of the late Speaker Jacob Oulanyah and the new Speaker Anita Among.

Muzee Nathan Okori later showed Anita Among the late Jacob Oulanyah’s stalled construction of his hugemansion.

“I welcome you the Speaker Anita Among, take this ram as a gift from me. You see the building which was started by the late Speaker has not been finished.“President Museveni promised to continue with the work,” Mzee Okori Nathan informed.

Anita Among thanked Mzee Okori, “I thank “Apap” father that God has given you health, and I am happy that we got you in the state we left you two years ago. “We promised to support you, we supported the boy of the late Oulanyah, we gave him a job to work in Parliament, as we also promised the little girl Atim Oulanyah further studies; we are going to sponsor her,” Anita Among in a low tone said.

She added, “we promised to come herein Gulu Citybecause the late Jacob Oulanyah had promised to moveParliament to the people, and Gulu is home to Ugandans.”

“It is also beneficial to some MPs because they did not know the road to Gulu, and now as I speak, the rooms in Gulu Hotels are full.It is peculiar to bring regional Parliament to Gulu, because Uganda Constitution chapter 95 (2)(a) says Parliament of Uganda shall sit anywhere in the country so long as the place is in Uganda,” She added.

The speaker Anita Among, also commissioned Omoro 87.5 FM radio station which was billed by the late SpeakerOulanya.While addressing hundreds of well-wishers who had gathered to witness the Omoro FM Radio Station launch, that came on air for the first time.

She advised the current Omoro District Chairman Okello Douglas Okao who is said to be eyeing parliamentary seat in Omoro come 2026 to step down for Hon. Andrew Ojok Oulanyah.“He should remain in the Districtchairman seat,” she said. She implored the people of Lalogi to vote for Andrew Ojok Oulanyah, come 2026 and the gathering shouted in support of Andrew Ojok Oulanyah to retain his parliamentary seat.

Douglas Peter Okao did not respond to the request of Hon. Speaker Anita Among, but he only introduced himself and thereafter, the gathering also gave him a loud applause.

Hon. Okot Peter, the MP for Tochi County, Omoro district advised Omoro people to use the radio to channel their demands especially on the matters of farming.

“Now you have Omoro 97.5 FM, don’t play, use the opportunity to mobilize your people” Hon. Okot Peter said.

On her way back, Speaker Anita Among met CanowiraCharles, the area local leader Pece Pawel village, Gulu City. Canowira toldthe Hon. Speaker that their primary school is facing a number of problems; people and even animals just walk in and out because there is no fence to deter them from trespassing, and so there is need to fence-off the school.

Canowira also made it known to the Speaker that the regional referral hospital is often short of drugs.

Akullu Santa Acolla, the Head teacher of Pece Pawel Primary School said the school which was Anglican founded in 1937, and currently has 841 pupils and 41 primary teachers, informed the Speaker that their lives are in danger because of the dilapidated buildings that can collapse on them anytime. She expressed the fact their pupils are so poor, many lack basics for education like scholastic materials.

Meanwhile Hon. Gilbert Olanya, the area MP for Kilak South, in an interview with the press said they are going topetition the Parliament to build permanent housing for nodding syndrome children as per President Museveni promised.“We are also going to petition Regional Parliament sitting in Gulu to let them give the deadline for Balaalo to go out of Northern Uganda and also about Aswa Ranch illegal land grabbing. “We shall also petition the regional parliament about the war-debt claims about lost animals and on the issue ofApaa land illegal land grabbing”, Olanya said.

Rev. Father Onen, the MP for Gulu East City said it was important to petition about the nodding disease syndrome that threatens to wipe out the people in the region.


Speaker Among later on complained about a group of MPs who have boycotted the regional parliament, saying they do not love Northern Uganda. The Leader of Opposition, Hon. Joel Ssenyonyi managed to dissuade some parliamentarians from attending the regional sitting, saying it is a waste of tax payers’ money since business could have been conducted more cheaply in the parliamentary building in Kampala Capital City.

Other activity conducted by Among was to lay a foundation stone to build a perimeter wall around Kaunda Grounds of Gulu City.



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